The best thing to mix Cannabis with is..........more Cannabis . Part of using Cannabis is learning to beat the inner pig and not getting lazy . Try doing lots of weight training , swimming or bycycle riding , or just do your house work , its realy nice for things like that .
Ginseng and Cannabis is good . The Ginseng that is available here is not the same as the ginseng available in some parts of Asia . Here its usualy powder from white American , or waste from bad quality Asian plants . In Asia you can get two or three different types of Ginseng . The normal white one is not as strong as red Ginseng , and wild Ginseng is the strongest by far . I was told that in Thailand and by chinese people here that a normal dose is a tea spoonfull of powder in the morning and one in the evening . 15 gramms of good Ginseng in one dose would make you very sweaty and give you a nervous , speedy buzz . It would also interfere with your sleep .
Another energising thing to mix with Cannabis is Ginko . But again dont over do it .
With most drugs the right dose works , more is not always better .