I thought I would add one of my ramblings of my life, think what you will.
I've found myself stuck in an endless loop. Not a big one, but a day to day cycle that seems oddly familiar each day. Progress? No. Development? No. Always the same, never changing. Do not get me wrong about this, it is not a bad thing at all. In fact, I am very happy with things. It just seems weird that each day seems to be the same.
Perhaps I've found the gulf stream of lifes currents, and its just running me around and around, over and over again. Or maybe I am just on the outside of a very large whirlpool, not realising the dark center, where destruction is inevitable.
No, I am fully aware of the inevitable destruction. There are very few things I am not fully aware of really. I just choose to see only what I wish. Optimism is like that. I optionally see what I want, and dont see what I dont want. Its not that I am ignorant to the negative things that can happen, but that I choose to ignore them until they happen. Not a really good way to live honestly, but I do stay happy.
My world has fallen to pieces many times before, but I always find a way to survive. I will pull myself back together and rebuild off of what I was left with. And eventually I will become mighty and strong, and then fall apart again. Its the cycle Ive lived and will continue to do.
I can't win this "game" of life, there is no way to win. But thats why we must find the enjoyment in the playing of the game, not the strive for victory. But for so many it seems that victory and success are the only goals they have. Whether it be the college kids striving so hard to get a good education so that they can maybe be successful later in life, or it be the drug dealer whos got to make as much money as possible and become the cool guy on the block.
I've got a couple of problems in my life. Not many, and nothing drastic. But simple things that I just cannot seem to resolve. I will continue playing myself on loop though, and hope that the situation can become resolved. Because there are two endings to the scenario, good and bad. And I think I am strong enough at heart to accept either. Only time will tell I guess. Who knows.