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Cultivating the Pedro


Elfe Mécanique
how are you all on this fine brisk fall morning? then again it probably isnt morning or brisk depending on where you live....anyways i got a little baby pedro cutting to grow in my room and i need a bit of information im sorry if this has been covered before and i already read the other topic so ill try to ask other questions lol

1. How much light should the cactus get on a daily basis? I live in canada and its almost winter so the days will get shorter and shorter. Should I get a light for it?

2. What kind of soil should i use? Is there any brand you'd recomend or can I just use soil from my backyard?

3. what sort of fertilizer does it need? high in nitrogen? or phosphates or what?

4. Any other little fun facts I should be aware of??

haha thanks for your replies I'm pretty excited to embark on the path of parenthood who knows maybe ill become so attatched to the little guy I won't want to devour his little body :lol:
I'm doing great, I live in Windsor, well actually Belle River, so i'm on the same schedule as you.

" How much light should the cactus get on a daily basis? I live in canada and its almost winter so the days will get shorter and shorter. Should I get a light for it? "

I give my cacti 12-16 hours of light (peyote). I have a grow light for when the sun goes down so they recieve enough light. The days are getting much shorter so I would really recommond getting a light.

"What kind of soil should i use? Is there any brand you'd recomend or can I just use soil from my backyard?"

LOL, don't use soil from your backyard, go to Home Hardware or Canadian tire and buy some normal cactus soil, its dirt cheap and you will find it at either of those places.

"what sort of fertilizer does it need? high in nitrogen? or phosphates or what? "

Don't use any, in my opinion. You will be consuming your cactus eventually and you don't want all those chemicals in your system, better to go organic. I never use any for my peyote and it is doing just fine. If you do choose to use fertilizer, I cannot answer that question, casue I dont use it.

" Any other little fun facts I should be aware of?"

Yes, don't give them direct sunlight as this will casue them to burn. Also if your growing Pedro, with your grow light, when it gets tall, you might need lights from the sides too as the top will only be recieving light. Also give your cactus a lot of love and care...lol

I live in northern europe and i dont use any lights at all . My san pedro grow up to 30 cms a year in warm years , this year was wet and cold and they have grown 15 to 20 cms . Peyote needs a rest in winter when it has a dormant phase and then they can stand on a windowsill in the sun , but dont give them any water and keep them away from draughts . In somer they should both be kept as WARM and as light as possible without standing in direct sun light . San Pedros can be watered every day in warm times . Peyote substrate needs to dry out inbetween waterings . I stoped growing in cacti soil because it drains slower and they get root rot easyer . Try hydrophonic growing , its much more forgiving . You use sand thats about 3mm and stones up to about 5 mm wich you can find in a clean stream wich has fish in it = its free . For peyote you can also mix that with broken up plaster board from a building site or forget the sand and stones and just use plaster board broken up into pieces up to about 5mm , without the paper . I rarely use fertiliser and then only half strength , you can get cacti fertilizer at a good garden shop . Dont use normal fertilizer as it has to much "N" in it and then the San Pedros grow long and thin . Public librarys have books you can read about how best to treat your loved ones . If you do use lights use warm white florescent ones and put them at the bottom of the plants shining upwards , or standing sideways . Direct sunlight or warm lamps burn them and cause a lower alkaloid concentration .
Hi, I would like to question one thing my san pedro has been in soil for almost one month, and still no roots. it's normal?

I gave him water for the first 2 days, then I just switched him for dried soil, since I was told we shouldnt give him water just yet... so for like 3 weeks and a half, and no root at all. His not exposed in direct sunlight ( I have windows and cortains before the sun reach it ). I use regular soil.
3. what sort of fertilizer does it need? high in nitrogen? or phosphates or what?

I use a special cactus fertilizer from the garden center, it's N-P-K 3-5-7 (that means pretty low on nitrogen, medium on phosphate and high on potassium). It claims to also have a lot of other elements like zink, copper which are vital for succulents and cacti. It worked well so far, and I am not afraid of "chemicals" because these chemicals are what the plant needs to live. The only reason for bio fertilizer would be that the production of chemical fertilizer is not environmentally friendly and that maybe bio fertilizer contains even more chemicals that are good for the plant (like they say pure vitamin c is not as good as a lemon, because a lemon contains hundreds more substances)

BUT, potted plants do need fertilizer!! After a year or so every potted plant will more or less die a slow death if you never fertilize the soil.
i have a couple of p.torches and one of them is starting to turn from green to barky at the base upwards, they have been in direct sunlight sorry,huh would this be my problem?
i will make a glad wrap green house around them asap.
and with the plaster board pot mix lol. would you recommend this for any cactus.
Gratefully_dead, if you grow Pedro for fun or hobby then you are 'safe'.
But if you want to trip on it I am going to disappointed your wishes. One Pedro isn't enough for trip. Maybe in Peru with indigenous climate yes. But in Canada I don't think so. You will need 3-4 40-50cm cacti boiled and after that eat the hard stuff. After one hour drink 'tea'. This is only way to experience mescaline trip from colder climate Pedro's.