I didn't mean smoke it all "myself" and definitely too not want too smoke myself retarded. What I mean is that where I am from, many people are very, very.. And I mean this abruptly... VERY uneducated. Most people here are not aware of DMT, and if they are, they are either lying or aren't using it for the right reasons.. I won't use it to the same extent as they are, because I hate their whole, "I'm a stoner, I'm cool" attitude.. I smoke ingest things for more mystical reasons.. (Not to be cheesy...) I'm more of a "I'm gonna find the answer" kind of person. But, no I will barely smoke over this summer.. I am more into selling this too experiment with other psychedelics, that I can buy, and too get my life on track ya know? Like getting a car and stuff like that.. And also, I will share much of this with my close friends, so that they will experience this also. I literally can't wait.. The only thing is, my mom flipped when she caught me on MDMA,found my weed twice.. All out of my error.. Stupid hiding places and etc.... But if she found a little DMT lab going on, she might just kill me.. So I will figure it out, and make it if it kills me, because I think of this as not only a life changing experience, but a little freedom and entrepreneurship. I hope someone understands.