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Cannabissssss (tips for growing?)

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hey guys, i was just trying to figure out what methods you all use for growing! im going to be using a 400W MH for the growth and a 400W HPS for flowering.

I was curious as to what mulch/compost/soil mixture you all use. what timing you use for your lighting, and any helpful tips for growing.

(ill be starting 16 plants in march)

Thanks for the tips guys
I dont see any reason to use MH lamps exept for growing the mamas and the papas . Grow your clones or babys under flourescent lights and then later put them under HPS lights. Keep the 18 hour light cycle for the first two weeks and then give them 12 / 12 .
i would google the banana method, it has been said it gives 100% fem ratios and i know people who swear by this method. also, a 400 hps is suitable for the full grow and a Mh is not really needed although if you have the cash to burn i suppose it wouldnt hurt. also, if this is a stealth grow and size might be an issue i would look into 12/12 light cycles from seed.

i HIGHLY recommend icmag.com

amazing site, awesome people, very helpful
read up on there and you cant go wrong
Whats the banana method and hows it suposed to work ?

Dont use 12/12 right from the start or you`ll end up with dwarf pigmy plants . There are no short cuts . Either do it properly or dont bother .
Anywhere between 16-24 hours of light a day is best for the vegetative stage, 12 hours of light a day is best for flowering.

Like the guy above me said, 12/12 from the start is a bad idea.
You'll end up with something like those shitty LowRyder plants.
What's shitty about the LowRyders? I was planning to grow some on my windowsill (sp?) because I wouldn't need control over the light cycles.
Meduzz a dit:
What's shitty about the LowRyders? I was planning to grow some on my windowsill (sp?) because I wouldn't need control over the light cycles.

They're terrible yielders and the buds you do get aren't that great, in my opinion.
Please don't get LowRyders, get some timers for lighting and get a good strain.

Low-yielders, not worth the effort
as i said, the 12/12 is for newbie growers where space is an issue and yield is not a huge concern, although i read a thread on it where someone got a 1/1 watt gram ratio.


also this was copied from another forum on the banana method

get 2 normal yellow bananas from the supermarket.Peel the bananas,and save the "peels"..now get a ziplock bag,and throw the peels in there..use the paper towels to prevent the seeds from actually touching the peels.Now close the bag tight,and leave this in a dark,cool area...As the bananas "rott",they give off a natural gas called Ethylene..this gas is used to ripen many crops faster,and is theorized to actually feminize cannabis seeds..it has been tested on other legal crops,and yes there was 100% female ratios!!

Now every other day or two,open the bag and let it air out,just as if the seeds were "curing"...once the peels get very rotten,replae them with fresh ones...do this for ATLEAST 2 weeks..and just germinate as normal!!

from what im told, this same chemical that is given off if also sold by pro breeders.
you've been lied to. please stop posting advise if you havnt a clue, its not helpfull
The banana method is complete bullshit . I know aples give off a gas / gasses that make bananas ripen faster . All you have to do to see that is to put some green bananas next to some apples and other green bananas somewhere on their own .

I cant remember ever seeing any info about ethylen gas haveing any effects on the sex of plants . If you or anyone has please point us at it .

You should have learned lesson number one about the internet now ? = its full of shit and most of the people on forums are dickheads that havent got a clue what they are talking about .

If you want to know about growing get yourself a good book by a well known expert and if things arent clear to you or your uncertain ask here . There are people here who actualy do it / have done it and have very much hands on experience . I`ve never seen a question here that hasnt been answered .
I said to google it. Look into it. I do not have experience with this and am not an expert on the matter. Hence me saying to look into it. I do know people who go by this method, if it is false and their results are circumstantial then good for them.

I do know the internet is full of false information as well as dickheads, which reminds me, Mr. Smith: while my information may be useless, and if it is then I stand corrected, there is still no need for your post as it was also, quite useless.

If you wish to correct me, please be my guest. I would rather have constructive criticism and be corrected than be told my advice is useless. It wasn't even my advice in the first place. Merely a prompt to look into it as I have no personal experience with it but have heard about it.
"I said to google it. Look into it."

We havent got time to do your research for you . That wasnt ment to discourage you . Remember between us all we`ve been around for hundreds of years and gained massive amounts of real experience . We have learned by reading , by being shown by people who know and by trial and error . So when we hear about things we have developed a healthy scepsis and have heard masses of bullshit. We have learned to think about things and ask for proof or at least a reasonable basis .

Mr.Smith was honest and gave you good advice .
none taken smith. and thank you for your second reply. this was much more insightful, and as i said, i stand corrected.

god: while this may be true I just thought it could have been in a slightly better fashion, which he did the second time around and I am appreciative of both your comments. you do raise a good point in the fact that while i read the article i never really did demand too much to back it up as i had come to trust most of the people on the forum there.

all is well though, and thank you for the comments. i was thinking of starting to grow later on should i get more room and a place where i could comfortably do it and was considering the 12/12 as a possibility despite the fact I'm familiar with proper vegetating and flowering methods and now i know not too. not entirely sure why i was going to do that, probably trying to take the assumed easy route. then again, if somethings worth doing, it's worth doing right.
Cannabis plants dont originaly come fro a 12 / 12 environment . They are suposed to come from Kasechstan or a bit to the left.... Thats why i think that plants from Thailand = a 12 / 12 environment and other 12 / 12 country tend towards hermaphrodism .
Mr.Smith a dit:
no offense Remedy.

all you will get starting your plants 12/12 is hermaphrodites and males. if they start 12/12 they will "think" it is the end of the season and respond by producing pollen because they will "think" there is not enough time to produce seed. male plants mature more quickly than females

the standard method for producing feminised seed is to breed hermaphrodites with females, even then there is less than 100% chance of females.

it is possible to increase the likelyhood of female plants. mix the seed with dry sand (or soil etc) and put them in the freezer for a couple of weeks. depending on the genetics, the seeds "think" there has been a winter and are SLIGHTLY more likely to feminise.

Why would plants be more likely to be female if they thought it had just been winter?