So since October i have had a large abundance of acid. Three different type of sheets, currently only two type left. Normally i dose on the weekends, waiting pretty much 4-5 days before dosing again. I typically take anywhere from 5-10hits, occasionally i will drop 3 of my needlepoint set. I take Multi-vitamins everyday, get 8-9 hours of sleep every night, sometimes i get a nap. i go to school, eat a ton of food and work out regularly. I wonder if my normal habits are healthy enough to continue dosing that frequently. as i understand it 72hours is pretty much the break even point for tolerance, and after numerous tests this seems to be the case for me,( but i question my own judgment just given that i am taking a very serious psychedelic and trying to analyze complex behavioral patterns lol) . Dosing within those 72hours is a gamble. but anytime i wait out that 4th or even 5th day its like im taking it for the first time (or at least very near to it), i would say 97% of my trips have been fruitful and amazing. Though after hours of scouring forums and talking to IRL friends and such it is clear to me that many people believe this is not how the drug should be working, and that i need, absolutely must space it out to enjoy it. I do not feel this has been the case though. any thoughts?
Also i dosed heavily on weds i think i took a full 10 hit strip and was faced for a good 10-11 hours before falling asleep to geometric pattern visuals with my eyes closed. it was a great day because there was a blizzard outside. Anyways i dosed that weds, and i was thinking about taking probably 3hits today. i feel this will be a strong test of what i was saying above.
Also i dosed heavily on weds i think i took a full 10 hit strip and was faced for a good 10-11 hours before falling asleep to geometric pattern visuals with my eyes closed. it was a great day because there was a blizzard outside. Anyways i dosed that weds, and i was thinking about taking probably 3hits today. i feel this will be a strong test of what i was saying above.