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Can't get high anymore!?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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Glandeuse Pinéale
Hey I have a problem.
I've been smoking weed for about 8 weeks now, nearly every day, just pure in a bong.
Bu until last week I was getting high just like always with no problems or whatsoever.
But this week I've smoked the same amount for 3-4 days in a row, just like I normally do, but I noticed I didn't really got high.
Although I got stoned, feeling lazy and such, but not 'the'' feeling I got before when listening music, being locked in the music and dreaming away.

So I thought it might has to do with the fact that I had some Xtc last weekend, which has drained my brain reserves.
Could this be the case?

Or is is that I've been smoking weed for such a long time, that I've become immune to it, till a certain extent?
If so, it is kind of weird that it all of a sudden kicks in, because I didn't notice anything the precious weeks.

But another question is:

A big hobby of mine is, making music.
And I've noticed I got flood with inspiration since I smoke Cannabis, but this week I wasn't getting any inspiration at all, due to one of the above stated reasons.

But besides this, do you think, me smoking weed all the time could rob me from my inspiration when sober?

Or is this all just because I've had some Xtc, and I'm still recovering from it?
And then my musical inspiration will come back?
Well might be a temporal problem for you, because of the XTC, but maybe also combined and/or from using too much THC, as you said you smoked pure everyday... I mean tolerance of cannabis, which means that if you smoke a lot, you'd need more to get high, as you were describing.

For me it's kind of similar. If i smoke too much i need to smoke more and more, but then at some point i get really high, but sometimes i needed lots of bongs, but usually the first bong hit quite good, also. hehe!!! :D

Peace!! :mrgreen:
Djones a dit:
So I thought it might has to do with the fact that I had some Xtc last weekend, which has drained my brain reserves.
Could this be the case?

no, xtc depletes serotonin reserves.THC mimics anandamin in the brain and releases small amounts of dopamin. not much serotonin involved.

Djones a dit:
Or is is that I've been smoking weed for such a long time, that I've become immune to it, till a certain extent?

no, you got used to it, or maybe it was just a moment of "mental emptiness".

i'd suggest taking a pauze in your smoking. did never harm anyone before...[/quote]
A big hobby of mine is, making music.
And I've noticed I got flood with inspiration since I smoke Cannabis, but this week I wasn't getting any inspiration at all, due to one of the above stated reasons.

But besides this, do you think, me smoking weed all the time could rob me from my inspiration when sober?
Inspiration may come when you're stoned or sober, there should be no difference. It's just that there will be a different kind of inspiration depending on your state of mind.

Cannabis is not a quick fix for a lack of inspiration. Inspiration can come from personal encounters, forest walks, ups and downs in relationships, the reading of books, etc. If you notice that you're not as inspired as you used to be, don't try being creative, but allow yourself to first be inspired again, experiencing all facets of life. Compare being creative to breathing out. If you don't breathe in, you won't have anything to breathe out.

Also make sure you practice your musical skills outside the context of being inspired and creative, for example playing a certain riff or melody for extended periods of time, just to improve your dexterity. Don't try to be inspired and creative all of the time.
I can't tell you what to do, but if you wanted to avoid this problem, try using about once a week, and very high doses, just as Uncle Terence said to. This will avoid any tolerence buildup, and you will get very stoned everytime. Also if you can, try oral consumption.

Yeah take a break for a day or 5, I smoke every day for years and I was smoking about 1oz/week to barely get "high" even though I was stoned. I took a break for a couple of weeks and I take 1 hit of some shit ass weed outta my bong and next thing I know I'm fffrrryyyeeedddddd.
" i'd suggest taking a pause in your smoking. did never harm anyone before. " , " try using about once a week " , " take a break for a day or 5 "

Wise words , less is more .
hey buds, um have you tried bud spots- two blazing glowing hot butter knives u dab one knife on a small pea size rounded bud and then squash 2gether with ova knife and inhale in tokes threw a rolled up hooter or get a mate too use knives while u suck thru a half coke bottle.
trie that bro it gets u smashed and saves a bit of bud.
only ova thing would to lay off it till special time of day?
good luck
GOD a dit:
" i'd suggest taking a pause in your smoking. did never harm anyone before. " , " try using about once a week " , " take a break for a day or 5 "

Wise words , less is more .
I'd like to be the third one stressing this! I usually use pot around twice a week (with peaks in the vacation or certain special occasions) and I never really experienced any of the bad effects daily smokers talk about. So my advice too is: take it easy, and you will enjoy it more!
sidefx a dit:
hey buds, um have you tried bud spots- two blazing glowing hot butter knives u dab one knife on a small pea size rounded bud and then squash 2gether with ova knife and inhale in tokes threw a rolled up hooter or get a mate too use knives while u suck thru a half coke bottle.
trie that bro it gets u smashed and saves a bit of bud.
only ova thing would to lay off it till special time of day?
good luck

Yeah it's a common way of smoking here, we do it anytime we have a torch at hand :P

Gets you more stoned with less weed :D
It also has to do with your experience as a psychonaut. If you've gone through trips with high dosages. Weed has less expanded thoughts because your mind can deal with a lot more.
Although I got stoned, feeling lazy and such, but not 'the'' feeling I got before when listening music

I have seen so many people, including myself, sitting together with a bong circling around, every one of them taking a hit every few minutes and all of them just being stoned (in a very un-creative and lazy way). They had all started smoking weed doing crazy stuff, laughing their ass off - but when you start smoking daily it almost always ends with sitting/lying around, talking about stuff you could do instead of doing it...

I can remember we would sometimes not go to a party because everyone wanted to have a last bong before leaving, but when the last one of ten people had had their last bong, the first would start again having his last bong before leaving (it had already been fifteen minutes since his last hit, so that didn't count...)
yes when u smoke often it makes u more lazy than creative. sometimes if i smoke to often i will start not having good "highs". like ill feel sick. so just dont smoke every day. every other day is good for me.
Your becomming resistant.

Dont smoke for 3-5 days and it will work wonders
tryptonaut a dit:
Although I got stoned, feeling lazy and such, but not 'the'' feeling I got before when listening music

I have seen so many people, including myself, sitting together with a bong circling around, every one of them taking a hit every few minutes and all of them just being stoned (in a very un-creative and lazy way). They had all started smoking weed doing crazy stuff, laughing their ass off - but when you start smoking daily it almost always ends with sitting/lying around, talking about stuff you could do instead of doing it...

I can remember we would sometimes not go to a party because everyone wanted to have a last bong before leaving, but when the last one of ten people had had their last bong, the first would start again having his last bong before leaving (it had already been fifteen minutes since his last hit, so that didn't count...)

hehe well it requires practice as well to do nothing! it's a skill! =) it's really good doing nothing while being stoned.
but i tend to agree, if this state is held on too long you might get stuck in it and kind of degenerate or well it depends how you do it. :)

quote:But besides this, do you think, me smoking weed all the time could rob me from my inspiration when sober?
Had the same inspiratual maters/problems with making music, componing and playing. I realised that the best thing to do with smoking cannabis regulary, is to make some cuts,3-4 weeks, without it.I think it works the best for me.