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Distinct feeling of electricity during Sleep Paralysis?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Cortexelus
  • Date de début Date de début
No, it has never happened to me. But most of the times I feel like I'm going to have an heart attack :-o kinda scary
Yes, Exactly the same happens to me. I feel you.
I accidentally triggered a condition that causes Sleep Paralysis in a healthy normal person. My first Sleep Paralysis experience was beyond terrifying. 7 Different episodes of nightmares in just 4 hours of sleep and I woke up to my paralysed body at each time a nightmare ended. I was conscious but I was trapped inside my own body suffocating due to excess of CO2. I was facing my pillow (was Sleeping on Stomach, I know it is infact considered the safe way, right?) Finally when I really woke up, I ran away from bed. I never had such experience ever before in my life. I was confused, feared, What was it, Was it an inception of nightmares where you know that you are dreaming between dream episodes, why did it happen, What caused it? I was talking to my friend when I returned in my bedroom and suddenly I knew what might have triggered it. There was this one weird thing I did that day that I had never done before.

When I went to bed 4 hours earlier my Phone's battery was low and I was texting my gf, My new charger's cable is too short so I put the Power Extension brick on my bed instead of the floor like I used to with my old charger. (I put it about 1 Meter away from my Head/Pillow, plugged my phone charger and then fell asleep while texting her. (Forgot to turn it off). The Power Extension Brick created a very weak Electric field and the Bed sheet uniformly distributed it around my body and brain. (Too week of course to be noticed by the body but enough to disturb human brain's internal electrical signal network)
Just to confirm my theory, I then did it purposely and suffered Sleep Paralysis episode again. I now know what triggered Sleep Paralysis that day. Later on I tried different bedsheets but it only works with the one I accidentally had my first encounter with. I guess the type of cloth was the key that distribute the field around my head.

If you frequently have episodes of Sleep Paralysis, Make sure your home is properly Electrically grounded and you don't sleep near any kind of Electrical equipment. In fact try sleeping at a very different location for a few days and see if that was indeed causing it. 
I have a lot of experience with sleep paralysis. From what I've observed it's like there's an in-between state between conscious wakefulness and sleep unconsciousness where the brain seems to function only partially in both arenas. So, the shutdown of conscious ability to move one's body, as is normal in sleep, and yet the mind is consciously awake. Trying to move in this state you feel like your body is 10x heavier, even moving a hand seems like you are moving a 50lb weight. It freaks you out because well...You are not use to being awake and physically completely helpless to move your body. I think it's just because you are not fully in one state or the other and your brain is kinda working both states inefficiently. It goes away, nothing to fret about beyond the why you find yourself in this unnatural state to begin with.

After years of sleep paralysis I found you can train the brain to move your body in this state. I was actually able to move my physical body by choice whilst still in a dream state. Which makes me wonder if it's possible to intentionally function in both a conscious and unconscious state simultaneously. Well, I'd probably look like a zombie heh heh. As for the shocks...I have experienced kind of full body shocks, not like an electric shock from an external source but more like a bio-electrical overload, like a sudden surge. I can't say what causes them. Definitely related to my episodes of sleep paralysis.
Cortexelus a dit:
As you fall asleep, particularly during sleep paralysis, has anyone ever had a distinct feeling of like... electricity flowing side to side in the brain?

For lack of a better term, I call it Brainflow.

It happens to be all the time. I used to be afraid I was having a seizure and wake myself up. It took me about a year to work up the courage to not freak out.

I'm getting better maintaining the delicate balance of being in the state. It seems like one can easily slip out of it, or slip deeper. Slipping deeper freaks me out, I haven't tried going all that deep. If I leave my eyes open a little bit, and the lights are on in the room, then I don't panic as much, and I can explore and maintain the balance.

Sometimes if I hang out long enough in brainflow, a dream suddenly starts, and I'm automatically lucid.

During brainflow I have normal thoughts, my adreneline is running and I'm exaggeratedly paranoid and aware of body sensations and external sounds. Sometimes it's accompanied by rapidly shifting perceptions (esp. during sleep paralysis). There's also the characteristic flowing sensation of electricity in my head, which feels like it's moving side to side.

I've tried a few experiments while in the state. Curiously, If I start playing music in my head, the sensations pick up intensity really quickly. I have to stop or otherwise I start panicking.

LMAO. It's the weirdest thing in the world.

Has anyone felt this? Have any idea what it is? Is part of my brain going to sleep, and the other part given a nice window seat to watch?

This has been happening to me for a couple weeks now. And honestly it scares the heck out of me. I've tried just letting it happen and then my entire body jumps! I call it sound waves because I always have my fan on at night. And the surges go with rhe noise of my fan and it travels from one side of my head to the other. This has got progressively worse since I had a bad experience while doing dope. I was up for too long w/o food or water. I keep getting sound waves as I'm falling asleep but I am still consciously awake but my body becomes paralyzed while awake and it feels like the "sound waves" are in a way attacking me but I can't speak or move my body and then I FINALLY wake in a state of panic. Again my waves are getting worse and worse. I woke my boyfriend up about 10 times tonight by jumping during a state of panic!! I wish I could learn what this is that is happening to me. I really miss sleeping. But in other times I can fall asleep and have a dream but here lately (since the dope) they have been nightmares.
Only had sleep paralysis once, and I never want it again. The feeling of another presence being in the room is horrifying.
dimaz a dit:
Sorry to replay on this old topic !!

But i realy need some help !!!

Im a Male and im 26 years old .

Since a few months i experiance sleep paralysis ( I think ) ...
at first i was thinking that it was some kind of wierd dream ,
But it happens so often now !
And to be honest im realy scared of it !

It happens almost every night to me now ..
And i even feel it comming when im a wake ( In bed ) now then ,

I wil discripe as best as i can what i feel and hear ..

It stards with a wierd feeling in head between my eyes ( 3the eye )
Then i stard hearing / feeling a buzzzing sound .
Its verry light at the stard but its getting heavyer and heavyer every second and then BAM !! im paralised !!...
i cant move my body .. but i feel that im moving / floating !! ???
then panic comes .. and i stard yelling trying to move my body but only my fingers seem to move.

Some times it takes 30 seconds some times a few mints before im Back ..
and then i wake u yelling ..

the first few times my girl started panicing ..
but now it seems normal if it happens 2 me a few times a night ..

I realy hope that there is some one who can tell me a trick so i can experiance the fun side of it..
Becouse now its only a panic "dream" for me..


Sorry for my bad english ,
Im Dutch and im verry dyslexia .

Thanks !!
Hey brother have you found out what is happening to you because the same exact thing is happening to me and I would like to know what it is

Have you found out what it is because it happens to me and I would like to know
Experienced extensive sleep paralysis when I was a child and early teen. One of the experiences of my sleep paralysis was the feeling of electric jots shooting through my body.
I never felt electricity but levitated even when paralyzed.
Maybe there is something to it with sounds playing to alter the brainwave.