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imactually going to try drinking my pee after my next voyage with amanita, i have only eaten it twice so far, only testing doses but still i felt effects from these doses, it can be a very potent molecule.
Hi everybody ! First of all i want to apologize for my poor english, i'm not a native speaker !

I recently grew some colombian psilocybe cubensis, and tried 2 times (once in the nature and once in a outdoor festival) at low dose (10g) and really liked it so far.

I'm a huge music lover and regularly go to events with music i like, the only bad point of those partys is: it finishes very late, and its nearly impossible to stay awake until the end without taking drugs. But i'm totally not into party chemical drugs that makes you stay awake like speed or mdma, i'm way more into psychedelic stuff.

So far what i did to stay awake was drinking alcool, i know that it is actually a horrible drug, and i dont like the effects it gives. It is just the only drug i'm sure i can now manage (after a lot of trouble i've been through with it) and that makes me quite awake, but i actually don't like it, and would like to change that habit.

When i took the mushrooms in the festival i felt an great positive energy, an opening of perceptions, and a state of mind that really suited me. It kept me awake in a way better way than alcool usually does.

Now I'm wondering, would it be really bad (i mean for my health, my brain and mentaly) to take mushrooms at low dose (so around 10g) every week or every two weeks ? I know doing it at high dose can really fuck up your brain quickly. But here it was really a little trip, i was still totally connected to reallity, it just gave me the good energy i needed. So i wonder if doing that would be worse than drinking my usual 30-40 cl of rhum.

I'm open to all advices, thank you !
Firstly, I have to ask. 10 grams is a lot, if it's dry. Are these wet that you're talking about? Because if these are dry, they're very weak to have 10g be low.

But to your question, at once a week, low dose, that's fine. It's becoming common to use as an anti-inflammatory and a pain killer, but I don't know how often ppl take it for such purposes.

High doses are all relative. I know someone who became all born again after weeks of doing some very strong shrooms, but they had to have needed something in their life. And there was one very odd occurrence that finalized the decision. It really all depends on the stability of the person. Taking a lot is not a guarantee of having effects on the brain or psyche. If one is prepared for the travels and adventures, it does not kill brain cells, it does not alter you in a tragic way. IMHO.
Of course i'm taking about 10g fresh, colombian mushrooms are quite strong, 10g dry would send me damn far in outer space and i could definitly not call it a low dose ^^
i don't believe that mushrooms are bad for health at the doses we see people doing. there has been no LD 50 established for human beings, however, all of the LD 50's for animals are A LOT higher, exponentially higher than even what would be considered a high dose for people. so i personally would not worry about brain health.

mind, mental health though, is another story entirely. if one takes a larger dose than they anticipated, then this could potentially be a hazardous experience for the mind, it could also be absolutely enlightening. the factors that would cause this are many, but what it really comes down to is the ability to go with the flow of the experience, and not try to resist.

curious, why do you wish to take mushrooms on a regular basis? the tolerance builds VERY quickly, and they don't really offer much at a low dose anyways...
Thank you for your answer :)

Well, the reason why im interessted by low dose on a regular basis is just that it gave me a good energy and a connection with the music when i tried it in a festival, so i'm interessted to have that feeling again in next music events i'm going to go to. I am also interessted by the exploration of the mind (so higher doses and other kind of psychedelic), but i experience that in other kind of context (like all alone or just with one good friend, in the nature or at home), here i'm just wondering what the dangers are if i regularly take a little bit just to have a little trip and some good energy. And i understood the tolerance was like 5-7 days, so taking mushrooms every 1 or 2 week should be good, isnt it ?
You'll be just fine. There's no danger in that dose level that often. In fact, you won't feel much, but you'll have to experiment to see whether 10, 15 or 20 fresh will be what you want. Probably no visuals and all body effects.
10g fresh? Why, that is a low dose ;p

Cool beans, though, you seem to be on to something of your own here. I know Terence McKenna spoke some (after being asked, I think, during several of his seminaries) on the topic of regularly eating low doses of psilocybin in order to make a significant change in your state of ordinary reality. Basically, the topic would be psychedelic dieting (which is common for Plant-Spirit Shamans to do with many plants in order to bond with their spirit and acquire a new Ally), wherein you stay on a strict, bland diet (say, rice, cooked veggies and fish, no spices fancy drinks or even chocolate!) together with a daily dose of whatever-plant (in this case, psilocybin-mushies) for a longer period of time, say, a few months. Terence himself was quite cautious of the idea of dieting on psiocybin, as it most likely will change You after just a shorter period of time. But then, he was into heroic doses and wild hallucinations ...

I don't know if your interests would be touching on the subject of shamanic dieting, but I think that what you're doing will ultimately touch on the subject as you grow more complacent or brave (or less...). Fair warning, though: if a guy like Terence warns others on how "little you must know of how strange this reality will prove to be on a diet" (...as if it wasn't, already!), it might be worth a shot reading up on the subject a bit more (or less!) before undertaking serious, weekly measures.

I'm sure it'd be fairly easy to google the subject if you have the interest. Otherwise, there's a great book on the subject (psychedelic dieting, not necessarily strictly psilocybin) called Plant Spirit Shamanism by Ross Heaven/Howard G. Charing.

Personally, I find mushrooms to be too much of a visionary sacrament to take a little of now and then. For my regular hyper-speed journeying, during musical sessions, playing with friends or just ass-to-the-floor contemplation, I just smoke massive amounts of ganja. Works fine if you've got the mindset for it ;)

Good journeying!
It has come to my understanding that Psilocybin is harmless to the human system. Less toxic than aspirin, even, and I knew of individuals who took aspirin daily. As far as I'm concerned, if you can handle the trip, and it's your thing, you can't do bad with the mushroom.
I would say it's not physically dangerous too take low doses regularly, but for the mind it's another story, it would be like any other substance you think must to take for a purpose : seems to be the gold way to addiction... Why do you need to take a psychoactive regularly to get the same modifications of your mindset? Seems like an enslavement isn't it? Shrooms can open your mind about that on a stronger dose, it would show you your own ability to change your perception of the Now.. But it's just my point of view...
Anyway, I wish you great connection and peacefull journey's with Cubes!
There was a time when I took one or two medium to strong trips per week and there were absolutely no bad side effects. Actually, back then I really enjoyed tripping that much and it made me happier and more energetic even when I was sober. As long as you feel comfortable with it, there is no down side to mushrooms.

Have you tried Kratom for staying awake? It's a great feel good drug for me and it really keeps you up and running. If you don't do it more than once a week there are also no bad side effects from it.
ThePsychonauticOne a dit:
It has come to my understanding that Psilocybin is harmless to the human system. Less toxic than aspirin, even, and I knew of individuals who took aspirin daily. As far as I'm concerned, if you can handle the trip, and it's your thing, you can't do bad with the mushroom.

Considering the fact that over 1100 people die per year in the US from aspirin, yes, mushrooms are far less toxic. In fact, I'm not aware of anyone ever dying from consumption of psychoactive mushrooms. The medical industry likes to have LD50 figures, even though it would be impossible to achieve. There is one for cannabis even though zero deaths have ever occurred in the history of the planet and testing the figure is impossible as well. The same holds true for mushrooms. It's something like 350 grams dry for a 120 pound person. You couldn't even come close to consuming enough mushroom to ever achieve that level. So, in practical terms, there is no toxic dose. Extracts may be a different matter.

That is one reason why mushroom identification field guides always piss me off. They show the Cubes and Azures and other actives and ID them as toxic, not hallucinogenic. There's a huge difference in my dictionary between the two.

Edit 30 minutes later:
I wish I had remembered this thread when I wrote. FMRC is the only person in the US who is licensed to grow magic mushrooms. He can be relied upon for the most accurate information available. He questions the laws on mushrooms in this thread:
I dont recommend taking mushrooms regularly my self. Their will be no psychical problems but it will eventually get to your head.
Mushrooms are their for a spiritual purpose, for reviewing your life and gaining knowledge etc
Thats why you get the amazing feeling of oneness and xtc states, your feeling your inner connection to the world concioussness/GOD if u must..

Now, if i was reading this, i would probably ignore it, but i will tell you, i have done it on a regular basis and it quickly looses is "special Spark"
ANd if you like that feeling as much i do! i wouldnt ruin it!
I've wondered about this as well. I love mushroom trips, and they've been great for treating my depression. But I've been curious if there would be a way to treat the depression with low doses regularly, rather than doing the extreme bungee jump of a full-on trip. Right now I am enjoying doing semi-regular trips at 2-3g dried, but after the summer ends I will probably not be tripping out. I may try a .5-1g per week regimen for a bit and see how it goes. I have a lot more mushrooms than I need at the moment :)
I have done extensive research on low dose psilocybin us in myself and have also seen a miss-use of low dose (1-2gram level daily) go very wrong.
I accepted Psilocybin as my spirits teacher about 1996 after a big 7gram journey. It's a long and amazing road - though rather narrow;)

About 2006 my Teacher pointed out that if I didn't like the residual effects of early childhood learning disabilities - caused by Excito-toxins (a fungus too!) in our foods - I could take a tiny (I mean tiny)
amount of Psilocybe mushrooms once a day in the morning. We'll I had gotten tired of not being the sharpest tool in the shed so I took his advice. Recall those simple fishermen who became apostles...

As for the dose - I'd recommend no more than a short fingernail clipping. Remember, if your feeling it - you took too much (a positive mood is good but - tingling or anxiety -too much). It's supposed to boost your over all 5HTP levels - Serotonin is sooooooooo key to our health I can't even start to tell you. For one thing it has the best indications of being neuron food. The repeated application of 5HTP (Serotonin) on neurons causes them to grow...(2nd year Psychobio book in college).

Now this level can quickly cure depression (one month tops) as depression is related to depletion of neurons - that is why it takes time to fix depression - your nervous-system needs to be rebuilt.

This level can also cure Asthma - as my wife has had this benefit.

But as a warning - my dear sister - bless her soul - at one time was taking an 1/8 here and a couple of caps there and did this for over a week every day - Just as Maria Sabina said so long ago - this behavior when set and setting are poor - can cause temporary insanity - or at least a mental state that to all but the closest friends and kin appears like psychosis. She still counts the experience as a life changing catalyst that moved her out of witch craft and onto a path working with the Creator. Yet my family and I were greatly disturbed during those days/weeks - as the "expert" back then I had to keep reminding everyone that it would last only one week. So realize it is spiritual and you are a house/temple of spirit - don't just open yourself anywhere at any time - pick what you want to absorb.

An in-tune Mt. Zion (psilocybin) band - Raging Fyah Radcodes SocialEngine v4 Demo - View Video Feed - Raging Fyah - Karma
Mushroom have many important nutrients, Oyster mushrooms are a good source or iron, White Mushroom help in Weight Loss and Prostate Cancer Prevention
Parismilton - thanks for the info - for the Prostate Cancer I would also advise men to avoid any kind of petrolatum (carcinogenic) product in their favorite brand of hand cream - if you get what I mean.
iv started associating most of the "body high" from mushrooms with them bieng hard on the liver, what caused me to belive this was my several experiences with mushroom exttract, it was subtle with almost no body high, and the visuals were subtle but sometimes would pick up and get super fractaly. normaly when i eat mushrooms i experience anxiety and a wierd, sometimes pleasamt, sometimes unpleasant body high... i personaly believe that some toxins/something in some mushrooms can be hard on the liver
i've said this before, but it's worth mentioning again that: one must take extra care if picking wild mushrooms. mushrooms are EXCELLENT at pulling toxins from soil. if the picking area has had chemical fertilizer, pesticide or insecticide sprayed on or even NEAR it, you better believe you'd be ingesting it!