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DMT prices?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nanosage
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Alpiniste Kundalini
I know that no one exactly knows.. But I got people telling me that its 5 bucks a head.. Which I am pretty sure is bullshit.. Lol But honestly I don't know if it really is 5 bucks a person or 200 bucks a person. Please someone give me an estimate. And for all I know I could be wrong maybe it is 5 bucks a head.. Lol I dunno.. But that was the same kid who was telling me that your brain could spontaneously combust on acid.. What an idiot...
You're better off extracting it yourself from Mimosa Hostilis, in any case.
As for street prics, dunno.
DMT is a psychedelic. That means prices range between expensive and free of cost. Where I live, everyone simply extracts it from plant materials and distributes it among friends. If you've got a decent kitchen, you can make it yourself. Do a search for "Elf Spice DMT TEK" for a pictorial overview of the proces.
Interesting, that elf spice dmt tek, is actually made by Heartcore who was actually a member of psychonaut.com ;)

Nanosage, the prices can very from free till even 120 dollar for a gram, so extracting it yourself would indeed be a better plan. But becareful, you don''t want your hands look like those of your grandma, i had to learn this myself :P

Greets and Love,
HermesTrismegistus a dit:
Interesting, that elf spice dmt tek, is actually made by Heartcore who was actually a member of psychonaut.com ;)
Keeping it local. 8)

Nanosage, the prices can vary from free till even 120 dollar for a gram
Or much more than that. Of course, you don't need a gram. 200 milligrams is enough to try it out a couple of times.
Someone wanna give me a good link to a dmt extracting process? For high quality dmt though please
i get them in Oz for 240-300 gram crystal, or easy $50 bucks a gram of Changa.or Dream time blend.
But yeah do it yourself interesting and enjoying
I bought synthetic DMT for 120 Euro per gram. You cannot say lab produced DMT, synthetic mescaline or liquid acid comes from the streets, even though they are distributed illegally.
check this for a lab crystal found on the net.Lovely. like supermans cave.....plrrrrrrrr
Ok, I am thinking about doing it myself.. I need something recreational over summer.. Lol.. I know about all the barks and stuff. But is there anything that will extract at least kind of potent DMT that I can "find"? I live in Missouri, if that helps. Just I need a plant too extract it from that I can find instead of buy, and I will figure it out from there :D
1. you probably will not just find a plant you can extract from. give up that notion.
2. they already posted a tek (aka technique, aka extraction procedure) for you to look up. "Elf Spice DMT TEK" in google. now.
3. im sure you can pm someone around the forum that can recommend a good site to order some mimosa bark from, you need to find a friend that's ok with you shipping it to their place (since you are so young, and im sure your parents aren't cool with it.)
4. erowid.org

take your time and do it right, with everything. it always pays off.
LOL, and he is still a member :lol:
Lol I extracted a kilo of bark. I had so much I couldn't give it away! The little I did sell, a few single doses for 10 and a gram to an experiences tripper for 150. People didn't really know what it was so it didn't sell verry well :( but the friends I gave it to really enjoyed it. You can get nice big crystals from recrystalizing your freezer precipitated product. It has a nice weird fruity smell. Well plasticy fruity weirness.
Dude.... I could sell it too everyone at my school.. No body is like motivated enough to look on the internet and find out how to make their own though.. Lol fucking retards.. But yea I'll probably buy a kilo of the bark this summer, and extract it and sell half and keep half. That should last me a whole summer right? Not including the time it takes too make..
any amount of dmt from that quantity of bark could last you the summer. don't be foolish and smoke yourself retarded the entire summer, if that's what you're implying.. your tolerance wont allow for that many meaningful experiences in that amount of time anyways, and so, if you aren't looking for a meaningful experience from dmt then i must question why you would even choose dmt at all...?
I didn't mean smoke it all "myself" and definitely too not want too smoke myself retarded. What I mean is that where I am from, many people are very, very.. And I mean this abruptly... VERY uneducated. Most people here are not aware of DMT, and if they are, they are either lying or aren't using it for the right reasons.. I won't use it to the same extent as they are, because I hate their whole, "I'm a stoner, I'm cool" attitude.. I smoke ingest things for more mystical reasons.. (Not to be cheesy...) I'm more of a "I'm gonna find the answer" kind of person. But, no I will barely smoke over this summer.. I am more into selling this too experiment with other psychedelics, that I can buy, and too get my life on track ya know? Like getting a car and stuff like that.. And also, I will share much of this with my close friends, so that they will experience this also. I literally can't wait.. The only thing is, my mom flipped when she caught me on MDMA,found my weed twice.. All out of my error.. Stupid hiding places and etc.... But if she found a little DMT lab going on, she might just kill me.. So I will figure it out, and make it if it kills me, because I think of this as not only a life changing experience, but a little freedom and entrepreneurship. I hope someone understands.
Nanosage a dit:
I didn't mean smoke it all "myself" and definitely too not want too smoke myself retarded. What I mean is that where I am from, many people are very, very.. And I mean this abruptly... VERY uneducated. Most people here are not aware of DMT, and if they are, they are either lying or aren't using it for the right reasons.. I won't use it to the same extent as they are, because I hate their whole, "I'm a stoner, I'm cool" attitude.. I smoke ingest things for more mystical reasons.. (Not to be cheesy...) I'm more of a "I'm gonna find the answer" kind of person. But, no I will barely smoke over this summer.. I am more into selling this too experiment with other psychedelics, that I can buy, and too get my life on track ya know? Like getting a car and stuff like that.. And also, I will share much of this with my close friends, so that they will experience this also. I literally can't wait.. The only thing is, my mom flipped when she caught me on MDMA,found my weed twice.. All out of my error.. Stupid hiding places and etc.... But if she found a little DMT lab going on, she might just kill me.. So I will figure it out, and make it if it kills me, because I think of this as not only a life changing experience, but a little freedom and entrepreneurship. I hope someone understands.

the worse about attitudes like you present, is how clueless you seem to be of the possible consequences of your actions and the contradictions in what you say. You say you live in a place with loads of lying badly intended people, and yet you wanna sell dmt to them (what if one of them gets caught by police and rats you out? What if it goes on the news, about the new 'terrible drug' dmt and how kids are manufacturing it from plants like mimosa, and then they put mimosa on the 'controlled plants' list?).

You say you use psychedelics for mystical reasons and yet you wanna make money out of such an amazingly deep substance and compare it to 'getting a car'.

Then you talk about living with your mom, and you seem to care little that you live in HER house and yet you want to extract an illegal drug in her place in spite of her thoughts on psychedelics, and you want to sell it, and dont even think of the possible consequences for her if you do get caught by the law. When you have your own place, do as you please but dont be so reckless to do it in your parents house without their conscent.

I hate to be judgemental but this kind of attitude pisses me off! You are risking ruining it for everybody AND being disrespectful to the substance. To me its pretty obvious if somebody puts a price tag on dmt, its because they have no idea of the real value of this substance

Extract DMT for your own experiences, share it with your close friends, dont give to those that havent got a minimum of developed conscience, DONT SELL! I really hope you have a minimum of self-reflection and self-criticism and think about what I wrote, and not just respond reactively.
i mention because of your statement about "sell half, keep half", i see what you mean now though...

i hope we dont sound like we're hating on you, but end brings up some very important points for you to really consider. do be careful, as that is your LIFE that you are gambling with. dmt is a felony offense. the system will rape you, especially if you dont have the backing of your parents to get you out of trouble. i've been lucky in my years, and have only been charged with things related to weed.=misdemeanor. even still, if it were not for my parents, i very well might have done, or still be doing rather, some serious time in the slammer. fuckers :evil:
Endlessness, you are completely right.. Honestly.. That didn't go through my head.... Seriously.. I try to not be so naive, yet I don't think out felonies.. You really persuaded me.. So, I am not going to sell, unless my CLOSEST FRIENDS need some to take home. And I know that they definitely WON'T rat me out.. But I am still gonna make some, just not in mass amounts like I had planned..