I've never read or heard of any definate/specific health risks from smoking dmt. Beyond the general issue of inhaling a vapour (or anything) into your lungs, the only problems from dmt would be poor extraction of the drug (solvents/plant matter etc remaining in the substance), but this is a problem with any recreational drug and something that would be solved by legalisation..
Those reports about people being harmed in the previous posts are all about a combination of drugs, not just DMT. MAOI's in particular can cause very harmful/deadly effects if taken unsafely, not by the DMT but other random chemicals that have been ingested, that being other drugs or simply certain things in foods, our stomach enzymes are there for a reason and shouldnt be messed about with unless you or someone you're with know what you're doing and understand the effects.
Im not sure about DMT being produced in the lungs, but its accepted that its produced in significant quantities in the Pineal gland of our brains, most believe its what causes dreaming in REM sleep and near death experiences.
As for mental health, im going to quote Graham Hancock as its the same opinion i have. "If the individual is normal and sane and balanced, they will emerge from the experience normal and sane and balanced." -
I dont believe i've ever been entirely changed by an experience on any drug, more so expanded.
and as for general health. the healthier you are mentally and physically, the happier you are, so it makes sense that it would carry over to any experiences you have.
Those reports about people being harmed in the previous posts are all about a combination of drugs, not just DMT. MAOI's in particular can cause very harmful/deadly effects if taken unsafely, not by the DMT but other random chemicals that have been ingested, that being other drugs or simply certain things in foods, our stomach enzymes are there for a reason and shouldnt be messed about with unless you or someone you're with know what you're doing and understand the effects.
Im not sure about DMT being produced in the lungs, but its accepted that its produced in significant quantities in the Pineal gland of our brains, most believe its what causes dreaming in REM sleep and near death experiences.
As for mental health, im going to quote Graham Hancock as its the same opinion i have. "If the individual is normal and sane and balanced, they will emerge from the experience normal and sane and balanced." -
I dont believe i've ever been entirely changed by an experience on any drug, more so expanded.
and as for general health. the healthier you are mentally and physically, the happier you are, so it makes sense that it would carry over to any experiences you have.