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Changing the world, one mind at a time.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Kay
  • Date de début Date de début


You may know the mission from the thread title, but heres our actual story.

We plan on starting multiple sustainable communities that would provide food, water, shelter, and electricity on site. No money would be used within these communities and they would all be centered around a learning / self improvement style of living, unbiased spiritual practices, and all around evolution as a species.

I know all of you feel deepdown somewhere, that there needs to be a change. They way were living is obsolete, and not sustainable in the slightest.
We cant just sit back and watch our planet be driven into the ground.

Voir la pièce jointe 13697

These are the revolutionary building concepts we will be basing our projects on:

[YOUTUBE]Earthships 101 part I - YouTube [/YOUTUBE]

When the community idea first came about, we put alot of good brains on it, and after much group discussion of the pros and cons(we couldnt find any cons lol), our friend Jordan released this three part blog. (Make sure to read all three parts)

This is where it all started: How we can (actually) change the world. (Part 1)

From there, the forum gained alot of interest and support from all around the world. And eventually an investor named Marc from contacted
Jordin from canada, and The Valhalla Movement was born there in Montreal.

[YOUTUBE]Valhalla Movement Mission - YouTube[/YOUTUBE]


The goals with our personal project, unlike our brothers at Valhalla, will be much more private, centered on sustainability, art, family, and business, rather than spreading the word to the mainstream media. Once we have a facility built, we can spend more time doing the things we actually love, rather than working every day to supply money for bills.

This freedom from "modern slavery" would enable us to travel, and truly experience life as it was meant to be experienced. Not to mention it would provide a stable living environment to our children, and generations to come.


Another great benefit to this sort of living style is education. Obviously, a revolutionary project as big as this - needs only the most capable people/minds on the job. We have a growing network of people who are very good at what they do, and very passionate about this idea. Those people would apply their talents and knowledge to the project, and in the process, teach all of their fellow piers the same skills and knowledge. The result would be a super-efficient "circle jerk" of information and badassness being freely traded from one person to the other, and vise versa.

Some of the other benefits to this style of communal living can be read about in a recent blog post here:

8 Reasons Why Communal Living is Awesome - HighExistence


We call our florida network WetheFree. If you would like to keep up with us, make sure to like us at:


Were currently in the process of building other networks to make these ideas come to life all around the world.

We have our work cut out for us, but things have been developing smoothly. Just about everyone involved aggrees - the universe wants this to happen.

The land-holders of one of our potential building sites (in Ohio) also have a page if you would like to see what there up to as well:

WetheFree (thinkers) are Redefining "Community".
Thats what were all about.

We hope to break ground there as soon as possible. Were just waiting to have all the right people assembled to make that happen.

We have 4 potential building sites total, over 500+ acres all together spread out everywhere from the US, to the UK and even the Philippines to choose from. Once weve setup a basic self-sustaining infastructure at one site, it will be right on to the next one.

This is what we can do to TRULY play our part in saving the world..

But its one thing at a time....Once we gain funding, and finnish our advertising campaign, we will be directing people to our forum, dedicated to the Ohio project here:
Feel free to become a member and get the discussions going if your interested.

Im sure theres afew typos up there, but feel free to copy n paste this stuff to anyone you think would be interested. Anyone interested can shoot me a message on the WetheFree page if you want to get involved.

I can also be contacted by email; kaypee334 (at) gmail (dot) com

This concept is ultimatly for the greater good and evolution of humanity, and our planet. Its essential that the right (most capable) people hear about it. With a concept this amazing, word of mouth is the strongest tool at our disposal.

Use it.
For the sake of our planet.
Be the change you wish to see.


it is good to put forth the suggestions but who to put them into action is a million dollar action ... it is not that very little remains indulged into doing and big portion is still idle
haha what a neat facilities
I really like this idea, this is just what we need to be freed from the cold grasp of society. Genius idea. Changing the world one mind at a time. Thank you for changing the world through mine :)