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hey guys, i just bought an oz of A+ grade amanita mushrooms, and was wondering if 10G was a good starting dose? iv experimented with panther caps a couple years ago, but dont remember what kind of doses i was working with. (i think 1 oz lasted me 4-5 trips)
I have just picked around 50 psilocybe semilanceata's. I don't have a scale but I know many people just count the mushrooms they've picked themselves.

So how many? :)
50. more if you can get them

if they are strong 10-20 will be a threshold dose. if they are weak 40 will be threshold. populations of semilanceata can be variable

50 is a good number
Thanks for the answer. :)

I'm at my parent's house right now and I have found 3 different locations on our property with liberty caps. It's raining right now so hopefully I can get some more tomorrow or next week.

Also, we seem to have a patch of grass with lots of rare agrocybe's. Or at least I think it's agrocybe, they look like liberty caps but without the nipple and they have a brown spore print, and the cap doesn't curl inwards that much.
I see...

I used this key: http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/gallery/chooser.asp

I think the problem in identification is more to which agrocybe specie you're dealing with, while the genus is easier to identify.

Well I don't really care for them as they aren't psychoactive :wink:
I just was really curious what mushroom it was because we have thousands of them growing here. I have some pictures but not on my computer.
What dose do you take? Do you prefer fresh or dried? How much did you take your first time?

I have yet to become beshroomed, what does everyone recommend as far as dose of cubensis for a first timer?

edit: I assume it matters: I weigh around 135 lbs
I like to take about 5 dried grams. As for a beginner I would suggest 2 grams. My first time I took around 2 grams. Anything else you would like to know, let us know!

peace & love
my first time I took approximately 6 grams of few-months-old dried shrooms. My friend didn't know anything about the substance and made brownies out of them, thereby probably destroying most of the psilocybin. It was a light trip, though mushrooms never tasted that good again.

Have you ever taken psychedelics before? Light effects are noticable on 1 gram dried, medium on about 2-4 grams dried, heavy on 5 grams +++, but this is also dependent on personal factors, the strength of the shrooms, the surroundings you find yourself in, etc.

Prepare well, don't be scared and you'll be fine whatever the dose.
Dosage depends on strain of mushrooms. :P
And on everything else.
Well I have plenty of experience with cannabis as a mild psychedelic, and one notable salvia experience. I would classify myself as sensitive, but I dont have a lot of experience to back that up.

I was thinking of maybe taking a small dose alone in my apartment, and then a medium dose in the wilderness somewhere with a sitter or a fellow tripper nearby when I have the time to get away.

Oh and the strain is B+
If I could start ignorant with what I know now, I'd lock myself and do every psychedelic instantly at it's max. :lol: It's a matter of trust in fate, rather than gained experience. Because once you goes off, gained control is worth nothing. Trust in that condition is.

Btw, do 2 or 3 grams dried. For copelandia's, not more than 1 gram dried. Although I personally find these more comfortable than cubensis. But everyone's different.
Have 1oz of Amanita Muscaria and want some various opinions on what to do for my first trip with it.

I havnt tripped on anything 'serious' in about 12 years and I dont remember the differences between real shrooms and lsd and dmt and the like since I was pretty much eating, snorting or toking everything in my path at the time.

First recommendation Ive had has been to eat a half a cap and then if nothing funky after an hour eat another quarter then a agian a quarter later if still no.

Id prefer to do it by grams if possible. I have a scale that does up to 100grams in .01gram increments. (though at that granularity the ambient room wind makes it fluctuate +/- .03 sometimes lol.)

Btw the 1oz is the picture I posted in this forum so you can see how ive got a mixture of caps and stems and what not. Not sure if there is a real difference between them or if its just one of those urban legends that druggies (and I mean that in the nicest possibly way hehe, im a druggy!) :D pass around cuz it seems cool to think that caps are more potent.

Suggestions from all sides are greatly apreciated. If weight of the person makes a difference please mention that too. Not comfortable sharing my weight but sadly enough I'm BIG so if its by weight I could need more, if its all brain chemistry then the other situation is my psyche meds all seem to make me sensative to everything so I should probably procede on the side of caution of all suggestions.

Thanks! Really lookin forward to my first real 'trip' since my idiot days in college. Be like a nice controlled burst correction to my flight pattern hehe.
sorry this is probably way late, but i think you are right on the money, in testing them.
which subspecies are they(ie muscaria, alba, flavivolvata(?)...)
i saw some in a store in sandiego, and asked my bro on another site, after telling him my weight(175) and ethnobotanical / psychedelic history( a LOT). he said to start with about 2-3g, and work up. ive heard 7g from a 185lb dude, but that seems like a lot. i suggest google the shit(amt of muscimol/ibotenic acid per gram of soma...then threshold dose per kilogram of body weight, a little math, and youll end up with a figure. if thats my bro, he would take that figure and add to it,no matter the substance. some are conservative. some are standard. you decide.
fuck, im rambling like hell...hope thats allowed on this site...lol
Sounds like you've got it just start slow with them first. Powdering several caps together equalizes potentcy variabilities :)

3 grams would be a good first dose. Don't expect anything insane. Prepare for possible nausea/purging, and body-temp changes.

One may fall into a light nap; This is quite pleasant, don't fight it. :lol:

Amanita is said to have reverse tolerance... so you will need less flesh for the same effect as you walk the path with Amanita.


P.S. Drinking ones' pee is recommended to the seeker of a cleaner and heavier psychedelic experience.
flickedbic a dit:
P.S. Drinking ones' pee is recommended to the seeker of a cleaner and heavier psychedelic experience.

thats just sick. :shock:
could u plz PM me on your doses and reactions.
were did u get them pick your own or shop
i herd the chemical is in the red skin mostly, and mushrooms should be dried or souped to avoid most stomach discomfort.
as this mushroom Disrupts the P.H of the stomach lining whilst being absorbed, this is the discomfort.
and heard 1gram dried is a V.Good test dose of mixed ground material.

apparently despite our conditioning that these mushrooms can eaasily be mistaken for deadly types, there is only one mushroom that looks like a fully blooming Red Amanita Muscaria a Red Amanita Muscaria.

ive had experiences that felt like i was in a trance, like i could have had stars spinning around mi head and i could sense vibrations around my body
did you remember to cook / boil them sidefx?

they have a toxin that is destroyed by heat, then you eat them.