DMT: More rare than chicken teeth?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ov3rdos3
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I live in London, which is a sucky place for psychonauts, because its so hard to find psychedelics here. Most sucky dealers here only sell sucky drugs like E and coke (none of which I do. its so very....amateur?) anyways, I remember recieving a call from my mate. He had met a young dreadlocked fellow who at the time, happened to have some of the precious orange Melange on him, which was without doubt purchased on the spot.

Exept for that one amazing, life changing time that I got to smoke this stuff, I have never encountered it again. Heck, most people dont even know what DMT is, and look at me as if i have spunk dangling off my chin everytime i mention it.

Where in God's green earth can a person find this stuff? Is the only way to find it, to extract it yourself? Isnt there a "place" or a "person" who accepts "donations" and can provide a person with some "insight" on how to get some *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

(no. im not a narc.)

I think u wil have to start extracting yourself mate
can't help u more then saying thats the only way :)
or be lucky to encounter it..
I`ve never come across DMT here myself either so..
only way to get it for me is also extracting it
and is there actually an easy way of doing this? remember, my chemistry skills are about as advanced as adding milk to cornflakes to form a new edible compound.
Forkbender,can you tell me why,being from Amsterdam,you put a Canadian flag?
I'm international joe. Thing is, I studied in Toronto for a year and I prefer the Canadian flag to the 'boring' Dutch flag.
Yeah I guess Forkbender,but if it was green and had a cannabis leaf instead of a maple leaf it would be much nicer lol.
By the way Toronto sucks,you should have come to Montreal.I tell you man I've traveled all over the world and In not just Montreal,but all over the Province of Quebec,you get the worl's best looking women.For sure there are good looking women in any place you go .But I'm talking about the ratio of nice ones to ugly ones.
I also applied for Montreal, but there were fewer spots available in the university over there, so they put me up at Toronto. It has it's nice features, though. And for women, you just have to know where to look. Anyway, I had a really good time in Toronto, which is the most important. I've also been to Montreal for a week and to the west for a month, so I didn't restrict myself to T-dot.
seriously why did you post it in this topic joe??
a PM would have done.. this has nothing to do with the subject..

please no more offtopic posts
I live in London, which is a sucky place for psychonauts, because its so hard to find psychedelics here.

I went to london last week, and visited candem. In candem (almost) every souvenirshop sold: Amanita, San pedro and Peruvian torch(dried flesh), LSA-seeds, Salvia.

VerusDeus a dit:
Ov3rdos3 a dit:
I live in London, which is a sucky place for psychonauts, because its so hard to find psychedelics here.

I went to london last week, and visited candem. In candem (almost) every souvenirshop sold: Amanita, San pedro and Peruvian torch(dried flesh), LSA-seeds, Salvia.

That may be true but the poor bastard still can't find DMT.
Well, I have yet to find a person who knows what DMT is, not to talk about finding the substance itself, LOL.

I'm serious, not even the type of people you'd think would know about DMT do actually have a clue about it. Ask the next best goa-freak and there's a big chance he never heard of DMT. It's weird...
Yeah,DMT is one of those things that almost nobody heard of.I actually prefer it that way.Once over a year ago there was a thread in another forum that talked about an estimate of how many spice-onauts ther might be worldwide.and one guy gathered statistics from different forums and vendors of spice containing plants and the ballpark figure was about 3000 people in the whole world.I don't know if he included the tribe members in the Amazon though.Plus there must be some that live in a climate where they can get the needed plants from nature and one would have no way of knowing about them.I guess it was just a wild guestimate.But from all the people that I know I'm the only one who's heard of it exept the people that I've let in on the best kept secret which I can count on one hand.It's better to keep it underground and avoid all kids of media hype bullshit from hitting the fan.
Totally agree about keeping it on the low. I know four people who have used it in the past, though they didn't get the effects they went in for (probably because they didn't know where they would go and how far it could take them and they were a little bit afraid :twisted: ). So with me as a potential user (only did ayahuasca once), that makes five users in total that I know of. Most other people I know do not know about DMT or psychedelics in general. I try to talk to them about it sometimes, but they are most of the times afraid of what it will do to them.
"I try to talk to them about it sometimes, but they are most of the times afraid of what it will do to them."

Yet these same people that are afraid of DMT, mushrooms , Mescaline(real mesc from cactus) will go out and do meth,cocaine,crack ,fake mescaline which is pcp+ whatever the pusher feels lik putting in it.Ignorance kills me man cause the first three drugs I mentioned are harmless compared to the other ones I mentioned,but these people don't understand this.I guess ignorance is the root of fear.
Fortunately none of my friends do crack, cocaine, meth or pcp or whatever. They just stick to good ol' alcohol and nicotine. But they are damaging as well. I did manage to trip on shrooms with about 6 of my friends (in three different sittings), and salvia with one of them, but most of them don't like to open their mind (not even with the decriminalized weed over here). 2 out of the 6 mentioned before will probably never trip again. While two others moved their game to MDMA. Weird, eh? But I guess convincing 6 people is a pretty good average for two years trying. Then again, my friends are all pretty open-minded, so it was a pretty easy game.
Yet these same people that are afraid of DMT, mushrooms , Mescaline(real mesc from cactus) will go out and do meth,cocaine,crack ,fake mescaline which is pcp+ whatever the pusher feels lik putting in it.

That's true. I was totally shocked recently that someone I know was very negative about shrooms and lsd. I mean this guy does coke like once a week (I suspect he's having a little problem with his coke-habit, even though he would never admit it). All he knew about LSD was that he did it once and thought it was interesting. The other thing he knew was that someone he knew did LSD without respect and ended up in the mental hospital. Well, I could have told him how many people had ended up in hospitals or had even died from coke and he still does it regularly... I didn't argue because I knew his thinking was already cemented...
Some people's view's are just stuck in the wrong direction...
That's always been the case on great little planet earth
Reminds me of the guy who told me once that even who took coke were afraid of LSD because it destroyed brain cells... He even insisted that this was scientificaly proved... Was feeling a bit sad about the bad reputation of this product...

Back to the topic's subject, I'm considering trying DMT, as I see it as a really powerful drug it's no problem if I pay a hi-price...

So the question is : should i buy shreded or whole roots? And I have the choice between "premium" or "purple dark"? Is there any difference ?