Glandeuse Pinéale
- Inscrit
- 27/11/06
- Messages
- 192
Hey I have a problem.
I've been smoking weed for about 8 weeks now, nearly every day, just pure in a bong.
Bu until last week I was getting high just like always with no problems or whatsoever.
But this week I've smoked the same amount for 3-4 days in a row, just like I normally do, but I noticed I didn't really got high.
Although I got stoned, feeling lazy and such, but not 'the'' feeling I got before when listening music, being locked in the music and dreaming away.
So I thought it might has to do with the fact that I had some Xtc last weekend, which has drained my brain reserves.
Could this be the case?
Or is is that I've been smoking weed for such a long time, that I've become immune to it, till a certain extent?
If so, it is kind of weird that it all of a sudden kicks in, because I didn't notice anything the precious weeks.
But another question is:
A big hobby of mine is, making music.
And I've noticed I got flood with inspiration since I smoke Cannabis, but this week I wasn't getting any inspiration at all, due to one of the above stated reasons.
But besides this, do you think, me smoking weed all the time could rob me from my inspiration when sober?
Or is this all just because I've had some Xtc, and I'm still recovering from it?
And then my musical inspiration will come back?
I've been smoking weed for about 8 weeks now, nearly every day, just pure in a bong.
Bu until last week I was getting high just like always with no problems or whatsoever.
But this week I've smoked the same amount for 3-4 days in a row, just like I normally do, but I noticed I didn't really got high.
Although I got stoned, feeling lazy and such, but not 'the'' feeling I got before when listening music, being locked in the music and dreaming away.
So I thought it might has to do with the fact that I had some Xtc last weekend, which has drained my brain reserves.
Could this be the case?
Or is is that I've been smoking weed for such a long time, that I've become immune to it, till a certain extent?
If so, it is kind of weird that it all of a sudden kicks in, because I didn't notice anything the precious weeks.
But another question is:
A big hobby of mine is, making music.
And I've noticed I got flood with inspiration since I smoke Cannabis, but this week I wasn't getting any inspiration at all, due to one of the above stated reasons.
But besides this, do you think, me smoking weed all the time could rob me from my inspiration when sober?
Or is this all just because I've had some Xtc, and I'm still recovering from it?
And then my musical inspiration will come back?