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DEA Vrs Editor of High Times

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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hmm... well.
Fuck. Well whatever, I went to a debate between said people.
It was quite lame, and a bit scripted, as both people were actually 'friends' as in probably talked often through email or something.

But what I got out of it is basically the DEA (my assumption from what this agent was saying) is that they don't really care.
The real reason its illegal is because it gives alot of people jobs, and keeps alot of government people busy. (seriously this is what I got out of it.)

He even said sending anyone to jail/punishment for any type of usage is stupid. "It's a stupid law"
They honestly don't care - however he had to seem somewhat against it and tried to say that it was in some way damaging - it probably lead to lung cancer.

But growing the plant and extracting THC should be completely legal. Oh and he also said that driving a car while high is horrible (I kind of agree I drive alot better drunk than high.)
IJesusChrist a dit:
Oh and he also said that driving a car while high is horrible (I kind of agree I drive alot better drunk than high.)

Pot doesn't cause lung cancer, that's utter baloney. It has actually been shown in scientific studies to retard tumor growth in certain types of cancers, and other studies seem to think that it exerts a protective effect against other types....

The scare tactics are the DEA's bread and butter.

I've got a scare tactic for them;

Get ready for legalization. :ninja:
yeah he seemed just like a dick that hates pot heads, and had no real hate for the drug or any reason that it should be illegal.

and dude. I fucking suck at driving a car high, im not going to crash, but i go about 15 miles per hour no matter where im at
I think that if you look on the Jack Herer web site there are some interesting scientific studys about driveing while high . If i remember right there are 11 studys from 7 diferent countrys . I think that they will suprise you and that you will understand why they are being kept secret .
I know I'm a shitty ass driver when I'm high. I get wayyy to spaced out.
I don't see the point of wanting to drive a car while high. I usually have MUCH better things to do.
IJesusChrist a dit:
But growing the plant and extracting THC should be completely legal. Oh and he also said that driving a car while high is horrible (I kind of agree I drive alot better drunk than high.)

Funny. Cops give a shit, but the DEA doesn't give a rats ass.

I agree. It should be legal, but with a few laws to keep it safe. Like with beer and shit, you should only do it at home. Don't drive with it, or smoke it near a school or anything.

Pure information should be put out about it-- such as its risks and benefits. Then from there it's a choice of people. If you're caught driving down the freeway, smoking a blunt-- yeah your ass should be in jail. But if you're at home, kicking back, watching TV-- I honestly don't see a problem there.

It's likely illegal now because one: tax (why the fuck not? They wanna tax everything else to heaven. Tobacco tax here went up .70 cents. Just tax pot.) and two: they don't want people getting hurt (I understand this, but again-- it should only be used at your home. Driving stoned, or drunk is just too risky.
" If you're caught driving down the freeway, smoking a blunt-- yeah your ass should be in jail."

I dont . Any punishment should reflect the dangers of what a person has been found guilty of . I think if you all read those studys i mentioned you will be shocked .
I don't think pot makes 'me' a bad driver.....also, a stoner who is used to driving while high is far safer than a drunk who does it often. Sure, if you don't have any tolerance and you smoke some killer herb, it'll impact your driving, but not as bad as booze. I'll never believe that.
hehe.. i drove over 42 hours straight across the USA ripped out of my skull:) it was a good time! once you get in the zone, theres NO stopping you! stay 5 m/h over the speed limit, cruise control, pipe blazin, GOOD TO GO!

ahh good times... lol, i was driving from the northwestern part of the US to Florida without valid plates, no license, and no insurance, higgghhh as a kite.. (a sherif in texas was following me for about 2 hours, turns his lights on (i think im screwed) and as i pull over, he passes me:) )
IJesusChrist a dit:
Oh and he also said that driving a car while high is horrible (I kind of agree I drive alot better drunk than high.)

mm, i don't agree with that...

If your drunk, you can't even walk straight, you can't even drive your bicycle without meeting the ground a couple of times...
When i'm stoned, i can. And when i'm driving a car stoned, i just drive more safely. Okay, it might affect your reaction time, as alcohol but not that hard imo. And i'm hell sure, that even when i smoked 3 grams of good hash, my reaction time is still a lot faster than the one of a 70 year old guy.

the problem with drunk drivers is that they think they drive better! jesus here exemplifies it perfectly.

no, seriously, when you are drunk you are inhibited in everything you do and it makes you a high risk taker. i'm not just writing this because it's a personal theory or something, it has been proven this is so, in controlled tests (i think i read it at erowid)

by contrast, high people know that they are impaired and actually become overcareful.

i don't even think of driving when drunk (which is very rarely) and i can drive high but i don't like it, i feel paranoid about crashing and actually picture myself hitting stuff. it's stressful.
yes it sounds absurd to me too... i drive alot better while high... i drive quite good actually... but not anymore.... :( they took my license, because i drove high, , i did absolutely no mistake.. damn fuckers... well i don't care... don't really need to drive :) well anyways... somewhat stupid laws, but somewhat comprehensible in a way, but how they treat you in accordance to the laws just sucks mostly... they just don't really care about whether it's good and stuff, they just care about whether everything is done perfectly according to the laws... damn slaves...

???????? a dit:
by contrast, high people know that they are impaired and actually become overcareful.
Yes, that plays a part, but I'm not even trying to be more careful because I might be impaired. I just naturally feel more like being a gentleman in traffic: driving neither too fast nor too slow, using the direction lights, not staying on the left lane too long, not getting annoyed by other drivers etc.

I've been driving a car for about 6 years, usually high, and never caused an accident or damaged my own car.