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DMT - Smoking/Inhaling - Tips-Advice ...need a lil' help...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DaZeD
  • Date de début Date de début
What the hell guy's, you can't be serious! :P
You have no idea how happy ya'll just made me! :lol:

Here speaks the first DMT casualty ever! Just kiddin'.
Damn, when my little bag is finnished I'm gonna search for that 1,7 kg mimosa bag online and order it to try and make it myself, is it ok if I can send a PM to one of you guys for a little help if needed when I get that far?

That lazymans guide, is it really that simple, or effective?
I'm attracted to that simpleness I must admit, like Mystic Warrior said, it makes me feel de-motivated when I watch all those hard looking extraction guides, I don't have any experiences on that level.

Did you also use the Lazymans guide Mystic?
Did you also use the Lazymans guide Mystic?

No, i did the no man's tek. There are plenty of teks, but this one was showed to me and wasn't difficult at all. You need quite some time, because you have to cook the MRB etc, but ones you have done the compete process you should be amazed how easy it is. And of course, you can PM me ;)

You should give up on DMT and try some Salvia instead. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (NO ADS) is having a double sale so you get twice as much. DMT doesnt do that much anyways and it's a chemical. Those are bad.
Nice try Sally. :?

I love DMT, no other entheogen was ever this sweet to me, it's reciprocal btw! :D

Salvia isn't that sweet either, it's powerful, but not as gentle as DMT or a deep journey on mushrooms or a soft ride on acid can be, I still have'nt bought/tried it though, I'm kinda postponing it.
SallyDee a dit:
You should give up on DMT and try some Salvia instead. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (NO ADS) is having a double sale so you get twice as much. DMT doesnt do that much anyways and it's a chemical. Those are bad.

:D nice joke!too bad i could not laugh :roll:
Hilarious!! :lol:
i use a bong with a mix of weed and tiny bit of tobacco. i dont smoke cigis but this helps put ya lung hairs to sleep making it easier then pack a medium small cone snow toped with half a point of DMT crystal 50mg. smoke very slow rip and hold for as long as can. body only can absorb dmt for 10 seconds anyway im told, close eyes then open after blown out.... ...wommmmwooomwooomwoooom then you leave and break through this reality into the spirit dimension super visuals like the universe crammed into a room while your swimming in its splender..Becoming One.HoMmmmmm all you can do is accept.
Must get in the trip before you can get out.
the next step is ayuhasca. dont think im ready for a 12 hour DMT Journey yet tho could be scary.
use a bong. maybe rip a or two tobacco bongs first taler made. i know these things are disgusting but. they are much harsher than the mix cone snow capped with dmt so will condition ready for the easy next step. trust finely very finely chop alittle baky with ya weed just enough for a small meduim bong so pack cone bout 3/4 not to compact sprinkle in half apoint place alittle more mix ontop then use just a bic lighter and light that cherry nice and slow slow rip use rushy hole pause for 10 secs close eyes breath if have to dont cough never comfortable when trippin. open sesame.
tell me how ya go bro.
OK, thanks for your comment, but I wont smoke tobacco ever again, pure weed works fine for me. :)

Thanks for the tip also, but I found my method of choise now, I just use the lightbulb method, works perfect, no messing around with ashes and no extra smoke of other stuff, just pure DMT smoke.

Inhaling goes a lot easier now, with a bong I suck all the smoke in at once, wich is not good, I cough my lungs out even if try not to, but with the lightbulb I'm able to take it in slowly, it's more gentle on my lungs.

Anyway, the next time I'll try it, wich is tomorrow or the day after, I'm gonna try to blow my smoke out in a bag, take another hit, also blow it out in a bag, maybe I'll try a third one, and then I'll blow out and put the plastic back on my lips and breed out of that smoke filled bag, I saw an old guy somwere on youtube saying he did that with a balloon.

If I don't have a breakthrough then, I just don't know anymore, this time I want to get beyond pleasant vision-tripping, I want to be catapulted into the realms of DMT, I tried it probably 10 times, maybe more allready, but it was allways just visionary candy, a deep feeling of intense love though, but not DMT-hyperspace as I would expect it to be.

Also the last time I smoked DMT my lips felt like if I burned them, it kinda distracted me from my trip, I really thought I had burned them, but half an hour later they felt normal again, like if they where anaesthetised or something, is that normal?
My friend had the same problem and lengthened his pipe by taping tubes to the mouthpiece, which cooled the smoke and helped. If you vaporize lightly it is less hot than full flame, and there are erowid reports of using volcano vaporizers at just over DMT boiling temperatures to get a nice dose. If that doesn't work try a water pipe.

If it isn't the heat (most likely), but it is the nasty plastic taste, try taking smaller hits or using an inert herb (like parsley), some cannabis, or those cool, non-psychoactive-yet-tasty smoking mixtures they sell over the internet.

Good luck.
I can understand you find it hard to hold in.
Haven't read the whole thing, probably already mentioned.
Have you tried smoking through a machine (glass bottle w hole in the bottem and very coarse steel wool in the neck, make sure you burn the wool before putting it in to burn off some crap)?
A lot say this device particularly makes the smoke less harsh.
Haven't tried it yet though (but I will).
Hey, thanks for your contribution, but as you know, this thread is old already, i don't have that problem anymore. :P

I dunno why, i'm always using the bong/screen/ash method, but it's not harsh anymore, i can hold huge tokes in and don't cough anything out anymore, i don't know what changed, but it's not harsh anymore, even smooth, maybe it took me some time to get used to it.

The only thing that i can't do is smoke DMT with the light-bulb method, that's just nasty as hell, it makes my lips go numb, and make me cough like i inhaled radioactive waste, but other then that, it's all good now. :)

I looooove DMT, but i still hate the smell of it, bwak, what a nasty smell, and it keeps smelling long after, it just stinks.

I like to complain i guess. :D
Yeah, why not learn to enjoy the smell?
Smell of great spirutual magic etc.. :)
I liked it from the beginning
Aaaah, the smell. :D

I smell it everywhere. Sometimes on the street I walk past a building and smell it. Sometimes I smell it on people.

I don't really mind it....
Y I smelt it on someone sometime that could absolutely not be smoking dmt.. or ofc she might have been ^^ but I don't think so
Rather she might have a dmt body odor? :P
I know, many people love the smell, i opened a thread about the smell on the DMT Nexus, and most people seem to love the smell, not me though, after all this time of experimenting i still don't like it, and probably will never like it, heck, i don't know anyone in person that actually like's the smell, they all agree, it smells bad. :D

Bastiaan, you liked it from the beginning?What's wrong with you? :P

It's so weird that no one seems to agree with me on forums, i can dig it, but i don't like it.A very specific chemical smell, wich get's in your clothes, pillows and couch like cigarette smoke, and stays there for days, i can't understand what's to like about that.

Then again, even insence bothers me sometimes, especially the burned notes is what bothers me, i burn a lot of insnence nevertheless, but that burned aftersmell is bothering me a little.I have a good nose and easily pick up nasty undertones in odors, so i like clean smells.

Ps, yea, i also smelled DMT on the street in places where i was very sure of that it couldn't have been DMT, many people seem to have that, weird huh?
We're all showing signs of addiction. :P
I use a bong mix of grass and a bit of tobacco. cigis i dont smoke, but this helps put ya chest hair easier to sleep, then packed in a cone of medium-small snow toped semicolon 50mg crystal DMT. Smoke in a very slow rip and store as long as possible. the body can absorb only 10 seconds anyway im DMT said, close your eyes and open the blown out.

Electric cigarettes
I've yet to try DMT but I'm looking for it.

I've read a lot about it and most of what I've read seems to indicate that a naked flame will ruin the DMT by burining most of it up before it gets near your lungs so I'm surprised that the bong method works at all.

The most scientific approach to DMT I have read is that by Alexander and Ann Shulgin in "Tryptamines I Have Known and Loved: The Continuation" In this book Shulgin sets out his experiments with DMT from takinng it orally (with no MAOI's therefore no effect even with 350mg ingested, nasally (also no effect), intramuscularly (up to 80mg with big effect), smoked (up to 100mg with massive effect - interestingly he smoked it in a joint of Tanacetum Vulgare) and interveinous (up to 30mg with the strongest effect of all, although he did say it had less euphoria than the other methods).
only had euphoria once, caused I asked politely for it.

otherwise it's like watching a car accident of knowledge., [ for me ]