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Current Acidhead, taking alot frequently, have some q's

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion legos44
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So since October i have had a large abundance of acid. Three different type of sheets, currently only two type left. Normally i dose on the weekends, waiting pretty much 4-5 days before dosing again. I typically take anywhere from 5-10hits, occasionally i will drop 3 of my needlepoint set. I take Multi-vitamins everyday, get 8-9 hours of sleep every night, sometimes i get a nap. i go to school, eat a ton of food and work out regularly. I wonder if my normal habits are healthy enough to continue dosing that frequently. as i understand it 72hours is pretty much the break even point for tolerance, and after numerous tests this seems to be the case for me,( but i question my own judgment just given that i am taking a very serious psychedelic and trying to analyze complex behavioral patterns lol) . Dosing within those 72hours is a gamble. but anytime i wait out that 4th or even 5th day its like im taking it for the first time (or at least very near to it), i would say 97% of my trips have been fruitful and amazing. Though after hours of scouring forums and talking to IRL friends and such it is clear to me that many people believe this is not how the drug should be working, and that i need, absolutely must space it out to enjoy it. I do not feel this has been the case though. any thoughts?

Also i dosed heavily on weds i think i took a full 10 hit strip and was faced for a good 10-11 hours before falling asleep to geometric pattern visuals with my eyes closed. it was a great day because there was a blizzard outside. Anyways i dosed that weds, and i was thinking about taking probably 3hits today. i feel this will be a strong test of what i was saying above.
Yeah, come and brag about your abundance of acid in the face of all the other people who can't find any :butthead:
sorry, believe me if i could spread the wealth, i would in a heartbeat, i pretty much just give it out to my friends for free if they are willing to try it
Syd Barret style. :P

Acid is not a psychoactive with decreases physical health, nor it depletes tissue from the body when it's abused but I have to warn you for the potential hazard of developing mental bugs since your use is excessive. You can get away with it because LSD allows you to shape the effect and outcome, but myself I experience the true magic of LSD typically when doing it once or twice a year with a dose greater than 250 ug at once. Generally only during spring or summer with sunshine and a blue sky, warm day. It's bliss but even more initiation.

Watch out though and monitor yourself honestly, because it is overdoing it vigorous, making a train wreck would make it abuse.
2009 was a year with periods when i was doing acid weekly, afther dozens of experience my conclusion is: the dose is the major factor for having mystical experiences, wich for me only starts at 400+ mic. For me this is the point where any form of responsibility/control fails... and i begin to consider it as a trip. Myself i have no need to space out, remember psychedelics(especially lsd) are mindmanifesting if u think u need to space out u will have too... its all about the mindset(other substances with longer tolerance excluded)
Tolerance being gone doesn't mean you gave yourself enough time to process what you've experienced.

In my opinion, you're dropping way too often.
You're addicted.

Stigma of addiction, take it or leave it, it doesn't matter.

Why don't you try taking a break and then testing it like a month + rather than trying to see how close you can consecutively trip.

To me it just seems like you like acid, and are lucky enough to have a bunch. Addiction isn't a bad thing, I'm addicted to food, water, chemistry, knowledge, and ritalin :rolleyes: lolz

Just realize that you may have psychological withdrawels - but like melatonin, it may have absolutely none. Just have a level head and realize when you may be getting into trouble (i.e. when it runs out?!).

GOD BLESS (just kidding)
Dosing on a very frequent basis is a waste to me. I'm guilty of having 6 month periods of what I call saturation when I fell into a source for liquid. In all honestly it becomes a waste. I hope you have a good supply if you continue on this cycle. Ever think of saving some for a rainy day?
IJesusChrist a dit:
You're addicted.

Frequent use is not what qualifies addiction. Addiction carries a very heavy connotation to it, and I feel it's lessens the word's power by using it in this case and arguing the poster is addicted to it. You can go without water for a day and probably not really notice it. A cocaine addict can't do that without going through extreme pain.

He isn't stealing from his friends to buy drugs. From what I can see, I'm also willing to bet that he can function well in normal day to-to day activities. Addicts can't do that.

(Also, is someone who smokes a cigarette once a week addicted?)

MelloTrip a dit:
but like melatonin, it may have absolutely none.

Actually, not true. See this case report: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=43529

Brugmansia a dit:
but I have to warn you for the potential hazard of developing mental bugs since your use is excessive.

As far as mental bugs go, if you had them, they probably would have shown by now. So far the identified permanent risks of using psychedelics is developing HPPD, or Hallucination Perception Persisting Disorder, or bringing out schizophrenia. You can learn more about HPPD here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinog ... n_disorder With schizophrenia, what's currently assumed by researchers is that people who develop schizophrenia from psychedelics are people who would have developed the disorder in the first place. The drug just brought it on sooner.

I have seen some people use LSD a lot and kind of....seem just a little bit too quirky for my taste? I'm not sure how to put it, they just seem a little bit off. However, I've also met other people who use LSD as frequently as you do if not more, and are some of the most enjoyable people to be around.

Personally, if you're happy with you're use and it does not interfere with that you deem important, (i.e school, work, personal relationships.) then I'd say your fine.
big differentiation that i feel needs to be made
functioning addict vs non-functioning
example:functioning addict--me takes copious amounts of kava kava, thc and kratom at work
example-non-functioning: bit more obvious, like a crackhead stealing cheese to trade for crack (Trust me ive seen it)
if you are able to undergo a personality audit by an objective friend who knows you well and they deem your habits are not interfering with life goals and daily activities then it doesnt matter. this is all just IMO
Mercilly, I don't think you understand what addiction is...

Addiction is when you want to do something, even though you know it may have negative effects. Any urge to do something, be it smoking, drinking, eating a cheeseburger, that is addiction. You can be completely healthy, content, and functional person and have addictions up the ying-yang. I believe you are giving the sociological labels too much credit.

If you are unaware that it may have negative effects, then you are blind, and thats a different matter.
If desire to do something that may potentially be harmful to you is addiction, then every person is an addict and almost anything could be considered an addictive substance. I love bacon. But it is not an addictive substance. Going back to your previous point though, a desire to do something does not make you an addict. I have I ever been tempted to try cocaine? Was there a desire there? Yes. However, while I am curious about it's effect much like any other drug, I have never tried, nor do I ever intent to because I promised myself never to do a physically addictive drug. (I do not even ingest caffeine.)

In your mind, does that make me a cocaine addict simply because I have a desire though it's resisted?

Also, In my mind, there's a difference between "wanting a cheeseburger" and not being able to stop yourself from using heroin.

Again, I would argue that stating these things are addiction seriously downplays the struggles that actual addicts go through.

Also, erowid:
"LSD is not physically addicting, and is quite unlikely to lead to psychological addiction in most people. Withdrawal effects following discontinuation have not been reported. As with most substances, a few people have reported becoming mentally habituated to LSD. There is a short period of tolerance after use. Using LSD two days in a row is likely to lead to a diminished experience the second day, though spaced 3 or more days apart, this effect is nearly non-existent."
Everyone is an addict in my view, yes. There is an imaginary line y ou are drawing for your perception of addicts.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Everyone is an addict in my view, yes. There is an imaginary line you are drawing for your perception of addicts.

I disagree with your view, but I do agree that there are many different beliefs held towards addiction. It's definition is going to vary widely depending on who you ask.
the best thing i ever took out of narcotics annonomous is this: If your drinking or drug use is causing problems in your life you have a drinking or drugging PROBLEM.

there is no 'line' where you cross from recreational user to junkie. it is a gradual thing. u think i snorted my first oxycontin saying "i want to start shooting up and stealing from my family!"?

but about a month later thats what started to happen. once i started getting problems[stealing money, fights, risking health, lying, withdwrals, the list goes on] then i realized i need help to get off them, so i got my help through the 12steps, and im finally starting to see myself as a good 'normal' person... whatever THAT means.

but you get the jist of it?
i dont really like sharign about my past, but it seemed usefull to use it to explaine MY point of view, that is shared by a great many addicts in recovery worldwide.
IJesusChrist a dit:
Addiction is when you want to do something, even though you know it may have negative effects. Any urge to do something, be it smoking, drinking, eating a cheeseburger, that is addiction. You can be completely healthy, content, and functional person and have addictions up the ying-yang. I believe you are giving the sociological labels too much credit.

If you are unaware that it may have negative effects, then you are blind, and thats a different matter.

In my eyes you(ijesuschrist) are addicted to posting on this forum.... projecting your ideas as truth..... seeking for confirmation. In reality most of the time your posts are only a reflection of your own subjective personality/reality', frequently other peoples opinions u don't want to comprehend/understand. Addicted to your own subjective truth i would say.

Now back on topic! Where's my acid????? :D

Isnt it a pity that lately a lot of blotters have only 75mics on them, ending up in needing at least 5 for a decent trip? Buying a sheet wich makes the price low avoids this problem, but i feel sorry for people paying 5 euro per single dose :o
^ you ever watch 'House MD'?

If sixty years of research and use have taught us anything it is that from a psychological persepective LSD is NOT addictive, in any way shape, or form.

Anyone who claims that it is addictive is merely demonstrating that they have zero awareness of what addiction actually is. I would suggest that they read more of the research before posting any more blatantly incorrect information. It worries me greatly that there are people on these forums, who are assumedly using these compounds, but have obviously failed to do any of the neccessary basic research on the substances prior to consuming. How the hell can anyone engage in safe substance use if they haven't done their homework and know what they are getting themselves into? (FFS, the first sentence on Wiki says the drug isn't addictive! How hard can it be?)

Substances like oxycontin, which is an opiate are addictive. They create incredible urges to take the substance again and thoughts of taking it eventually dominate the waking hours of addicts and as described, can lead to antisocial behaviours in order to secure the drug.

What I regard as the True Entheogens, Acid, Psilocybin, Mescaline and DMT, do not create this urge to consume them and while people can and do seek them out, and enjoy them, this cannot be said to imply that the person is addicted any more than my frequent seeking out of Thai food means that I'm addicted to it. (Coconut rice. Yum!!)

To the OP, I'd say that you need to let your intuitions guide you in your journeys. It is certainly fun to delve into the depths of the experience, but you need to ensure that you are maintaining the other aspects of your life in an appropriate manner. Just as we all need a "Work-life" balance to ensure that we aren't letting our jobs ruin other aspects of our lives, so to do we need a "tripping-life" balance to achieve the same ends.

Given what you have said, it seems that you are achieving this, so I see little concern for your physical, or mental health at this stage. Although if you start sharing your insights, others will think you are weird and this might impact on relationships with family and friends. But this is something that we have probably all had to deal with, and is managable. :-)
Jeniger a dit:
In my eyes you(ijesuschrist) are addicted to posting on this forum.... projecting your ideas as truth..... seeking for confirmation. In reality most of the time your posts are only a reflection of your own subjective personality/reality', frequently other peoples opinions u don't want to comprehend/understand. Addicted to your own subjective truth i would say.

I agree with this comment.

Wraithcat a dit:
If sixty years of research and use have taught us anything it is that from a psychological persepective LSD is NOT addictive, in any way shape, or form.

It worries me greatly that there are people on these forums, who are assumedly using these compounds, but have obviously failed to do any of the neccessary basic research on the substances prior to consuming. How the hell can anyone engage in safe substance use if they haven't done their homework and know what they are getting themselves into? (FFS, the first sentence on Wiki says the drug isn't addictive! How hard can it be?)

I also agree with this, and I'd like to point out how worrisome it is that I KNOW so many people in person who do drugs but choose not to research. Everyone deserves make a informed decision about using drugs, and that does not mean just talking to your friends about it. (Which can even be worse, considering how many myths their are about drugs.)

If you want to do a drug, at least take a peek on www.erowid.org.
I would agree that addiction doesn't exist with entheogens. If you feel content, there's no urge to abandon your use but some may go so far out that they hardly make sense in the end. On the other hand there are many neo-hippies who have tripped hundreds of times on big dosed acid trips and they are still very loving and sane. :P

Lately I did mescaline weekly, seems to go very well but with LSD I generally experience a need for a longer break between trips, otherwise they turn out to be ... boring and too predictable. :|