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Can we create a church for Sally

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion bah_roke
  • Date de début Date de début
i fifth that
I think It's time to create a psychedelic community who s respected from all the nations! We all are from diffrent countries, and all have peace and ecologic thinkings.

The psychedelics aren't toxic, so they shouldnt be classifed as the opium!

The psychedelic culture exist from thousands years, Its time to recognise It. Make turning a "referundum" petition to vote in all europe and Usa to legalise sacred plants so all the poeple could have their own cult!.. In all the world!

We know that Lsd is not toxic and all the repression of the past... and we dont re-legalise It? Why?
Whos going to pay for the petition , whos going to vote for it and wich politicians are going to take any notice of it ? To get respect our comunity would have to get credible and stop talking fantasy shit about 3rd eyes and other esoteric junk . When has a petition ever bought change ? Why do you think that most of the countrys in europe didnt allow their people to vote in a referendum about the european constitution ?
How to think for yourself.


It's an interesting video about how one can find what is going on in the law and how one can work with it. This is a Canadian example (applicable to that country, very dangerous information), but there are other ways in other countries. Do what you want with it.
We can make like pacific march for the enthéo plants léalisation in all the world and make accept the Psychédélic community as the Native church si allready accepted. (But they can continue their cult everywhere on the plantet? rasta too even if they are recognised cults)

We only have to fix a mondial day for the march. After the march we can make sing a "petition" to adress to the politicians.

ps: If Timotey Leary had a doubd about Lsd légalisation It would certainly not happend the 60ies révolution! Who went in all the world and explode to may 68! the last revolution for our right to think at what we want in peace! The only problem is that we belives some in the marketing society and state dependent poeple. We dont belives enough in poeple who can help themself together.
The change of horizontal help to vertial help should be reverse!

Its our world, It's not to our politicians to décide to destroy our planet to make more benefits on paper, petrol, Chemistry medecine. It s not to the politicians to tell Us that a believe of many thousand of peace people is nocive! We sould have freedom of cult!

We should be free to accept a cult, and shouldnt put the people in jail for them convictions on the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, starting a sect is a real good idea.

That would really help others accept us. :roll:
A sect is the american scientologist church;) lol and It seem to not make any stress over there;)

Stop laughting...

Our cult dont go in the criterias of a sect;) no evolution with money,, no boss, etc... (have a look in the law;)

The only problem in the law is that they say they do not legalise because Its nocive and even If It isnt they dont care... If they want It will be not legal even If Its good for healt?! Its not légal because It change mind, give a pleasure sensation etc... like coca cola, cigarets, shugar, work... lol
Remember the million mom march and then the million man march where a million people came to each one . Then some dumb hippys decided to have a million marujuana march and in all the years its been going all over the world a million people still havent taken part . Even that hippy shit realised that and changed the name to the milenium marijuana march .
The problem is that we did a marijuanna march....

We have to understand that we have to legalise all entho-plants in the same time.. stop prohibition! légalise plants and we will not have any problems of dependance anymore etc.....

With persons who tell always dont do It, We wont won.. We wont won lol

If we believe in It... It will happen! do you ever had a coatching lesson ? ;)
Thats the message of the psychedelics.. belive and It will happen!

The positive thinking! It works;) We just have the mission to explain what is psychedelics, weed etc.. to people when they have bad thinking on It.
And try to do in our place as much as we can... as small act as we can;)
most "normal" people would poop their pants if you gave them a bowl of sally.
they would expect to be changed permanently by it and panic.
the people who are interested enough to try psychadelics are the ones who seek them out. everyone else is scared of change.
a bit of a generalisation, i know but
no change is sexy(jah wobble)
the bigest scary change Actually is our climatic change!

And I belive the cause is in the industrial society and capitalist investment like petrol products like fuel and plastics, paper from wood in stead of using hemp, etc.... And all this virtual world we create to replace our vivid dreams;) To not take to much attention to the climate around Us going mad.

We have to awake! Or we have to dream! to see reality! "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is" W.Drake

Anyway, we have to act If we want to give a nice green world to our child!
"We have to awake!"

I hope you wake up soon . I hope you wake up from that stupid we can change the world with dumb fantasys crap soon to . Dont you understand that dumb fantasys like that are part of the problem and not part of the answer . Lets scratch our arses for legalisation and wank our egos to death thinking we are heros because we scratched our arses for legalisation and nothing happened .

It wasnt W.Drake , it was Aldous Huxley who said that . I hope your doors of perception open and you wake up and drop all that hippy propoganda shit thats doing a lot of the damage in the world .
The title comes from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell:

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern."

We can make as the french poeple.. fix rendez-vous at specific hours at special place in hot traffic time. Just beeing too many poeple at the same place;) The best should be having stickers to put everywhere with freedom of cult / legalise plants or someting like that;)

I ll keep you advised;) I have my criminologist grilfriend soon science politics.. And I did chemist and kinestist so I know the benefit of hypnosis and sophrology who s lot liked to the use of psychedelics in therapy, and the toxicity of the substances.

We have to legalise for public healt! It s medecine! free medecine;) thats the problem for the capitalists;)

But I m shure of one thing, If we all explain around Us what's psychedelics and weed and why Its prohibited we can change the way of thinking of many poeple around Us! I did It, and I did change the point of view of poeple who do not take any "drugs".. So, belive in changes! Noting is static;)
easy to forget drug users are not a united demograph

they come from all walks of life

the vast majority of marijuana tokers don't give a shit about politics, just like the vast majority of people

if every marijuana smoker in my country stood up, the drug would be legal overnight. there is no way you could enforce a law on millions of people.

but it won't happen.

i'm not saying i don't believe in marches. just that they historically have been vastly ineffective. you have to look at what works.

change comes slowly. it is society that changes bit by bit. those who stand up for change and march about fall into a cliched, stereotyped role in the eyes of society. because you are stereotyped, you can easily be discounted and ignored. it is horribly unfair, i agree. but by standing up and marching, the average joe just says look there goes a bunch of hippies. you actually NEED millions of people to do something to get attention anymore.

as a psychonaut or explorer of entheogens you can be there to help those who are interested in learning. you can help correct bad information and fight propaganda. you can disseminate balanced and correct information or even reverse propaganda if you wish (i vote for the former as opposed to the latter). what you can't do is make people interested in changing something they aren't interested in even talking about. and i'm not just talking about non-drug users here, but about the vast majority of drug users who just don't care as long as they don't get busted.

in Canada weed smoking is somewhat tolerated because there is such a massive number of users that everyone probably knows at least a couple potheads. pot is demystified. if it was put to a democratic vote, it would be decriminalized instantly. it is merely political agenda and fear that keeps it illegal right now.


slowly chipping away at the armor is better than throwing a pebble in a pond, where the ripples won't even reach the shore. IMHO anyway.
Well said . We have to convince Caduceus to give us a closed thread so we can talk about a strategy . No strategy is a silver bullet with instant results but its a strt and a cource that will lead to emancipation from old inefective ways and eventualy lead us to decriminalisation for adults who want to use drugs responsibly . We are a brain pool , we are a think tank , together we can start the start of making a difference .

Politics, Legal issues & The Media Private Subforum to discuss legal/scientific issues (SPLIT)
In Belgium it s like in canada lol It s not legal but close to.

Thats why we had persons who broke laws like planting full plants in a big place, but each plant was own by one person. So the law say 1plant/person they try to do something against the planters but they couldnt. This year they plant one seed in public after a march, they arrest the people but cant do anything against us cause they plant 1plant! And Its not a criminal organisation cause Its a non lucrative org, they alway say before what they will do and have agreement of some politics.

They work with the encod and Canada to.

But to conclude my belive;)

The Vienne 2008, conclusion over 10years of drug repression. The problem grow, and the solution is not prohibition. But the instant légalisation is not the solution, we should inform the society..etc..

So the word is, to make more and more action as small as they are but remember to the politics that we want to be listen, not just for as they say "Drugs" but for the planet who need to have open mind poeple who take kare of the Nature for the Future.
We have to convince Caduceus to give us a closed thread so we can talk about a strategy .
You don't have to convince me, but the site owner. I'm just site admin in the sense that I sometimes fix certain problems for members, I have nothing to say about what happens structurally on this website.

We are a brain pool , we are a think tank , together we can start the start of making a difference .
Perhaps, but there are also a lot of armchair philosophers among us who will argue forever but never do anything practically. A singular thing is not going to change the world. It's not a singular strategy or a singular text or a singular webpage or a singular event that's going to do it. It's going to take many different people trying many different avenues of social influence.
"You don't have to convince me, but the site owner."

Thats what i`ve been trying to do for ages , thats why i came to this site , thats why i tried to get the message over at two different VooVs but nothing has happened up till now . Not wishing to be disrespectfull to anyone but.........In the end it comes down to our lord and saviour jesus words "If you are not for us you are against us" = Either we are part of the answer or we are part of the problem . I`m part of the answer , the people who dont help are the armchair philosiphers . If he cares he will help .

"Perhaps, but there are also a lot of armchair philosophers among us who will argue forever but never do anything practically . A singular thing is not going to change the world. It's not a singular strategy or a singular text or a singular webpage or a singular event that's going to do it. It's going to take many different people trying many different avenues of social influence."

No one thinks that there is a single silver bullet answer . Or that its going to be easy but we must start somewhere and have patience . At the moment most people are doing inefective things or unrealistic things that have never got us anywhere and never will . Like talk about churches , demos that dont work . petitions and referendums . We need to refine our tactics and get the optimal out of them . Its exactly like driving cars . At first there were no rules / no generaly agreed upon way to do it and that resulted in many acidents . Then some people sat down and talked about it and came up with a simple book with a sensible strategy in it so everyone could understand it , learn it and avoid acidents . When they were writing it they took the sensible bits from every existing startegy and united them , then they published it . We all use it now all over the world and when we stick to it there are very few acidents .

If you read this you might get more of an idea of what people think . We have already talked about some of the things you have brought up here :-

Politics, Legal issues & The Media Private Subforum to discuss legal/scientific issues (SPLIT)