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Does Cannabis=Psychedelic When Eaten

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DynoMiTe420
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I have heard people say that they have tripped harder than shrooms just on weed that was ingested through teas or brownies. Can this really happen because it sparks my curiousity, and if anyone here has tripped on it could you give me a short detail of what it was like because i would like to try this sometime.
I also have another question but dont feel like posting another forum! :D what would happen if you put hashoil in your plants water? Would it develop more during flowering?
I have heard this too, on the net and from many friends. I have had some intense trips myself when vapourizing large amounts, especially of hash. Your environment is big with this too, if it is a setting conducive to having spiritual experiences, it helps a lot. That's been my experience with it anyway, someone should be along shortly with a better answer :D
I've smoked quite high doses pure, and also eaten high ammounts of cannabis. It's always in some way psychedelic (low dose less so than high dose), but the sheer impact of 5g dried shrooms I haven't experienced on cannabis.
its a psychedelic when eaten...and smoked and vaporized and however else you wana take it
but you can probably get more THC into you at one time via oral ingestion so it would produce more intense effects
I've made a tea with some leaves few weeks ago (don't know the amount, but it was a whole bunch) . I wanted to add some suggar, but was too lazy to take a spoon, so i tried to shake a bit of sugar in my casserole.. bad idea, suddenly a whole lot of sugar fell in my tea (it was like 100 grams or probably even more) ... I decided to drink it anymay, though it tasted much too sweet, it was almost sirup..
then; the "trip" itself:
The come-up was nice, very mellow relaxed and euphoric feeling..
but then after 4-5 hours, i got a panick attack, i thought i had a suggar-overdose (and that could maybe be the fact). i started hyperventilating heavily, not such a nice feeling..
I don't know if it was just the MJ, or the high dose of suggar that was responsible for the hyperventilation and so,
probably a combination of both.

it was nothing like a mushroom trip, but it was psychedelic for sure, very little visual experience,
but i've heard from a friend who had some CEV's when eating some spacecake
I also have heard that. a good friend of mine especially always says that weed is the best psychedelic in his opinion and the most potent too.

so recently i harvested 5 unknown sativa plants when not fully mature (early frost. damn it) and since for having too much (sticky) leaves ai ain't a good smoke, i decided to make some butter. i'm experimenting with it for the moment (i miss shrooms so much sometimes T_T) and srsly this is good stuff.
i smoke MJ since 7 years now and am pretty comfortable with it, rarely surprised despite the excess but a few days ago it hit me! i drank 2 space teas in the evening, forgot about it, watched a movie and said to myself it didn't work before listening to a strange noise coming from the wall, structurizing itself to become a music, moving from the wall to the corridor. eventually i get to the door to open it, expecting to find some friends with music instruments.... and realized i was fucking high ! O.o
night continued like this for like 4hours...

anyway, ain't nothing the same as a shroom trip (at least imo) but definately worth it and could be intense!
If you do grams of potent cannabis (it'll last 48 hours as well, with the first 12 hours the most intense, last 24 hours, relaxtion, softness, positive mood) orally in butter and eggs you'll end up having a powerful trip which diminishes boundries between you and the environment. The extended thoughts are marvellous (these can result in a state of being which is similar to other psychedelic), but can be frightening as well. Fantasy is greatly enhanced and meditation will make it all complete. Heart palpitations and cotton mouth are common at an heroic dose, as well as a severe inability to keep focus.

All in all, everyone should do cannabis orally and learn to "get it" it that way, it teaches a healthy and honest lifestyle, and you may not want to go back to smoking. It can be done much more often than other psychedelics, it's not stronger than shrooms at the max, but it has quite a different character so being experienced with shrooms you should not take it lightly, then it'll bring you to spiritual states. No visuals or only minor, depending on variety. It does not bend and neither produces waves with open eyes. Environment is seen pretty much normally.

Feeling "vulnerable" is something you get used to.
It's psychedelic to a certain degree, it won't compare to a acid, DMT or shroom trip ofcoarse, but the entheogenic effects are definatly there, you can try this yourself; take some milk, heat it, wait till it boils, take it off the fire, then ad 0.5 to 0.7 (or even more if you wish) of fine Hashish and a piece of buttercream, this is essential for the effects to be triggered, you might wan't to ad some chocolatte and sugar to flavour it, for it is quite disgusting to drink without it.

After an hour or so you will be feeling the effects, the more you take the harder you'll go, it IS tripping, but tripping on acid is not like tripping on shrooms, and tripping on shrooms is not like tripping on mescaline, so tripping on THC won't be comparable to other trips either, don't underestimate the effects though, they can hit you quite hard. :D
^agreed. it just is what it is, it has it's own unique flavor and effects and is certainly not to be underestimated. in the 19th century people used to eat giant balls of hash and trip out of their minds. there's a lot of books (and trip reports!) from this era and they totally read like intense psychedelic trips. thc is a powerful entheogen at high doses

take a break for a good week or two before trying DaZeD's recipe and the psychedelic edge will intensify quite a lot as well :)

it's more of a body and mind trip and less overtly visual than acid+shrooms though you still should get some visuals with a high enough dose and a prepared mindset. also thc has a much higher body load than the classic psychedelics, it's better for putting your feet up, or so i find
st.bot.32 a dit:
^agreed. it just is what it is, it has it's own unique flavor and effects and is certainly not to be underestimated. in the 19th century people used to eat giant balls of hash and trip out of their minds. there's a lot of books (and trip reports!) from this era and they totally read like intense psychedelic trips. thc is a powerful entheogen at high doses

Yes, i remember a story from Terrenca Mc.Kenna called the Hash Eater, i always loved that story.

Can you drop a few names of good reads on this subject please?

It's like you said, visuals can occur but those are mild and misty, in my experience at least, it's indeed all mindtrip, it feels highly entheogenic too, damn, if i have time i'm gonna make some hashoil milk soon. :P
Sure, i think I've posted them here before but ages back.. one of them is the poem of the hasheesh by charles baudelaire. interesting trip. a bit preachy in an irritating 19th century kind of way, but chapter III is the keeper once it gets going:


and the hasheesh eater (my favorite.. maybe this is the one you read before? chap iii is likewise a good read. this one is cool. like the baudelaire writing, this guy also abused hash and had to quit, but he seems to actually have gotten the 'message' of psychedelics somewhat in the process and he seems to be far more perceptive in general.)


These guys were eating a LOT more hash than we are, quality hash made the traditional, proper way, not iceolator or extract. I recall GOD sharing a story about one time when he ate good hash (back in the 70s?) and the effects he described sounded like taking a lot of acid. it's buried somewhere deep in the bowels of this forum back a couple years. something about watching reality bend and distort into bubbles. hmm!

Anyway the inner visuals are where THC really shines for me. :) it's like my imagination becomes so clear and vibrant, it takes over reality almost. Clear, organic CEV as well. I often 'feel' what i'm visualizing and I've had quite powerful, overwhelming synaesthesic experiences from THC.. 'feeling' the music i'm listening to like it's tactile or like i'm submerged in the texture of it. just talking about this makes me want to eat a nice big dose again sometime soon, it's been a good year or two since i've tried it! :)
reminds me of a nice book i have here called "The Hashish Club: An Anthology of Drug Literature, volume 1", not exlusively about hashish though.. Once bought it at the library of my school, it was in a pile of discarded books :mrgreen: . Would like to find the second volume too, which is about "The psychedelic era: from Huxley to Lennon" but i can't seem to find any online shop that sells it.
Oh c'mon guys, not milk, we all know we should keep our liver as much as occupied when ingesting sacred herbs. :D
st.bot.32 a dit:
These guys were eating a LOT more hash than we are, quality hash made the traditional, proper way, not iceolator or extract. I recall GOD sharing a story about one time when he ate good hash (back in the 70s?) and the effects he described sounded like taking a lot of acid. it's buried somewhere deep in the bowels of this forum back a couple years. something about watching reality bend and distort into bubbles. hmm!

Yes, because more organic "trash" in your entheogen of choice will definitely make it stronger. :roll: The amount was likely the primary determining factor there.

I hate to be so aggressive about this, but I get tired of seeing straight BETTER ways of doing things get knocked by people who cling to tradition like it's the mast of a sinking ship. Not to say I don't enjoy me some good old fashioned finger hash, I actually have produced it far more than ice hash or butane extractions, but it's hardly even comparable in potency. There was no magic cannabinoid that miraculously appears in what is, at it's heart, a lower quality extraction. Certainly a pleasurable smoke, but nowhere near as effective.

If you really want to get down to the bare psychedelia of cannabis, butane honey oil is the way to go, you can take it a step further by isomerizing it, but as I don't have the facilities (I believe the procedure is a reflux in H2SO4 for an extended period, can't recall specifics off the top of my head) at the moment I've yet to actually produce some myself which is the only way I'd trust it to be truly isomerized. Elimination of the CBD content leads to a VERY different experience however.

As far as I'm concerned cannabis = psychedelic though, and I have a tendency to scoff a bit when confronted with the usual, "It's just bud, maaan." I prefer to eat a gram or two then break out the gravity bong if a deeper experience is what I'm looking for. Smoking ~.3g of honey oil rapidly will also certainly do the trick. I get visuals smoking my normal dose after work though (.2-.4 spaced over three or four hours in a gravity bong), so I might be a tad sensitive. I find with meditation, even a low dose can be turned into a mind-expanding experience as well.

A good cannabis experience can rival LSD, mescaline, and mushrooms if you have the mindset to benefit from it however. Honestly, I find higher doses of THC with reduced CBD content to feel more like LSD than the buds I love to smoke. 'tis a powerful psychotropic, and most stoners don't even realize it.

Honestly though, bud's about the only psychotropic I prefer as the plant as opposed to the powdered shards of alkaloids I end up with when working with any other plant material. It's also just about the only thing I don't mega-dose very often, but that's likely because I have to pay for it(the only other things I'll buy are LSD and MDMA anymore) and it's the only thing that'll let me get a quality night of natural sleep without waking up feeling groggy so I don't like to mess with my tolerance unless it's a special occasion.
^Nice post. I've likewise had people tell me that their honey oil experiences blew away their acid trips.. full on hallucinations, etc. And yes I agree, even after smoking a few bowls if I meditate I often get to places that rival moderately dosed psychedelic trips.

I quite like the THC experience, it's extraordinarily powerful if you do it right. Some of my life changing trips have been on THC. The only thing I've found (like i mentioned above) is that at psychedelic doses, the body load for me is almost too much, the trip lasts so long and my recovery takes way longer than it does with say acid.. making it a very occasional treat. Which is fine :)