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Do all 'party' drugs leave a depression the day after?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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Glandeuse Pinéale
As I previous stated in another topic, I had 6 XTC's this weekend, a tiny little speed and very little coke.
But I'm feeling real down now.
I feel like doing nothing anymore, I'm just totally fed up with everything.
I can't look forward to the weekend, especially after I've been to some big parties like last weekend.

But is there any drug out there which don't leave a depressed feeling afterwards?
I know XTC has to do with the Serotonine levels in the brain, but does Coke or Speed also affect some sort of chemical in the brain which are necessary for one to feel happy?
quick answer: i know cocaine works, among others, on the dopamine levels (and is therefore highly addictive), this plays a major role in the experience of happiness and wellbeing..

i dont know on wich receptors speed (amfetamines) work but the energy it gives you is fueled by your body reserves, so you might feel a little exhausted when its over.. your body is just sad is doesnt have the good feelings anymore, and leaves you somewhat depressed..
lol Djones.

Speed, coke and XTC all in one weekend will fuck your system up quite a bit. You drained your dopamine and serotonine. T
if you are depressed because you cant party like you did last weekend you need to be depressed maybe try landing on your feet from 10 stories

idk tho just a thought
Xtc is no party drug, is a psychotherapeutic tool which can be used to get impressive results with patients.

If you use it as a party drug, you are basically Abusing the substance to have a good time just that night. Consequence is, you feel depressed the day after.

If you can't handle that, I suggest you quit ;)
everything that goes up must come down
like there's summer, there's winter, etc

you can't be always happy :) , and when you get too happy :D then eventually you will be sad :( to compensate, but you will get back to normal again :wink: ,
and be careful with the coke, ecstasy, alcohool, it's addictive in a sense that you then always want to be as happy as you were on those drugs... and that's not possible.

i hope i made some kind of sense with my somewhat more cosmic explanation...

well, mescaline, DMT and Psilocyne can give a great feeling off happiness without beeing depressed next day, so that doesn't come down. But listen to heartcore advise.
Jahvisions a dit:
well, mescaline, DMT and Psilocyne can give a great feeling off happiness without beeing depressed next day, so that doesn't come down. But listen to heartcore advise.
Will they do that when you're at a party with very loud music, loads of people and generally bad circumstances for tripping?
There is a party drug without any depression after and that is GHB it actually stores up your dopamine level during the effects so that the day after you feel no hangover and sometimes even happyfeelings. :D

Its the perfect replacement for alcohol wile alcohol is way more toxic.
GHB metrabolizes into CO2 and H2O in your body
and leaving no toxic metabolites
I sayed good bye to alcohol and from time to time use GHB instead. 8)

The only disadvantage is the dosing, be very carefull with that, its easy to take to much, and when you take to much it becomes a fight to stay awake.

I see the "down" after a hard weekend of partying, as it would be my normal state!
When it is over, like the wednesday or so, i everything is nice again, while i`m so sober as can be. :- )

It`s just the way you look at it!

No, he isn't kidding for sure.
Why do you think so ???
(I fully agree to MindAstronaut statements about GHB)

For those who care: GHB is illegal almost everywhere since approx 5 years.
GBL, BDO aint. Similiar effects and easy to "convert" to GHB.

In German: Good infos about GHB.
Hardphyte a dit:
MindAstronaut a dit:
Its the perfect replacement for alcohol wile alcohol is way more toxic.


Eahm, you just kidding !?

Open my link above your post, it's a scientific report about GHB.

edit: This is Mindastronaut posting on Enthonaut's account *
GHB, this fantastic drugs is a great substitute for alcohol. And at higher doses, spacy and euphoric.

I have done G more than 500 times literally and never dosed wrong.

I have put myself in a deep sleep though on purpose, that's what it is used for too, sexual dreamss in a deep state of pshysical relaxtion followed.

Prepare to have intense hornyness and wanting to express your emotions. But it makes one in no way agressively or pushing for his will. Unlike alcohol, you may use other tactics to get acquaintanced with the opposite sex.
I once met a guy who was addicted to GHB. That kind of took away my interest in this chemical.

My way to experience ecstacy is reading a lot (generally about astrotheology, shamanism, astrology, quantum physics, sacred geometry, art, religion), and then contemplating what I have read while listening to good music, looking at the stars and planets and/or smoking some cannabis and taking a good dose of shrooms or ayahuasca every now and then.

Very often it was in the days AFTER I did shrooms that I felt highly ecstatic (full of hope and enthusiasm, hair standing on end, crying out of joy). Never felt depressed after doing hallucinogens. I decided early in life to never use tobacco, cocaine, heroin and speed, and I think I'll stick to that resolve to my dying day.

Anyone else noted that those who mainly take amphetamines and stimulants (cocaine & speed mainly) tend to be/become quite materialistic and egoistic? Someone once said it was coke that ruined whatever good LSD had created in the late 60s.
Pinealjerker a dit:
Anyone else noted that those who mainly take amphetamines and stimulants (cocaine & speed mainly) tend to be/become quite materialistic and egoistic? Someone once said it was coke that ruined whatever good LSD had created in the late 60s.

Jep, exactly the opposite of the effect what psychedelics do to you afterwards.

Almost if you got one side of drugs mindexpanding and you got somber in the middle and mindnarrowing on the other side.
Thats why fanatic users of coke and that other stuff are scared for psychedelics becouse its totally the opposite of what coke do to you, it supresses fears and any form of unwanting feelings unlike
psychedelics that makes you put the fear right in your face :)
They always tell me i am the crazy one for doing so :confused:
But i know better :D

Altrough i dont now where to place GHB.
GHB is for me something like MDMA, it disolves boundarys when it comes to talking about you feelings and amphaty throughwards others.
So its kindda psychedelic in its own way. :wink:
I decided some time ago so stop and NEVER use again stimulant drugs (except coffee, and I'm still trying to quit tobacco). I become so egoistic and self-centered when on those drugs that I scare myself. Psychedelics are more my thing :)

Also I never tried and will never take opiates. From what I read those are drugs which the only point is to suppress physical and psychological pain and forget problems. I prefer to beat them than to forget them.