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Cannabis thief caught red-handed

Any animal on any type is drug, unless they ask for it (they can't talk so its pretty hard) is animal cruilty. I once seen a cat on lsd for research purposes and it was tripping HARDCORE. It disturbed me very much. These animals don't know what's coming their way, although I'm sure your rabbit knew what he was getting into, so that is fine.
Rabbits have very poor digestion, so when they eat cannabis, they won't feel much. And if they do, the effects seem to be pleasant to them.

I've seen the "cat on LSD" video, and that was indeed horrible. Not sure how much they gave the cat though, I expect way too much. They once killed an elephant with an outrageously high dose.
yes i've seen the cat on lsd video too
it hurt me
but also mind that, as someone posted earlier, metabolic pathways change from species to species therefore some psychoactives could be poisonous to other animals. also aspirin is a cat-killer
and i think the cannabis eating bunny picture is "WOW that is some funny shit"
i don't agree with some of the people around here wanting to make rabbit soup...
i would want to hear your opinion if a huge bunny came up to you after you had a few joints and sayin' : " yum, yum! human soup... i'm gonna get high with all that pot he smoked"
how would you feel?

seriously the top post made my day
too bad for the morning glory...mine too is dying!!!! :crybaby:
Cat on LSD (notice the set & setting are completely wrong):
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
aE3, have you read the whole piece?

It was the male plants ;)

Besides, Rabbits get high of mint leaves in nature...

Fair enough, I didn't see that bit.
Just seen too many cases of people giving animals drugs as they think the animal will enjoy it like humans do, or people doing it 'for a laugh', & worst, experimenting drugs on the poor beasts.
Kinda does my brain in when I see people doing that or taking it light hearted.
Seen too many eejits giving their 'pets' drugs for a laugh.
Man is one fucked up animal sometimes.
BrainEater a dit:
i heard that animals can't process psychoactive drugs so if they consume them, they either are on the drug forever or it doesn't hit them at all.

I've seen cats & dogs tripping on acid & shrooms, stoned & speeding. Okay, every now & then I've seen an animal seem to 'get into it', but most of the time they just acted confused & befuddled & obviously got no benefit whatsoever.
What movie?
nice plants, and really NICE NEIGHBOURS!
they see everithing and dont call the cops??
A couple of months ago I gave one of my plants to my neighbours. That plant is now full of buds.

The owner of the above rabbit has a garden, and from that garden one of my three remaining sensi's was stolen last night. I don't blame the kids who did it. I blame governments worldwide and their stupid drug policies. Enough said. Peace.
Lion a dit:
What movie?

sorry big fan of Moebius (the artist) does anyone know if he's still alive?


ususally is just primates that enjoy tripping balls
i've never seen a dog or a cat enjoying a trip
this was cause i knew eejits who would give them drugs
Dantediv86 a dit:
Lion a dit:
What movie?

sorry big fan of Moebius (the artist) does anyone know if he's still alive?


ususally is just primates that enjoy tripping balls
i've never seen a dog or a cat enjoying a trip
this was cause i knew eejits who would give them drugs

very strange movie, very beutifull, but hard to understand what's going on (since half is in mexican :P)

But yeah, i liked it :) the best movie ever, i wouldnt say, but it was really nice. Artistic movie :)