Illegalsmile a dit:if only you could get that message to all the teenage ravers over here popping zoloft like their gonna get off on it. :bear:
It's a message I am ashamed and worried to say even those in charge often do not bother with - one which could genuinely help keep people out of hospital.
They also provided little or harmful information regarding another cause of comas and fatalities, information about water intake; suggesting you should keep consuming water. When the reality is, if you're sitting still for most of the time, drinking pints and pints of it every hour will cause your brain to swell against the inside of your skull, damaging the surface (where the higher functions are generated), leading to serious problems; mental retardation, becoming a human vegetable, coma and a realistic risk of death. The only people who need to remember to drink a bottle of water every hour or two are those girls and boys who are dancing their asses off and dripping with sweat. They also need to sit down every now and again for at least five minutes to let their body cool down a little; have a cigarette or a joint, chat to a friend or start kissing, regular breaks with lots of kissing involved are guaranteed to work things up for later and they'll also keep you from baking your brain. If they weren't on drugs, I'd recommend they also lick or eat something salty (not that, yet ), but since they have the drug in their bloodstream, salt may not be a good idea; the E causes a lot of it's bad effects by messing with the osmotic balance of the blood, causing it to suck up too much water, which the brain then tries to suck up to balance it's self out with the blood water content.
They either don't know what they're talking about, are incapable in their roles as information providers or purposefully don't tell people these two things in an attempt to generate hospital reports featuring severe complications that will serve to keep people scared of the drugs themselves. If the latter is true, it's fucking horrendous! If any of it is true, we need to fix it; a single person undead would make it worthwhile for me.
Last time I checked, I did notice that sites ending in .gov were still using 'Dr' Ricaurte's now infamous flawed paper as their single piece of evidence against MDMA; a paper who's true origin raises some equally worrying questions about how it came to be. I actually contacted one of them to inform them that the paper was not only critically flawed and that fact was noted by numerous scientists but that it had actually been withdrawn from the journal for it's catastrophic errors. No reply, as you'd imagine.
Some other information that people often overlook when thinking about these drugs;
Wait a few hours after eating one or two of the pills; beginners routinely underestimate how long it'll take to really start taking off and just how powerful tiny pills can be; deciding to treat it like alcohol. They'll eat the rest too soon and end up throwing them up, wasting difficult to find, expensive drugs and ruining the experience. They may also end up in hospital, thinking they've been poisoned or are going to die. Taking time away from the staff would should be looking after people who are genuinely dying and generating yet another statistic for 'drug induced risks' and the 'overdose' records; I should say, my idea of an overdose is LD50.
Eat something at some point; I suspect at least some of the deaths reported are due to people either not realizing they are or knowing they are diabetic and forgetting to eat, bombing out their blood sugar and putting them into a coma. I've been with an ampethamine dealer (who knew what he was doing and) who was a diabetic and used to chew through cake when he was on the stuff and stoned; literally, massive chocolate cakes, all to himself. At one point, he'd knocked himself into a delirious state and been falling all over the place, hurting and scaring himself with no one around to help or call except an ambulance. By the time his levels were checked they were twice what they should have been. He was really kind and nice. Poor guy, I wish I'd been there. He now sticks to doing his blood sugar test even when he's been up for days on the drug; if you know you're diabetic TAKE YOUR TEST KIT AND PEN WITH YOU, SET YOUR FUCKING WATCH AND PHONE TO REMIND YOU DO TO DO THE TEST, YOU WILL FORGET. With everyone pilled up, no one will give a shit or think down about you even if you do it right in front of them; most people are really interested in it anyway without the drugs, quit being embarrassed about it! At hospital, diabetics (knowing or otherwise) will be in a delirious state or none responsive and the staff may assume it's the drug doing it, when all they need is a few teaspoons of sugar; it's virtually a certainty that they don't need insulin, because they won't have eaten anything. Not having anything to eat also causes all the dirty, worn down, nauseous feelings (they often appear towards the end, as opposed to the initial, passing nausea of eating strong pills). The dealer I'm talking about used to shout out the door after me "Get her to have something to eat! Even if it's just a sandwich!"; and he's 100% right.
If it's your first time with pills, eat a small amount first, one pill (a half or a quarter might do and won't ruin the first big dose for you), if only to make sure you don't belong to the small group of people who are incapable of consuming these drugs because you lack the enzymes to metabolize them; like the girls and boys in Asia who'll get drunk from one beer because they can't metabolize the alcohol at all well (lucky them ). You will feel a little sick at first, that's normal as your body wonders what it is you've just eaten (NoooooooO! Get it out of me! ). If you keep feeling sick for more than a few hours, you may be lacking the enzymes needed to break it down; assuming they're not solvent rich pills or something else.
If you don't know the person who's handed them to you as a frequent user and haven't had the same before, the logos mean nothing. If it's you've been handed them in a club or at a party and you've only ever seen pictures of them, forget using the logo as a reference. Like the cutting materials, the pressers are on to using recognized logos to pass their shit off as quality. Very generally, the quality of the pressing will reflect how much care has gone into it. If it's falling apart and looks shit, there's a better chance that it is shit; that's not to say that solid pressings are necessarily better pills.
The crystals aren't necessarily pure. I've had 250mg of crystals that should have gotten me rolling fine, but that did very little to me. If the crystals aren't white, it's another indicator that someone hasn't been washing or distilling the drug properly, and that it may have been cut down.
As a general rule of thumb, the bigger and cheaper the pills are, the more likely it is they don't contain much MDMA and that they'll have caffeine or meth in them as amplifiers. Pills should taste kind of bitter, like grapefruit, but the dominating taste will be of a kind of synthetic, plasticy kind. Calling it bitter or tangy is kind of wrong, they're just the closest I can think of; it's that kind of taste that gets at the back of your tongue. Once you taste pure MDMA, you'll know it from them on. Pill dealers will purposefully cut the pills with things that try to mimic the bitter taste; it's harder for them to mimic the synthetic, plasticy taste, so focus on that. Taste is a semi-decent way of judging how strong the pills are. You don't have to eat them, just lick them. If they're clean and strong, a single lick will be enough to tell you and won't do anything to you. Some of the pills I've had have tasted remarkably like solvent, as opposed to MDMA; the taste of solvent dominated the synthetic plastic like taste. They were still active, but the kinds of solvent they'll have used (like acetone) are not great if you eat them and will make you feel more sick. The sick feeling should pass with pure, strong MDMA once the drug has been absorbed into your bloodstream, the same is true of other molecules in that family. If the sick feeling persists for three or more hours it may be solvent or you're intolerant to the drug it's self. There are a two possibilities for why the solvent ended up in the pills. Firstly, it could be actual MDMA and the person who made it either doesn't know what they're doing or just doesn't give a shit. This is the most worrying possibility given that the final stage in preparing MDMA often includes mercury salts (which are FAR more neurotoxic than mercury it's self); if they haven't bothered to wash those out, that's a bad thing. The second is that someone has bought a batch of MDMA and then used solvent to help mush it up into the cutting material, and then not bothered to dry them out. Either way, solvent rich pills are likely to make you feel quite a lot rougher. Unfortunately, being able to smell and taste the solvent is something you'll only be able to do if you've smelt or tasted the solvent (think nail polish remover) and have tasted clean MDMA. If someone offers you five for ~$25-30, they're probably not very good. If you get five for more like $50, and they're tiny and have that characteristic taste, they're probably good; nothing is free.
Avoid people who rave on about how "good their shit is" or "how it kept them awake for ages". If it's good, they'll know it is. You'll know it is. They won't need to go on about it. One lick and there'll be smiles all round. MDMA will keep you awake all night, but it's not that hard to fall asleep once you stop eating it. If it keeps you awake for days, it's probably got amphetamine or meth in it; both of which are far cheaper to produce than MDMA and produce the 'charged up' feeling, and so are ideal cutting material. There has only ever been one pill I've seen that had heroin in it. Heroin is more expensive than MDMA, so using it to cut pills with is entirely backwards. The pill also looked like someone had made it at home to prove a point; meaning, it looked shit and was falling apart like it would if someone didn't have a proper press or the know how to use it.
I am genuinely concerned that drugs like MDMA may lead to girls being 'raped', in that people who enjoy manipulating people to hurt them will know that E is one of the drugs girls will want to try and that it'll render them into a state where they'll be more willing to have unprotected sex. That is a terrible thing to do and the world doesn't need anymore single moms, hurt girls or unwanted babies.
If you ever feel like you're getting too hot, immediately sit down. If it doesn't go away, go outside. If it still doesn't go away, call for help. Some labs have been using starting material that, when run through the same processing steps, will induce hyperthermia; either not knowing what they're doing or not caring so long as people 'get fucked up' on the result.
I would urge everyone who reads this to pass on those few bits of information. The bit about 'Dr' Ricautre is more of interest to those watching the watchers, and can easily be taken out of context and used as an excuse to condem any negative findings regarding the drug; I am positive taking the drug does little to help the biology of your body, it's a question of whether the damage it may do is in line with the psychological improvements it can have for warring couples or people suffering from some extreme event they've never wanted to discuss before; coming back from war and seeing people being blown to bits, still born babies, people who want to kill themselves. I don't think those people need to be with a psychiatrist when they take it, but they will need to be with someone who has some capacity to appreciate their stories when they suddenly won't shut up about them for 12 hours straight.
I'd like to start a site run by the harder drug users to provide straight up advice from their perspective. It's all over the web already for those who go searching, but we need to think more along the lines of the everyday kids who'll not want to spend four weeks googling, they need one of those governmentesque sites to hit for it all and in a condensed, targeted format.
Even people like Neurosoup (the girlfriend of Todd Skinner, involved with the gigantic acid lab), says her site and videos are geared towards harm reduction, then fails to talk about SSRI / MAOI interactions (which can kill people), water based comas and death, diabetes (which can kill people), biological intolerance to the drugs (which can kill people), but does suggest you should eat a lot of 5-HTP and vitamins to recover from a come down. Based on nothing other than 5-HTP looking like serotonin. Yes, it's used in part of it's synthesis. No, that doesn't mean eating grams of it a day will get anymore of it into your body. The come down isn't as much depletion as it is the brain wondering where the huge surge just went. I seriously suspect if you tested people coming down, one group on nothing and the other chewing through handfuls of 5-HTP, you wouldn't see much difference in the serotonin levels at all.
It's like the idea that eating high doses of vitamins or anti-oxidants will keep you uber healthy. Yes, eating healthy food like fruit and ditching the junk will help you. And yes, both of these chemicals show remarkable abilities when squirted onto cells in a petri dish. But your body is far, far, far more advanced than a petri dish test. As soon as you eat 900% of your RDA, it just throws all the rest out through the kidneys; which can then be damaged by the extreme concentrations of the compounds. So you can end up damaging yourself in an attempt to be super healthy. Your body is in control of this game, not health food stores, pill companies or your imagination.