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Do all 'party' drugs leave a depression the day after?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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Jahvisions a dit:
well, mescaline, DMT and Psilocyne can give a great feeling off happiness without beeing depressed next day, so that doesn't come down.

I disagree with this.

With psychedelics I can't experience euphoria without facing my fears. Else it would be just like any other stimulant (like MDMA i.e.). Psychedelics show me the truth. I get to see the beautiful things in life, but also the negative things: ying yang, good and evil. There is no depression the next day, because you've had the depressive feelings in your trip allready.

It does come down, in the trip, but not the next day...
In fact after a shroom trip I feel full of energy and happiness...
Entheonaut a dit:
Jahvisions a dit:
well, mescaline, DMT and Psilocyne can give a great feeling off happiness without beeing depressed next day, so that doesn't come down.

I disagree with this.

With psychedelics I can't experience euphoria without facing my fears. Else it would be just like any other stimulant (like MDMA i.e.). Psychedelics show me the truth. I get to see the beautiful things in life, but also the negative things: ying yang, good and evil. There is no depression the next day, because you've had the depressive feelings in your trip allready.

It does come down, in the trip, but not the next day...
You don't disagree. Because you havent over come your fears yet you just expierence it in a diffrent way. When reach the moment where you don't feel depressive any more in your trips I guess you too feel a great energy the next day(weeks/ months)

All I can add to this is good look with finding your true Self :) and enjoy the ride..
After say, a shroom trip, i usually feel very good for the next day(s). But that's more of a 'cleansed' and purified feeling. To be cleansed something needs to get out, negativity for me.. And that happens during the trip (usually in the last phase). I can understand that not everyone experiences it like this, but it makes a lot of sense to me (--> signature)

JosVU a dit:
You don't disagree. Because you havent over come your fears yet you just expierence it in a diffrent way.

I do face my fears JosVU, but I see my fears as the deprissive feelings, the "down". What I meant to say was that I can't feel the "up" without having felt the "down". That's why I like psychedelics so much, it doesn't hide my problems, it makes me face my problems, and even more important: it makes me solve my problems ;)

JosVU a dit:
When reach the moment where you don't feel depressive any more in your trips I guess you too feel a great energy the next day(weeks/ months)

It's not like I'm really depressed in my trips, I just accept that I have problems and my life isn't perfect, just like everybody else...
I do feel a great moodlift the days (even weeks) after a trip, it's a great feeling.

JosVU a dit:
All I can add to this is good look with finding your true Self :) and enjoy the ride..

I have found my true self before. My own ego dissolved in front of my own eyes. Experiencing this "mind at large" (as Huxley calls it) was the best thing that happend to me ever :mrgreen: (let's say I enjoyed the ride ;))
Entheonaut a dit:
JosVU a dit:
You don't disagree. Because you havent over come your fears yet you just expierence it in a diffrent way.

I do face my fears JosVU, but I see my fears as the deprissive feelings, the "down". What I meant to say was that I can't feel the "up" without having felt the "down". That's why I like psychedelics so much, it doesn't hide my problems, it makes me face my problems, and even more important: it makes me solve my problems ;)

JosVU a dit:
When reach the moment where you don't feel depressive any more in your trips I guess you too feel a great energy the next day(weeks/ months)

It's not like I'm really depressed in my trips, I just accept that I have problems and my life isn't perfect, just like everybody else...
I do feel a great moodlift the days (even weeks) after a trip, it's a great feeling.

JosVU a dit:
All I can add to this is good look with finding your true Self :) and enjoy the ride..

I have found my true self before. My own ego dissolved in front of my own eyes. Experiencing this "mind at large" (as Huxley calls it) was the best thing that happend to me ever :mrgreen: (let's say I enjoyed the ride ;))
OK it was misinterpretation. my fault.
No problem man ;)... Eveyone experiences things in his/her own way :mrgreen:, and sometimes it can be quite a challenge to explain what you feel
HeartCore a dit:
Xtc is no party drug, is a psychotherapeutic tool which can be used to get impressive results with patients.

If you use it as a party drug, you are basically Abusing the substance to have a good time just that night. Consequence is, you feel depressed the day after.

If you can't handle that, I suggest you quit ;)

I sympathize with your intentions but I would be careful with such statements. Any drug can be a party drug if you so choose. MDMA is an excellent psychotherapeutic tool but I wouldn't condemn someone who uses it on occasion to have a good time. Maybe having a "good time" is therapeutic in itself.

Personally, I don't think there are inherent qualities to drugs. In other words, there are no inherently evil drugs or good drugs. We humans give them meaning. (McKenna: Don't forget the aliens!)

There are many people who are "abusing" drugs as you say, and are not feeing depressed the next day. There are many more factors that go into this besides intention, such as neurochemical, psychological, and social explanations.

A lot of people here are saying "I always feel (blank) after doing (blank)". The lesson from this is that people react differently to various drugs. Some can do one substance and be fine the next day, while others feel depressed. There are many techniques that can be done to help those who are sensitive.

-Eat a refreshing bowl of fruit the day after
-Take some HTP before you go to bed.
-Make sure you have no responsibilities (school/work) for the next 24 hours
-Do something you enjoy
Monochromatic_Knight a dit:
A lot of people here are saying "I always feel (blank) after doing (blank)". The lesson from this is that people react differently to various drugs. Some can do one substance and be fine the next day, while others feel depressed. There are many techniques that can be done to help those who are sensitive.

But in our heads the drugs work the same don't they? I mean it's just chemistry on a complex level.
Maybe intressting to do research on twins with the same mental en physical condition and see how they and their brains react on drugs?