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Did it begin?

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 978
2 of my inner voices are predicting anarchy, 1 is warning me about too fast conclusion and 1 is telling me to wait until I see the chance to overtake the world............................

Today the investment Bank, Lehman Brothers crashed and is now bankrupt. The whole stocks shattered and large banks, like UBS had to announce large losses. It is the second fall in stocks in recent times and although my memory is dead, I remember that there were large falls before. Heck, there were these two banks with similar names my dear, I guess I have to wake up my 5th voice to remember me their names..........

What do you think, is this staggering construct of lying banks beginning to fall or was my 3rd voice right? Will the banks be able to hold the system?

http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/u ... aspx?guid={E271338C-BA9D-4BF9-92D0-BA5A4A94269D}


I'm pretty certain that at some point there will be a major crash. I don't know very much about all this finance stuff, but some voice tells me that it is going to crash. capitalism is a self-correcting system, at least that's how it appears to me. there will be a crash, but I'm not sure if it will end in anarchy. it probably will wake up many people, when their money won't be worth anything anymore.
I'm just concerned that it will end in much violence.

any 1929 specialists here? historians?
From what I heard, "experts" tend to think that the situation isn't as bad as it was during the first crisis.

Of course, I'll bet my balls that other think exactly the other way.
Bush and his international puppet governments are going to use our money to bail his friends out . = We loose twice and they win even if they "loose" .
I just hope i can get enough money saved up to buy a ticket out of here if it gets really bad. other then that i just tryign to fiond a place to go once i do leave. I have been wanting to goto Europe for a few years now. Maybe this will be the nail in the coffin if I can come up with the cash. The Corruption in D.C. has been going on for too long as it is now & despite what both parties are saying they want to do to change everything they both have a equal shot @ ruining the country. I agree that Capitalism seems to be a self correcting system. I just wonder will socialism self correct itself if things get out of hand?
ImTrippingStupid a dit:
I just hope i can get enough money saved up to buy a ticket out of here if it gets really bad.

Your money isn't worth a jar of peanut butter if it gets really bad.
Forkbender a dit:
ImTrippingStupid a dit:
I just hope i can get enough money saved up to buy a ticket out of here if it gets really bad.

Your money isn't worth a jar of peanut butter if it gets really bad.

I know this much thats why i hope i can afford to leave before it gets really really bad. Its bad enough with everythign thats going on. I have been dealign with these assholes in DC since janurary because I work in the auto industry. Took me 3 months to find a new job. A lot of people i know in the Auto Reconditioning business are either looking for new jobs or had to take a 50% pay cut just to keep their jobs. This was all before the collapse . At the moment I have a place to go in Canadas till i get more money up to further my travels. I just hope I will be able to afford it some how if not I will have to go on foot to canada. Either way im ready to leave.
There wouldnt be a resession . The investors and people with money know if they pull it out of the market the market would colapse = their money would be worth nothing = they would loose . If the situation was left as it is = the companys that caused the problems were alowed to go bankrup and the government used tax payers money to buy their assests at market value = VERY cheep the people with debts wouldnt loose their homes they would pay there debts and the profit the government made would pay the original price they paid for the debts and the rest of the profit could be used for the tax payers good..... and the investors and people with capital would have to keep the market going or loose their money = take the responsibility for milking the market .
^That's what I was thinking. This whole pseudo collapse puts more power in the state, which will probably benefit a lot of people.

Only problem I see is that the state is prohibited from entering the market in a lot of countries.
hmmm. True on one hand but the tendency is, that such crysi happen more and more often during shorter time. They can't pump 700 billions into the system each month...
I was really surprized when I heard that the billions were refused...
Notice how the press tryed scare tactics to get the people to acept it . Notice how the market dropped trying to scare the people . Notice how bush said if there wasnt a desision by friday , and then by monday there would be a resesion . Then notice how the market rose again afterwards . They dont want to loose their money , and what ever happens they will find a way to make money out of it .
of course, there is no doubt in it. That's why I was surprized that it was refused, and that it were the republicans (neocons???? never).... I still didn't manage to see through the situation created. It doesn't make sense. Does anyone know, what the democrats changed in the proposals that the republicans hate it so much?
It was nothing to do with the democrats . It was because no real republican can acept nationalisation = socialism . They were being bombarded with calls from their constituants not to back it . Many people dont see why they should pay the debts of big buisness and rich people . They see that those people and the stock market will make profit out of a bail out , and they see that in the end they will have to pay for it .
any people dont see why they should pay the debts of big buisness and rich people .

But the population has no vote in this....

And aren't the rich (republicans) in need of this money? Most of them invest and they will lose a lot...
There really is no escape from a depression. Many (especially Americans) think that the depression of 1929 was mainly an American phenomenon, but that is untrue. It was word wide. It was what sparked WWII and ironically WWII is what saved us from the depression. Like it or not, America is a superpower, if she falls it is felt around the world. Another depression unfortunately seems inevitable, but people survived the last one. I think we will pull through another.
I hope for a soon collapse of the system.
It wont happen . Things might get dearer and tighter but a full blown depression wont happen .

Imagine NO DRUGS !!!!!!!! No one would produce them , sell them or be able to buy them .

Imagine marshal law !!!!!
I am not sure, we will see.

There will ALWAYS be a black market I presume.

What I hope is that as it gets tougher, people begin to wake up and ask questions, questions, questions. This is something that humanity really misses nowadays.
restin a dit:
There will ALWAYS be a black market I presume.

As long as there is a lawbook, yes.