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Cannabis to combine with?

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Forkbender a dit:
gammagoblin a dit:
It may not be an intense drug, but I recommend combining weed with ginseng. It gives you energy but doesn't make you stressed out, like caffeine. The psychedelic effect of weed really comes forward in this combination imo. I have had stronger trips than 3 grams of mushrooms with ginseng and just one joint.

That's interesting, how much ginseng did you take?
About 10 grams, but it was very good quality which I bought in China. On top of that was sleep deprivation, as I just returned from the vacation and couldn't sleep during the flight. And then add that I'm a daily cannabis smoker, who hadn't smoked in three weeks. So I guess one won't instantly trip as hard as I did on this combo.
What? 10 grams?!?!?!

That's insane, I was jumping and flying around all day with just two teaspoons....
Brugmansia a dit:
Btw, don't ever combine weed with mescaline.

I must that i find weed a very good booster for mescaline to get the trip started. After a little half hour the weed effects disapear and the mescal takes over. I must say that i never tried smokin weed at the peak of the mescal experience.

Smoking weed on shrooms, is in my eyes deadly, atleast for me, several times i've bin found unconciously by doing that.
But i can remember in my young days before i had these effects, that it always worked like a good booster.

MDMA and weed is indeed a very nice combo, it makes you far more spaced out. :smoke:
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
What? 10 grams?!?!?!

That's insane, I was jumping and flying around all day with just two teaspoons....
Well, the store where I bought it said 15 grams was a standard dose. Again, this was in China and there they always use these amounts. But you don't get overstimulated as you would with other stimulants, it just tends to get a bit trippier and it's said that only with these amounts ginseng has a benificial effect for your body.
Maybe I have an extract, because I can't imagine a dose varying between 150 mg and 15 g :D

Ohw well, I like smoking joints on mdma and mushrooms (although this was not the question)

But yeah a logical one would be Ginseng wich is one of nature's strongest uppers :mrgreen:
I also think Cannabis is huge combined with Mdma and I also like it in combination with Coke.
But I was actually looking for nice combos with the "lighter" herb stuff and such.
Like Ginseng which sounds like a great idea.
But how about Kratom?

Would you think it's possible to make a very intense drug, just by blending some good herbs and stuff?
I mean to have the Cannabis feeling but also energy and a truly intense relaxed feeling?
I think skullcap is a great herb to mix with a bit of bud it always makes me feel very relaxed as if anything could happen and id be ok with it even skullcap by itself seems to give me a great relaxed feeling either smoke it or steep it in some water and make some tea its a great thing to drink before bed or any time I feel the blues comin on i just make a quick cup of skullcap tea and relax.
my absolute favourite is pot + peruvian torch + 4 HBWR seeds. this is by far the best combo i have experimented with, and trust me. iv done alot of experimenting:)
lol when im stoned and im feeling kind of tired and lazy i just sit down with a nice cup a green tea... that shit'll wake you up :D
Some good combo’s for MJ…

Cannabis + DXM
Cannabis + MDMA
Cannabis + mushroom comedown
Cannabis + mescaline come up
Cannabis + more cannabis
The best thing to mix Cannabis with is..........more Cannabis . Part of using Cannabis is learning to beat the inner pig and not getting lazy . Try doing lots of weight training , swimming or bycycle riding , or just do your house work , its realy nice for things like that .

Ginseng and Cannabis is good . The Ginseng that is available here is not the same as the ginseng available in some parts of Asia . Here its usualy powder from white American , or waste from bad quality Asian plants . In Asia you can get two or three different types of Ginseng . The normal white one is not as strong as red Ginseng , and wild Ginseng is the strongest by far . I was told that in Thailand and by chinese people here that a normal dose is a tea spoonfull of powder in the morning and one in the evening . 15 gramms of good Ginseng in one dose would make you very sweaty and give you a nervous , speedy buzz . It would also interfere with your sleep .

Another energising thing to mix with Cannabis is Ginko . But again dont over do it .

With most drugs the right dose works , more is not always better .