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DMT - Smoking/Inhaling - Tips-Advice ...need a lil' help...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DaZeD
  • Date de début Date de début
Because i also heard about smoking dmt with a lightbulb, i did a little search and found a good guide that explains how to make one or yourself. I am sure, this technique will work, but does anyone has any experience with using the lightbulb? Is it hard to keep in the smoke with this technique? Because else, i am going to try this technique tonight :)

A link to the guide i mentioned: http://forum.hanfburg.de/fhb/showthread.php?t=144080&highlight=smoke+bubble
Just another significant detail I noticed, if you decide to divide your ingestion into more hits (I would not recommend this if your breath capacity allows you to do it at once), it's essential that you don't inhale any oxygen between them. If you exhale. Immediately inhale the next and keep it in, do not take brief breath breaks to recover. Then the effects start already with their way to the peak.

I'd recommended to inhale it ALL at once slowly. Then put the pipe away, close your eyes, do not think or move and go go go on untill you think you choke. If done properly, within a few seconds after exhaling you're completely asleep and do not feel the disturbance of a dry throat, a rapid heartbeat, coughing, shorten breath, sweat etc. Every physical effect gets normal pretty much quickly without your notice, you're safe.

If you close your eyes and keep your attention on the sound while holding it in, the tones are going higher higher, bending into some strange strings far away. When you realise WTF, and want to start thinking about it, the DMT bullet shoots your head to rags. :D
Brugmansia a dit:
I'd recommended to inhale it ALL at once slowly. Then put the pipe away, close your eyes, do not think or move and go go go on untill you think you choke. If done properly, within a few seconds after exhaling you're completely asleep and do not feel the disturbance of a dry throat, a rapid heartbeat, coughing, shorten breath, sweat etc. Every physical effect gets normal pretty much quickly without your notice, you're safe.

I hope i am able to do this, thanx for you advice :) Brugmansia, you are a experienced DMT smoker, what dose do you suggest. Just the 50mg and go for it, or would it be better to use something around 40mg? It's gonna be my first real experience, if my lightbulb technique is gonna work ;)

Edit: I already fixed it, now it's time to wait for the right moment :P
Thanks for the advice Brugmansia, I'm gonna try that, although, I'll need to take more then one hit, cause I'll be coughing it out in no time, but I won't inhale oxigen in between.
Thanks a lot!
DaZeD a dit:
Thanks for the advice Brugmansia, I'm gonna try that, although, I'll need to take more then one hit, cause I'll be coughing it out in no time, but I won't inhale oxigen in between.
Thanks a lot!

Have your tried any of the techniques above? Because i am curious if they can help you.
Well, what I have read is that the Lightbulb Method is not very well appreciated amoung most people, I didn't try that one, and the machine neither.

I used my vaporizer (wich wasn't quite effective) and my bong, I guess that this is the easiest/safest method if you use a scrin, with a good thick layer of ashes on top, good amount of DMT (I can't weigh a DMT dose cause my scale only reads to 100 mg), then another good layer ashes, and then gently light it, and suck smoke in the bong while you do so, stop lighting it fom the moment you suck the smoke in, the ashes will glow red and keep burning.

I'm curious about how your method went, I wouldn't spare the 10mg, just do the 50mg, 10mg is way too tiny to give you something decent.
You' ll only feel relaxed from it, with no visuals at all.

I tried that, I had a piece of a joint that went out, I removed some of the top ashes, and with the tip of a long ice-cream spoon and nipped some DMT in it, sprinkeled some weed on top and smoked it.

It gave me only a mild buzz and a relaxed feeling, it's a waste.
Perhaps smoking DMT is a bit of misleading phrase, it's in fact just a route through your lungs to transport the material to your interior. If you do it properly, nothing comes out if you exhale. Which is not really smoking.

You should hold it in for *long* no matter what.
one of the guys on here has it: 'the machine'.. swim tried the spice with a few different herbs and in the 'glass dick' crack/methpipes several times with sporadic success until he realized that the freebase nature of synthesized spice means that it doesn't vaporize well in a puddle. swim should note that yes, this is a process of vaporization, not smoking, if you touch actual flame to your spice you will destroy much of it. so swim re-imagined 'the machine' by packing an eight inch inside-out blown bubbler with a full bowl of sanitized brillo pad, heating the stainless steel pad up a little bit before dumping the spice into the brillo so it will melt into it a bit as it is loaded, then use a torch lighter to heat the brillo with the blue of the flame about an inch away so that maybe one or two of the exposed quarter-inch strips of brillo actually flash molten for split seconds at a time. two to three lungfulls of the smoother, percolated vapor with this method has had a 95% success rate for all the people swim has helped with their first breakthrough(25+).

recently swim has obtained a number of glass screens that are used for smoking herb, and melted them all into a porous piece of glass that sits in the bowl as if it were packed full of herb, which replaces the brillo with the glass serving as a heating element. the cleanliness and brevity of the trip seems to reveal new layers the better the method is understood.

the only problems swim has are usually with people who don't smoke much herbals, because they have a hard time understanding the mechanics of a carb, or of regulating the amount of vapor they take in per hit so that they are better equipped to hold said hit in.
Take as big sucks as you can and hold it for as long as you can . If you dont leave this reality you didnt have a big enough hit . Its important to get the hits it takes into you as quick as posible .

I never used anything but a normal lighter .

It used to be sold on herbs as its hard to smoke pure . It seems to need to unfold .

A normal glass pipe with a bit of ash in it with the DMT on top . Then a lighter with a small flame . Make sure you dont heat it and suck so much that it melts through and you suck it into the stem . Or use a buble pipe and vaporise it . Its Similar to smokeing cannabis oil , crack or opium .
I finally discovered a great and very easy way to smoke DMT, I took an old 400 watt light bulb, exactly like this one;

https://www.leafman.nl/images/Philips%2 ... %20400.JPG

I took a bread knife and sawed off the top of the alluminium part, broke some glass with a nipper and then pulled out the iron part and flushed it out with water so that the small iron and glass particles are washed away.
Then I drank an applejuice and took the cap and drilled two holes through it with the one point of a scissor, and put two straws through it.

To use it I put the DMT in the lightbulb, close it with the cap, put some tape on it to keep it in place, and heat it with the flame of a candle, it's still pretty nasty for the lungs, but it's easy and doesn't waste any of the precious DMT.

I stole the idea from a guy who vaporised his weed this way, only he used a regular lightbulb, but this one is more solid.

Never going back to the screen and ashes method. :P
Yea, that's true Getafix, I have a towel in my presence to clean of the black soot, untill it's ready to use.
I don't have a butanegas lighter though, maybe I should get one, although I don't think I'll have time to turn it off when I hit the "pipe" alone.
I still have a problem with smoking DMT, I bought myself a butanegas lighter, well my girlfriend bought one to make crème brulée to burn the sugar.
And I use the lightbulb, now when I smoke I take a hit and hold it in as long as I can, I take small hits as recomended here, so I won't cough, the smoke is easier to inhale this way, but I do take tiny, very careful hits.

but my next problem is, when I hold it as long as I can and when I take another hit, like after 20 seconds, and I hold that also in for 20 seconds, the feeling doesn't get much more intense, actually it looks like it stays the same, I don't think I used to little, but I'm not sure, I can't measure it, cause my scale only goes to 0.1 minimum, I just take a pinch with the back of teaspoon.

If it helps I will upload a picture of my loaded bulb the next time I'll try it, but my two last tries where pointless, I didn't even have any visuals, only the room was breeding a little, since DMT is so damn expensive I won't try it again without being sure I will go down that rabbit hole.

I smoked it only ten minutes ago, and typing and thinking go just as well as before my hit, the only difference is that I'm now very relaxed and calm, the room was slightly breeding five minutes ago, but even that is gone now too, so this is definatly not the way I want to do DMT.

Can someone explain to me what I did wrong please, did I took too small hits, and how much time do I have before I reach the point where it's no use to take another hit?Maybe I waited too long...

It seems like the times that I actually had visuals and coughed my lungs out where the most effective.Please, I'm very aware that I'm wining like a little bitch here, but I want to do it right, I'm desperate, can someone tell me how he does it with full effect, how he burns it, how big the hits should be, how much time you have untill it's useless to take anymore hits etc... and while using the lightbulb or the machine method.

Could it be that I used too much heat on the DMT, cause suddenly all my DMT is gone after burning it, on first sight there wasn't even visible smoke, I tasted the DMT but the smoke was totally invisible, is that normal, or did I apply too much heat or something?I just torched it untill everything was gone, but there wasn't any smoke....

What is my fault, why can't I do this thing right, please tell me if you wanna be so kind, it's so frustrating, and my precious elfspice is shrinking by every try :( , so I really wan't to do it right the next time I'll try it.
This is strange, last night there was nothing left in my bulb, this morning I watched again, and I see there's still DMT left, but last night it was empty...
Hows that possible?
Here's a picture of it, I'm 100 percent sure that it was empty yesterday though, strange... :?


Here are some pictures of my "setup".

The "smokingdevice", made out of a growing lightbulb.


And the butanegas-lighter that I now use to vaporize it, wich apparantly wasn't a big succes.



- Okaaaay, forget all I said earlier, I tried to smoke what was left, I thought, I have nothing to loose, I might just as well try to smoke the residue, this time I burned it longer, and yes, white smoke did appear this time. :P

I inhaled it probably 4 times, and this time I got visuals again, I pulled a pillow over my head to make everything dark (I should buy a mindfold lol), and even with my eyes open I saw the visuals just the same as if they where closed, it wasn't very intense like I had before with the "ash and bong" experiments, but it was still nice nontheless, also slightly different.

Before I saw all kind of circular patterns slowly moving around, the cool thing is, if I moved my head I noticed that it was like looking around in a real room, I would see different things if I look to the right, and when I look forward again I still see the patterns that where there before I moved to the right, (kinda hard to explain, sorry for my messy try), it's really interactive and all connected, I also saw a vague spinning entrance/tunnel, but my trip wasn't strong enough to go through that tunnel, I tried, but nothing happened, but when I focused on it, it did intensify a little, all by all it was a short trip, the visuals lasted 10 minutes, a little less, and the after effects like breeding environment probably another 10 minutes.

I feel great now, next time I'm gonna use more DMT though, I'll post a picture of the amount of DMT I'll throw in the bulb here.It would be nice though, to get some feedback if I'm using enough or not, excuse my wining in the previous post, I think I got it now.Thank God, or whatever. :P
Congratulations! Regarding DMT being expensive, it's relatively cheap and easy to buy some Mimosa hostilis and extract the spice yourself.

And regarding the Mindfold, I find it a little uncomfortable. The idea is nice, but in practice it doesn't really fit very well, and during the DMT trip there may be a tendency to take it off. I think it's much better to take the spice in a dark room. That way you can just keep your eyelids open and you're not distracted by an itching object on your nose and forehead. The Mindfold can be very useful, for example when tripping in nature, but if you're inside anyway, better get yourself some good curtains. I've got several pieces of wood cut to the size of my windows, so I can block out all light, even on a very sunny day.
Well, I'm kind of afraid that I'll screw it up, I mean the DMT extraction, I thought Mimosa Hostilis is pretty expensive too, and I don't want to experiment with it, if I plan to extract it myself I want to be sure that I'll do it right from the first try ofcoarse :).

I paid 120 euros for a gram, and even that is a relatively good price to pay, I heard of people who paid 160 or even 180 for a tiny gram ffs :? .

I wish that I shouldn't worry about money, and I could smoke DMT whenever I wanted to, I never had negative experiences on it, even when I feel low before and am a little in doubt that I should smoke DMT in a low condition, even then I allways feel good afterwards, I love DMT! :)

If you know of a good source for Mimosa Hostilis can you post a link please?
I pay the same price. I'm not even sure if I'd try to learn to extract it myself if I'm unable to buy the synthetical form some time.

DMT was like the crown on my psychedelic life, the ultimate deepest state of being 'there'. But the disconnection with reality is so complete and the journey is so utterly intense yet so short, that it restrains the mind to develop a long-lasting relief of metaphysical wisdom and peace. And not breaking through is somewhat similar to a short lasting state of a strong mushroom trip.

But of course the blast of the sudden divinity is so spectacular and colourful that it's extraordinary compared to any other entheogen, which induces more of a cross over experience with the visible world you know. But I believe that's exactly what one needs in the long-term.
Everyone can extract it, at least when u live in holland. Its the names that makes it difficult but everything can be bought easily. I believe this is somehow unspoken so they will not prohibit the stores to sell the products.

lazy mans guide: u put everything in one pot, shake gently,wait 15 minutes.... seperate the top layer, evaporate and u are finished
To produce a gram this way it will cost around 7 euro's

A search on google and u will find 1,7 kg mimosa for 100 euro

please people stop paying 120 euro, buy some mimosa and give away some dmt instead 8)

Its so much more easy then u think
A search on google and u will find 1,7 kg mimosa for 100 euro

please people stop paying 120 euro, buy some mimosa and give away some dmt instead Cool

Its so much more easy then u think

Exactly! 8) I also thought that it would be to complex for me. I mean i never didn't do anything with extractions and chem's at all. And if i did take a look on all the information about extraction's and such, i already got uncomfortable. But then i learn to know guy who showed me how it worked, and thought. WTF? I can do this and so i tried, and guess what? Nice white crystals of DMT ;)

1,7 kg mimossa, can bring you LOTS of DMT. Far more then 1 gram :P In this way it is pretty cheap and like Jeniger said, you even have enough DMT to give some of it away :) I mean, think about this "You will never be afraid again, to smoke some of your last mg :)