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Cambodia to destroy all 'ecstasy oil' stocks

why are the australian police in cambodia?? thats a great question.. they seem poor so they need money for their people i think the government could look away but i think the white people are making them do it... !!!! hahahahahaha
whats REALLY going on... they want the oil for themselves... theres about to be a BIG jump in the extacy market. :P

if only.
umm 14 tons aint shit in the scheme of things if i had around 8000 bucks i could buy a metric ton easy getting it past customs is another story.
Chop it all down.
pour ya motor oil down the drain.
spray a can up in the oZone......................sorry thats sun-dried humor

the government will always do what they want, will they ever give us that much freedom. They hold the key .
too bad they listen to bad thoughts. they live in yesterday, thinking about today.

in Madagascar, the Poor Ring Tailed Lemurs, unQuestionably "the most Beautiful" animal on earth hehe 8) has land too live on the size of a FARM. They used to have a whole jungle island.

sounds like where i Live.

they keep on taking Just a LITTLE Bit more of the AMAZON.
i hope we don't hit rock bottom while i'm around huh, we've come soo far in a handful of centuries aye everything has its picture in a history book now.
in 1914 WW1 began officially, in 1914 officially CANNABIS was an enemy of the industrialised nations.
my mum keeps saying in 1914 it states in the Bible the Devil he was cast down to earth, To TRY and Change the hearts of men....CANNABIS Jah Rasta..peace, whatever ya believe, believe in something.
Don't worry spisshak. BP poured a few million barrels into the ocean and I haven't noticed any negative effects at all.
btw sass isnt that rare.

i always see it when going hiking also

ronically, :) I have it on very good authority that there are Australian plants that produce exactly the same type of oil and which could be harvested in the outback, with nobody any the wiser... :)

Maybe the Aussie cops are trying to corner the market? :)

"We are eternal. Life is about the Journey; there can be no destination." :)
