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Diagnose me

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DevXavier a dit:
???????? a dit:
the clouds thing wouldn't be because of increased pattern recognition?
That's what I was thinking as well.

That's another scientific eufemism for "We don't know what the fuck is going on but we try to disguise it behind a name that sounds good."

The experience is primordial to the name we give it. I don't experience increased pattern recognition, I experience clouds having faces and blowing wind over the land.
???????? a dit:
the clouds thing wouldn't be because of increased pattern recognition?

or decreased pattern ignoring :lol:
Just by staring at the same cloud I can see hundreds of different images, it changes every 3-4 seconds
I do that in my ceiling or ill look inside a fractal. Sometimes ill scribble on a paper and see whats inside that. Pretty entertaining.
In my bathrooms the walls are made of false ceramics and when I'm very stoned and stare at it for a few seconds it become three dimensionnal, have a profoundness, and I can see a lot of pictures, like in clouds
Forkbender a dit:
That's another scientific eufemism for "We don't know what the fuck is going on but we try to disguise it behind a name that sounds good."

I agree with that :lol:
I would only puke if I would smoke a joint while being very drunk. Now I don't drink alcohol, except for a couple of beers every once in a while and I smoke cannabis regularly.

Cannabis + alcohol overloads the liver and that makes us puke.

I don't know if it had anything to do with your bad trip, but it could be it. Eggs can be very strong to the liver. And you ate 2 of them.

Check your diet. If you normally eat a lot of fat, fast food, or drink a lot of alcohol, your liver will be weak and vomiting after smoking cannabis can occur.

It may not have been the case, but it's still a very important issue, in my opinion.
well yeah cannabis + alcohol can explode in your face if you don't handle it well but I don't drink... and I guess I'll never know about the damn eggs, maybe they were the guilty factor after all :lol:
really you guys have all these effects from MJ? i get them if i DON'T do it :lol:
no seriously i smoke like once every few months, and it might be because i'm schizzophrenic but i really don't need MJ to have increased pattern recognition...

i really do believe, dear friend with a non-readable name, that what gave you the pukeys was the eggs. however cannabis is known to have sometimes, if smoked too much all "too"gether, undesirable effects on the stomach and it's not because you are a virgin...I know this was probably already said somewhere along this thread, i just wanted to butt in and give my opinion.

Peace :weedman:
i have noticed that some kinds of weed have a different high, some are like "woah.. dude what?" and other ones are like "holy shit i just heard something fucking move!" some highs can actually be scary. I think it's all just in the chemistry of it all :P
I find it sometimes irritating to see my fellow psychonauts act like, well. Retards. Absolutely clueless about their own shit they smoke and the effects they get. You are smoking cannabis, what are you expecting. Just a high? Do something with that high. Get out, meditate, develop your spiritual skills instead of just sitting around and starring at shit like a retard in awe telling to yourself how cool everything looks and how good you feel.

You were not experiencing a bad trip my friend. The symptoms you are describing is one from a typical out of body experience. Feeling of vibration whether it is comfortable of uncomfortable. Feeling of detachment from the body, a sense of dread evil fear as if someone is watching you.

I suggest you experiment more with it. I think you can seriously get some interesting results from it.

- Expedion