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Cannabissssss (tips for growing?)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ultima
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Thats a big thing in nature , not just with plants but also with animals .
get 2 normal yellow bananas from the supermarket.Peel the bananas,and save the "peels"..now get a ziplock bag,and throw the peels in there..use the paper towels to prevent the seeds from actually touching the peels.Now close the bag tight,and leave this in a dark,cool area...As the bananas "rott",they give off a natural gas called Ethylene..this gas is used to ripen many crops faster,and is theorized to actually feminize cannabis seeds..it has been tested on other legal crops,and yes there was 100% female ratios!!

Now every other day or two,open the bag and let it air out,just as if the seeds were "curing"...once the peels get very rotten,replae them with fresh ones...do this for ATLEAST 2 weeks..and just germinate as normal!!

from what im told, this same chemical that is given off if also sold by pro breeders.[/quote]

either jorge cervantes wrote about this, or he was relaying experience of a commercial grower friend in a book i read a few years ago, it definately doesnt work on cannabis, i cannot remember word for word but it went sometihng like this, "although positive results have been seen with various commercial food crops, cannabis is certainly an exception in this case, bud development and growth ceases " there was more i cant remember but believe me, its not good.
it appears someones read about the banana method on other plant species, and just assumed it works on cannabis.. if they tried it themselves with enough of that gas given off, they would have been sick as fuck with the results.

if i had a tip for growing, i would say choose your seeds wisely, pick a hardy strain thats not prone to hermaphrodism, and stay away from long flowering ones for now, till u get the hang of it.
northern lights perhaps.
I agree on that . Fuck fancy sorts , just take a clasic like northern lights and use that . It is hard to make mistakes with it and the results are always good .

Makeing things complicated just........complicates things.......
I'm going to hi-jack this thread for my own question:

Could anyone please briefly tell me what way would be best to keep little bugs (e.g. plant lice and mosquitoes) away from an outdoor plant?
Spray some products that you can find in any garden shop? Or isn't there anything you can do about it? I don't think building a little iglo from bamboo and plastic isn't a solution?

Thanks in advance :lol:
Outdoor plants dont usualy have problems with things like that . Have you ever seen it or is it a hypothetical question ? The only thing i`ve ever seen that was damageing an outdoor plant was mold because it had beeen hot and wet for months .
Thanks a lot for those responses.

It's a theoretical question by the way, because when I inspected some of the other plants, which are located nearby the spot where I might grow, there were a lot of leaves infected by aphids. I didn't really knew the insects would leave cannabis plants alone, but now I do ;-).
I`m not saying that any insects will leave out door plants alone . If other plants in the garden have insects on them you shoulf find out why and try to do something against it . As Mr.Smith said companion plants can help , so can planting plants that atract insects that eat insects . So can spraying with water and green soap . If you want more info ask .