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De Farmacratische Inquisitie

A lot of work , a lot of effort , a lot of love from you ..... but one step forwards and two steps back . I wish you luck with it but being realistic i dont think that many people are interested in some guy talking for ages about his private mixture of history , religeon and astrology . Especialy when he claims that his opinions are facts and uses self substantiating theorys to build a confused story on , therby "proveing" even more theorys . Please tell me hopw many people come to any film event and how many of them were real guests and not just family and friends . Joe public or politicians arent interested in fringe esoterics .
Zelf denk ik dat de film weinig zal veranderen, maar ik hoop op het beste.
Of je nu een boek schrijft, een film maakt, een website ontwikkelt of een lezing geeft, de kans is groot dat het maar weinig zal veranderen. Maar weinig is in ieder geval iets. Als mijn moeder, mijn broer, een kennis genaamd Herman (die helemaal geen Engels kan maar wel geïnteresseerd is in het onderwerp) en een handje vol Christenen de video dankzij de ondertiteling gaan bekijken en begrijpen, dan ben ik dik tevreden. De rest is mooi meegenomen.

Het maken van de film was in ieder geval erg leerzaam. Ik denk dat ondertitelen nog wel even een hobby van me blijft.

denk dat mensen zonder interesse voor het onderwerp niet naar de film zullen kijken.
Da's altijd zo, maar films creëren ook interesse. We zullen zien. Ik vermoed dat de media wel interesse zullen hebben. Ze bellen ons wel eens op, om te vragen of er nog nieuws is vanuit actiegroep Red De Paddo.
Joe public or politicians arent interested in fringe esoterics.
I didn't do this to make politicians watch it, or Joe public, whoever that may be. This is not for the hardheaded scholars either, they prefer books anyway. This is indeed mainly intended for the many thousands of New Agers and alternative folk we have in the Netherlands. If we can mobilize them to stand up against this banning of a harmless and spiritually significant fungus, it might help a great deal. And though we want to reach the intelligentsia as well, it takes much more time to convince and mobilize them, and time is running out. I also hope young people will spread the video amongst themselves, informing themselves of the notion that Jezus was a myth like any other myth.
But again, even if only a few people learn something useful from this video, I'll be satisfied. If it doesn't achieve its objectives, we'll continue with the next project. And the next...
New agers en alternatieve figuren zijn inderdaad een goede doelgroep voor deze film.
Je zou op festivals kunnen gaan staan met de film.
Ik hoop dat mensen het geduld hebben de film uit te zitten, want hij is erg lang.
hm helaas ik vind het een slecht filmpje; het beweert, maar beargumenteert nauwelijks, het beweert, maar licht niet nader toe. De opbouw is ook wat rommelig. Maar ik begrijp dat je alleen de ondertiteling gedaan hebt? Die is voor de rest wel puik :P Wel jammer van het filmpje want ik snap het punt dat ze willen maken, maar preken voor eigen kerk is makkelijk. Preken voor een andere kerk daarentegen is moeilijk, en dit filmpje gaat niemand kunnen overtuigen mijn inziens..
hmmmm, ik denk dat het mensen ook niet perse hoeft te overtuigen. Het kan je in iedergeval aanzetten tot nadenken. Mensen moeten immers uiteindelijk toch hun eigen conclusie trekken, niet waar?

Ik zelf vond het in iedergeval een intressante film, binnenkort ga ik het boek lezen. Waarschijnlijk is deze een stuk beknoppert en beter beargumenteerd.

I am not saying that the work Caduceus has done is bad , it must have taken a long time , a lot of work and loads of dedication .

I am saying that when people start to claim that their theorys are fact and then using those selfsubstantiating theorys to "prove" other theorys it isnt taken seriously by the main stream = it pushes the real facts about religeon being based on taking drugs into the loony corner with it .

They pretend to draw a thread through about 6000 years of history from one land and culture to another , a thread that isnt there .

They also make stupid claims about architecture without understanding the history of archtecture , the developments in buildig history and practice and the limits set by the materials and tools available to the builders of those days . ( They could have used a better piece of evidence that is to be seen on the wall of a cathedral in the south of france where it clearly shows a bunch of Semilanceata ) .

They also talked crap about the dead sea scroles and Qumran , wich have now been show to have no conection with eachother .

Anyone can look around the world and say this and that looks like a mushroom so it must prove a Flyagaric cult . I tried to show that in the bible thread . Sometimes a thing is what it is and just because someone could say its a phalic symbol for example doesnt mean that it was ment as a symbol for a phalus .

Also anyone claiming that the drugs moses used when he got the ten comandments was Flyagaric or that Manna was Flyagaric hasntt read the bible . It clearly says what Manna looks like = exactly the same as P.Harmala .

Plus on the one hand they claim that the bible storys are all fakes and on the other they use them to substantiate their theorys .

The Davinci code is a comercial story , its been shown to be absolute crap .
Do you just twist the things i say for fun or are you just a predjudiced fanatic who wont even think about what other people say . Maybe if you can find someone who you trust that is intelligent and honest they can explain to you .

"Where there are 2 dogs fighting for a bone, the third walks away with it"

An English one :-

"Theres non so blind as one that wont see" .

Anothert one is

"Pearls to swine"

Take the blinkers off and see . My last post . Bye Bye . Have fun chasing your own tail .
Can't really read yet. What are u ta;loomg about?

Better lie dowwn again...

shrooms rule~!!

HeartCore, please be mindful of the Forum rules:
Mind your language
Check carefully for spelling and grammar. Do not use Caps Lock. Neither do we tolerate objectionable language.
Everyone uses objectionable language from time to time, but lately you're clearly going over the top. Therefore from this moment on posts containing foul and offensive language will be edited or even deleted by the moderators. We respect your knowledge, insights and dedication, but henceforth we'll no longer tolerate the way you express yourself.

Dr. Leospace & Caduceus Mercurius
What about calling me a homosexual ? Are you saying homosexuals are bad ? Are you a homophobe ? Thats against the rules to .

You denounce me as a snitch . Am i a jew ? Should i wear a star on my chest ? Are you trying to start a wich hunt ? Where is your evidence ? Put it on the table or shut your mouth , after apologising .

I thought that you couldnt sink any lower than you already had but you just proved me wrong .

And if any one wants to censor my posts they are going to have a lot of work to do . I refuse to kow tow to any form of verbal fashism where someone decides that some words are good and some are not . Its not the words a person uses , its the way he uses them . If people should have their posts edited i think it should be when they start using dirty tricks , calling people bad parents , homosexuals or snitches . Or just plain insulting people .

HeartCore i think you should start praying for forgiveness .
If people should have their posts edited i think it should be when they start using dirty tricks , calling people bad parents , homosexuals or snitches . Or just plain insulting people .
Everyone uses strong language every now and then, but it's when a person does all these things at the same time (use foul words AND insult certain groups of people like homosexuals) consistently (week after week) that we will consider editing or deleting their posts, after warning them first.
OK , thanks for explaining what you ment . I wasnt sure and am very emotional because of what HeartCore had written .
GOD, I understand your concern about the speculative elements in the Pharmacratic Inquisition.

What I hope is that the film will spark a controversy (the video may be a bit silly, but its certainly an amusing collection of facts and speculations), and the media will invite me for interviews.

Most interviews on TV last between 5 and 15 minutes. Rest assured that I will use those opportunities to talk about the psychedelic experience and it's physical and psychological benefits, NOT about Jesus, the caduceus, 2012 or what have you. My website ditiseentrip will center around tripping, set & setting and the role of the sitter, NOT about urine therapy, the identity of Soma/Haoma or gnomes etc.
Good job!

I just finished watching it. A lot of interesting facts and theories were presented. But to my opinion a lot of the connections between the mushrooms and symbolism were made a little bit too easy...but maybe i have to read the book to accept all the things they say.

I just noticed one little mistake in the translation...
At 44.17/44.18 the speaker says 1997, and the translation says 1979. So maybe you can still fix that before you finish the final version.
At 44.17/44.18 the speaker says 1997, and the translation says 1979. So maybe you can still fix that before you finish the final version.
Thanks! Yes, it can still be fixed since I didn't receive the DVD yet (as soon as I do we're going to rip it in order to make a better quality free online edition. Mara also sent me another 10 or 15 corrections & suggestions.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
GOD, I understand your concern about the speculative elements in the Pharmacratic Inquisition.

What I hope is that the film will spark a controversy (the video may be a bit silly, but it's certainly an amusing collection of facts and speculations), and the media will invite me for interviews.

Most interviews on TV last between 5 and 15 minutes. Rest assured that I will use those opportunities to talk about the psychedelic experience and it's physical and psychological benefits, NOT about Jesus, the caduceus, 2012 or what have you. My website ditiseentrip will center around tripping, set & setting and the role of the sitter, NOT about urine therapy, the identity of Soma/Haoma or gnomes etc.

Sounds great. Go for it. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: