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Cannabis Bonsai (real or photoshop?)

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Elfe Mécanique
I have never seen anything like it!
I was stunned, only question now is: is it real?

It looks weird though I can't really put my finger on what exactly looks odd about it. I think it's a fake.
as a photoshop user, I'm pretty sure that it's a manipulation. a rather bad one, in fact.
Its a fake . I have seen cannabis bonsais and they dont look like that . I`ve also seen mother plants that are 20 years old with bark on them like on a tree but it didnt look like the bark on that foto .
GOD a dit:
I`ve also seen mother plants that are 20 years old with bark on them like on a tree but it didnt look like the bark on that foto .

perhaps have a photo on that? i'm curious how it looks
No fotos . They were about1.25 meters high . A stem and on top the plants looked like an umbrella turned upside down . Flat on top . The stems had bark on them like a tree .
definitely fake, the roots, and "stem" are all wrong, and the lighting is slightly misaligned, the leaves are reflecting light from above, where the stem is reflecting from an angle to the left
edit: also the stem vanishes halfway up and would not be that fat i would assume
Girls . Its flowering =its going to die soon . The lower branches also dont conect right to the stem .
as a professional graphics artist, i am ashamed to say that this is a photoshopped image.... so poorly its pathetic, but it is a nice concept.
The thought of it is real :wink:
ive made similar bonsai in the past when ive run out of space. my blueberry and looked very similar though the pots were less atractive
The guy who sent it to me asured me it's real.
However, I've never seen anything like it!
I think it's a fake too, but to be honest, the stam is too white to be real, right?
Obviously a fake. How can the root system of cannabis grow in such a shallow pot??
I`ve seen atempts at cannabis bonsai plants but they didnt look like that . The plant is often grown in a bit bigger pot and then put in one like that for presentation .

If you think about it the plant would have to be grown for years to get a stem like that with light 24 hours a day . After that who would let it flower ? And the flowers would not be so big .

If you down load the picture and enlarge it its obviously a fake .
I would never bonsai a cannabis plant (personally)

I will try to bonsai one coca plant.
Cannabis are one year plants, of course there are cannabis in growthfase that can make it longer then a year.

But Coca plants live for at least 60 years in the right hands!
That's the only reason to bonsai them, cuz when I die, they're still around.

On topic:
I think that photo is fake because the under rope goes up, and it's not tight.
If it is not tight, how can it support that ?
Fake,its in its final phase but at the same time dark green leaves and big buds,hmmm mine is in full bloom now and i got 2 leaves left that resemble a colour close to green :lol:

The stem is split and too light of colour,also the plant would die in days since it needs a fully developed root system to grow buds as big as in the pic..

And to really decide it,the stem grows in an opposite way to the buds,plants including the stem would grow the same way the buds do,to one side!Turning the plant constantly is the only way to get a straight stem like this one,yet the buds grow the other way!

Photoshop wise i can only say...back to the drawingboard :shock:
LOL it's so fake, my plants had a shiver...of laughter!!!