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Cool / trippy music videos

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misery a dit:
Amon Tobin - four ton mantis
not too trippy, to say, it's a bit dark but nonetheless I like it.

Sorry but I have to disagree with you on this one :roll:, it's way too boring to capture the magnitude of an Amon Tobin track :wink:

LOVING!!!! the Pleix & Kid606 - Sometimes Vid!
kcar181 a dit:
pastyputridpulp a dit:
Not very original but really beautiful if you manage to get decent image quality
The flashbulb - stinger

Wow... I gotta disagree with you I can honestly say I've never seen the life of a sperm sync to cool music... not sure if I ever wanted to actually see that but yea it was definitely original lol

Yeah, in fact I was wrong it's an original vid but the first time I saw it i had a strong dejavu feeling (I appreciated it nonetheless) and I don't know why...maybe it's because I've already lived something like that in my past life :wink:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx0UwY5I ... ed&search=
for dog fans I really like the music. what is this called? I once heard someone calling detroit techno, but that sounds a bit strange

Hahaha, what? Calling Vitalic Detroit techno?
Some people have no idea :lol:

Vitalic rocks 8)

pastyputridpulp a dit:
Not very original but really beautiful if you manage to get decent image quality
The flashbulb - stinger

Proper IDM is always welcome :D
aphex twin - On

Very nice trippy video.

I also like the videos from pleix very much. I have been watching this video; plaid - itsu a whole lot of times now and its still good.

the music on that video from plaid is great too!
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
misery a dit:
Amon Tobin - four ton mantis
not too trippy, to say, it's a bit dark but nonetheless I like it.

Sorry but I have to disagree with you on this one :roll:, it's way too boring to capture the magnitude of an Amon Tobin track :wink:

LOVING!!!! the Pleix & Kid606 - Sometimes Vid!
well, I like the amon tobin video because of the way they captured the people. the editing isn't the best in the world, true. but as a photographer, you know ;)

the sometimes vid is really coll :) though I'm wondering what kid606 had to do with this one. because the music is nothing like him.
misery a dit:
but as a photographer, you know ;)

the sometimes vid is really coll :) though I'm wondering what kid606 had to do with this one. because the music is nothing like him.

Well it deffinitely has some nice shots, thats for shure :)

And Kid 606 has made a very soft and spacey cd after his daughter was born ;)

pastyputridpulp a dit:
Ok then let's have some more :D : two videos clips from chris clark (now clark), both about insects (a shame his last album "body riddle" was, in fact, quite dull :( )
Chris clark - Gob Coitus
Clark - Ted

Clarck rocks! One of Warp' best artists imho :D

Also still loving the On video, one of his older videos.
Stop-motion rules :mrgreen:
the beginning of psychedlic videos I guess
amon düül II - between the eyes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21tzc4GI ... ed&search=

Well, I think this was earlier
Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit and Somebody to Love

I think it isn't a pre-produced video, but a studio live-performance with someone behind the vision mixer who knew his keys (no pun intended, LOL).

...and by the way this video once and for all clears the confusion about where the rumour came from that one can get high from smoking banana peel.
It was just a joke by the moderator of this show who obviously couldn't tell his audience to smoke weed on a 60's tv show - so he just advised them to "eat a banana" and somebody shouts "or smoke it" and he says "yes, or even smoke it like my brother here, but he's pretty far out, even for me" :)
steve roach- recorded in performance at Grace Cathedral
shit I wish I'd been there.....great ambiance and the muuuuuuuuuusic

setting reminds me of a friends' performance, who VJ-ed in a chruch, projection flames upwords into the spheres of the roof...was beautiful :)
A friend of mine is talking with people from Ultimae label (H.U.V.A Network, AES Dana, Carbon Based Lifeforms) we're planning on doing a hardcore ambient night in a cave :D
I can't say too much about it, but if this thing lifts off, it's gonna be awesome!!!!
So long as the pumping base does not cause enough vibration to dislodge a stalactite and disembowel one of the happy dancers or the DJ.
What pumping bass?
It's ambient ;)

WOW, over 2000 posts :shock:
(just a matter of time before GOD races me by :D)
what the hell is hardcore ambient?

this kinda tripped me out the first time I've seen it :)
venetian snares goodness + cut up atomic café
Ambient night in a cave, sounds good. It’s a long time since I heard a good ambient set. :D
Hey great topic and great videos!! I've watched almost all! :D

I'm LOVING those FRANTIC ULTRAFAST snares!! more sounds for my personal mind-music machine 8)

check this one out:

???????? a dit:
check this one out:

I don't think there's anything psychedelic about that movie, it is freakin' funny though with all the madness going on...