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Alpiniste Kundalini
Alright this is embarrassing.. But its time I ask for some advice with it and its easier to talk to you guys over the internet than to talk to anyone else.. But heres the deal... For the past like week I can't stand anything.. I just wanna lay there every day and do absolutely nothing.. I literally have been crying myself to sleep every night. And then when I wake up in the morning I would seriously rather have absolutely no future than get up for school.. Which is completely wrong.. Because obviously I'm going to have to deal with getting up in the morning every day for the rest of my life.. Simple chores take me hours to do.. Just like today it took me at least 4 or 5 hours just to mow the lawn.. I would come back in and just lay there and think about everything until my eyes started watering up.. Its just fucking ridiculous and I want it to end.. Its cutting into everything.. I don't even wanna beat it anymore.. I won't even go out with my friends and smoke or nothing.. I literally have just been sitting here and sleeping.. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.. Its not like something big has made me depressed.. And I won't talk to anyone about it because my mom will just think I want drugs for it.. Which is completely wrong.. And I just feel stupid.. None of my friends are even real friends they just hang around me for drugs or whatever or at least that's what I feel like.. I also won't talk because I will most likely start crying when I am talking to them and that just will embarrass the hell out of me.. But seriously what do I do? I am sick of laying here sobbing over absolutely nothing and just passing out everyday and waking up in my own puddle of tears.. Its fucking ridiculous.. What the hell do I do?
Okay, well my mom just came into my room and asked me what my deal was because I have been acting like a zombie half way asleep all the time.. And then I started thinking but I couldn't help but let a tear drip down my face.. Now shes all worried thinking I'm gonna commit suicide because apparently on my dads side there was alot of depression.. But I don't want her to be worrying about it.. I mean if I was a parent I wouldn't want to constantly be worried about my kid being depressed.. Thats terrible.. I didn't tell her anything but "I'm fine mom don't worry.. " But regardless she has made a doctors appointment.. I hate talking to people though.. I don't wanna talk to my doctors or anything because I hate talking to people... FML
Just go to the doc man. They're payed to make you feel better. They went through many years of schooling and know their shit. You say you've only been depressed for a week though? And you were perfectly fine before that? Sounds like it could be temporary, but who knows. I was just like you... laying around all day, crying myself to sleep, stopped going to class. I was depressed for years before I finally saw a shrink and got hooked up with some happy pills. Shit works.
not a medical doctor, a real doctor - a real psychiatrist.

A medical doctor will say "Oh.. Yes... mhmm... here is your prescription."

Depression is natural, and it stems from something you need to confront. You are afraid of something, or you do not like something in your life. There isn't a chemical inbalance - that inbalance is there for a reason. That reason is something needs to change about your life.

YOU need to figure it out. YOU need to cure it.

It won't happen over night, and it's not going to happen magically. It will be hard work.

IJesusChrist a dit:
That reason is something needs to change about your life.
Change is the operative word here. Without change and new experiences, people cannot grow. Without growth, there is no more purpose for life, lack of growth is death or something like it. Change is the source of inspiration and that's what you need more of to pull yourself out of this depression.

You know yourself better than any doctor, dude. It is totally up to you to change this, to change your life. Don't take any fucking pills to mask the problem, that's just running from your issues. Cure it, don't medicate it.
Counselor viljo-flying writer-imperial guard-gluon.

The cause has produced a medium term problem.
The symptom is over emotional........... likes to visit her memory...............and stay there.
( true or false? )?
Either way you have stuck to your guns. that means you like it, 1 to 10! (how much)

MUM- making it worse. supporting you. helping your condition or worsening your condition.
DAD- not paying attention or doesn't get it.

I think it's a boy or girl thing.
your in trouble. BIG TROUBLE. :mrgreen:

speak to a trained counselor they love to help it's so important to society.
please find the right one. CHOOSE boy or girl. They can be caring or ruff.
CONFINDENTIALALITY and write down what you do and don't agree with at the end of each session.
My goal is to not get onto meds, but if I have too its whatever.. I'm not in a commited relationship with anyone but my parents and I'm sure they won't mind if I'm not 'myself' Or at least that was the first argument in the video.. I mean I have a girlfriend,but its not really serious at all and I don't really have too tell anyone I'm on medication.. Why would I? They will just think thats me.. But still I don't want to be on medication just because.. I don't even know why it just seems wrong ya know? I mean if they tell me too I will take them without question if it gets rid of my sadness.. Especially if they give me vyvance or aderall or xanax or something.. I mean I think my problems are more anxiety ridden and attention problems.. I can't talk to anyone because I have trust issues.. I seriously don't trust anyone and it gets in the way of ALL my friendships.. I can't talk to a group of people without choking up and turning all red and forgetting what to do.. Even if its written down.. And most of all I can't concentrate for more than ten minutes.. No joke I have had all THESE problems since I started school.. I think I need the attention meds not even lying I actually do think I have ADD. But the anxiety I can just deal with I don't wanna take too many meds.. One pill is enough and I don't wanna burn too big a whole in my moms pocket ya know? And in mine when I get older..
I have a medical condition. Next year makes 8 years. CATCH. The First four years felt like 20,15,10,5 years. 5 years later I fall in love. HIT ICE. 1 year racked up 4-8 years. TWIST. Cold turkey, HOW?, MEDICAL CONDITION OVER RULED IT lesson. A COMBINATION OF TROPICS REDUCED SIDE EFFECTS AND REDUCED POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS. LUCK. THIS PLACE. DEPRESSION IS FAKE. FELLS REAL. BUT IT'S FAKE. TIME IS REAL, GOES UN-NOTICED, REAL. MARK A CALENDER. MAKE 4 DAYS, DID YOU COMPLETE IT OR NOT. CAN YOU DO IT YOURSELF, DO YOU NEED family, family friends,family-friends-partner,FREE ASSISTANCE OR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE
listen to viljo - he's got a certain sense of smell for this :)
Nanosage a dit:
Alright this is embarrassing.. But its time I ask for some advice with it and its easier to talk to you guys over the internet than to talk to anyone else.. But heres the deal... For the past like week I can't stand anything.. I just wanna lay there every day and do absolutely nothing.. I literally have been crying myself to sleep every night. And then when I wake up in the morning I would seriously rather have absolutely no future than get up for school.. Which is completely wrong.. Because obviously I'm going to have to deal with getting up in the morning every day for the rest of my life.. Simple chores take me hours to do.. Just like today it took me at least 4 or 5 hours just to mow the lawn.. I would come back in and just lay there and think about everything until my eyes started watering up.. Its just fucking ridiculous and I want it to end.. Its cutting into everything.. I don't even wanna beat it anymore.. I won't even go out with my friends and smoke or nothing.. I literally have just been sitting here and sleeping.. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.. Its not like something big has made me depressed.. And I won't talk to anyone about it because my mom will just think I want drugs for it.. Which is completely wrong.. And I just feel stupid.. None of my friends are even real friends they just hang around me for drugs or whatever or at least that's what I feel like.. I also won't talk because I will most likely start crying when I am talking to them and that just will embarrass the hell out of me.. But seriously what do I do? I am sick of laying here sobbing over absolutely nothing and just passing out everyday and waking up in my own puddle of tears.. Its fucking ridiculous.. What the hell do I do?

Hey Nanosage

really sorry to hear that you feel so down. PLEASE watch that vid close 'stop taking the pills' because what its saying really exposes what is going on.
OK, you say you dont really know why you feel so bad? I am sure many people dont--but thats only because we are made to believe that this life we are FORCED to live is normal. I could take this to different levels of info

I mean take the very school you go to--even thought about school itself, and WHY you have to go? Do you like it? I personally hated it very much. Not only did I find the lessons totally boring, but I also felt socially isolated there, and suffered prejudice and homophobia too---a real shit experience.
But only much later did I start finding out (when I got online post 2006) just what the so-called 'education system' is about, and it is NOT designed for our best interests---Google John Taylor Gatto, and search that name on Youtube and you will start finding out about school. School is ENFORCED. If you don't go here your parents can get sent to jail! I recently have been in contact with a woman and mother who --with her partner and children have had to leave their home and pets, and flee the UK because of persecution they have received for homeschooling! Ie., there is cultural pressure against taking kids out of their 'education' system.

MANy children hate school because they are bullied, but there is no escape for them. Their parents make it clear with spoken and unspoken words that school HAS to be gone to--whatever, so the poor kid is in a freakin corner, and this is the important bit--doesn't realize what the game is about. They assume that that is reality and if they get depressed about things blame themselves instead of this system which is really oppressing them.

Also you mentioned you feel your friends are using you for drugs? That is a very important confession. I dont know if its true or not, but the important thing is you feel that! You feel like your being used, and because this is your very so-called friends you dont know who to trust, because usually we trust our friends don't we?
I feel you, because when I was growing up--like I said, I was socially isolated at school, but i DID have friends at home. However, it was my house that was mostly free in my teens because my mum went out a lot, and they would come round and use it as a doss house, and when I got older I wondered if they were using me. And it's that not-quite-knowing that is the mindfuck and makes you feel you cant trust anyone.

You say you cant concentrate, but isn't it so that when your upset your mind is on what your upset about? So really you ARE concentrating on that, but the poxy school people etc claim that because your not a freakin machined concentrating on THEIR boring shit--that that means you have a 'biological disorder' which they call 'ADD' 'ADHD'---bogus disorders that are made up by the pharma-shrinks. These people are already gonna add new 'disorders' to the DSM Bible such as if you have a tantrum in class at school it means you have disorder. it is all Bullshit.

If and when you go to the doctor or even shrink about this they wont ask you about your life---or only in a kind of ticking boxes way, and then they will want you on their pills--cause thats all they know and push. theres lots of profit in it

Someone here advised better a counsellor. I also recommend that. Someone who doesn't judge you--and try to push pills etc on you, but LISTENS to you, and this encourages you to open up whats on your mind.
Zezt has some good points, however I am going to say that the way we live is not as extremely wrong as people often believe.

It is what you make it. What you can take out of school and the "system" is up to you.

To say that you are depressed because of the system you are put in may be very biased. I believe it is biased, honestly. The reason you, or anyone, ever becomes depressed is because they are unaware of something. This feeling of 'lost' is what brings the initial sadness of depression - the "What am I really doing here...".

When people say "Find a job you love doing", the underlying meaning in that is find your goal. You have a goal. When you were small, a little guy, and you viewed yourself growing up - what did you look like.

When you were little and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, what did you say?

I remember when I was very young I used to have images of me in a lab - a top secret lab. I would be working on the forefront of science, developing the most advanced technologies, researching the most complex systems. I always wanted that and still do.

When I lost track of that goal - when I forgot about it - I became depressed. I felt like I was doing nothing in this world. I felt like I needed to DO something. I remembered my adolescent dreams of becoming a scientist and told myself to go to college. I have not fully filled my calling - but I have found it again, and I know where I need to go.

Do not underestimate the power of childish dreams, goals, and wishes.
Depression is normal to everybody. Usually when we are depressed we often feel uncomfortable and irritated. There's no wrong with it; the thing is how you get rid out of it.

Sunday School
Nanosage => yep, that's a depression. I totally understand you don't want to take medicine (I am -very personnaly- against antidepressors), but, in some case, they seem to be really useful. Even though, as far as I'm concerned, I would advise to move somewhere else... But I don't know what you do at the moment, maybe you can't, so you may just already PLAN leaving. Could be somewhat a relief to KNOW next year you will be somewhere else, doing something else with people whose friendship or love satisfies you. As said in previous posts, when you're in this state, what you basically need is CHANGE. Not "escape", cuz you will, but seeing, learning, experiencing different things is, in my opinion, the best way to re-plug your brains and mind to a life that can seem appealling.
Nanacapilli a dit:

IJesusChrist a dit:
That reason is something needs to change about your life.
Change is the operative word here. Without change and new experiences, people cannot grow. Without growth, there is no more purpose for life, lack of growth is death or something like it. Change is the source of inspiration and that's what you need more of to pull yourself out of this depression.

You know yourself better than any doctor, dude. It is totally up to you to change this, to change your life. Don't take any fucking pills to mask the problem, that's just running from your issues. Cure it, don't medicate it.

I wholly agree with you. But in certain cases pills are necessary to cure the problem. I myself was depressed few months back, but now its eased due to regular exercise and yoga