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Cambodia to destroy all 'ecstasy oil' stocks


Glandeuse Pinéale
Source: Reuters
By Prak Chan Thul
PHNOM PENH, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Cambodia is cracking down on a raw ingredient for the club-drug ecstasy by wiping out stocks of an oil made from the roots of a rare rainforest tree, an official said on Thursday.
Cambodian authorities, with help from Australian police, will destroy 14 tonnes of sassafras, an ingredient for cosmetics but also a precursor chemical to make methylenedioxymethamphetamine, more commonly known "MDMA" or the party drug ecstasy.......

More can be read here http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/SGE60Q05U.htm

:thumbsdown: :crybaby:
what the hell?
this is retarded, what are they thinking?
how much are they going to spend destroying 14 tonnes of trees??

and why the hell are australian police in cambodia?

i smell bullshit tho..
Yeah let's wipe out that rare rainforest tree to "protect" people from having fun. Assholes...
tryptonaut a dit:
Yeah let's wipe out that rare rainforest tree to "protect" people from having fun. Assholes...

They will learn one day when we can't breathe. Unfortunately by then it will be far too late.
That's like saying we should start shooting people in the face because their pineal gland contains DMT.
For those of you who actually didn't READ the article:

The crackdown is also aimed at preserving a rare tree found deep in Cambodia's jungles. The roots and trunk of the M'rea Prov Phnom tree provide the source of the oil. Illegal logging is threatening the tree with extinction.

They actually have 14 tonnes of purified sassafras oil, not trees. And I kind of agree now, I didn't know sassafras was a rare tree... :(
If they would send it to me I could destroy it for them...
IJesusChrist a dit:
For those of you who actually didn't READ the article:

The crackdown is also aimed at preserving a rare tree found deep in Cambodia's jungles. The roots and trunk of the M'rea Prov Phnom tree provide the source of the oil. Illegal logging is threatening the tree with extinction.

They actually have 14 tonnes of purified sassafras oil, not trees. And I kind of agree now, I didn't know sassafras was a rare tree... :(

yeah, those industrialists care so much about preserving the ecosystem.

It's a fucking cover for them to do what they want to do.
Norodom Sihamoni has been King of Cambodia since 2004, which is when the destruction of these oil stocks began.

He has direct ties to UNESCO, having previously been the Cambodian Ambassador to UNESCO.

UNESCO has been the center of controversy in the past, particularly in its relationships with the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and the former Soviet Union. During the 1970s and 1980s, UNESCO's support for a New World Information and Communication Order" and its MacBride report calling for democratization of the media and more egalitarian access to information was condemned in these countries as attempts to curb freedom of the press.

(suppression ?)

Call it what you will, they are a tool of the UN, which itself is a tool of the international banking and industrial cartels.

They are the ones who control the DEA
I don't care if they give a shit about saving the forest, just as long as they aren't going out and fire-bombing it...

I would rather this be happening than them banning an organism from their country. Namely whatever sassafras comes from...

Where the hell did the 14 tonnes come from anyway? It just kind of states that it's been there, and hasn't been doing anything, but NOW they are going to destroy it. Did somebody snitch?
IJesusChrist a dit:
I don't care if they give a shit about saving the forest, just as long as they aren't going out and fire-bombing it...

I would rather this be happening than them banning an organism from their country. Namely whatever sassafras comes from...

Where the hell did the 14 tonnes come from anyway? It just kind of states that it's been there, and hasn't been doing anything, but NOW they are going to destroy it. Did somebody snitch?

I just got one question. WTF are they thinking? They already got the oil. Just because clandestine chemists use said product for their own means doesn't mean there aren't other uses. Don't countries like these need money? I mean seriously whats 14 tons of Sas worth realistically? I know I sure as fuck don't have the $ for that much Oil. I mean seriously are people that stupid to just destroy money like that? Maybe i grew up in the capitalist 1st world too much, but to me thats like wasting money. On top of that they already deforested the woods so its like are doing this :finga: . We not only are going to destroy this so you can't make drugs & chemical companies cant make their pharmaceuticals all while decreasing the amount of Oxygen the earth produces for all of us to breathe.
:roll: :x
so they have the oil already?...
well wtf then?
they're trying to protect the trees by destroying the oil?.....
wont this cause people to go and cut down even more in order to get back some of the oil which has been burnt???

On October 14, 2004, King Norodom Sihamoni was selected by a special nine-member throne council, part of a selection process that was quickly put in place after the surprise abdication of King Norodom Sihanouk a week before

The guys dad, who was obviously old guard, and literally from another world, 'mysteriously' abdicated the throne.

IJesusChrist a dit:
I don't care if they give a shit about saving the forest, just as long as they aren't going out and fire-bombing it...

I would rather this be happening than them banning an organism from their country.

Well, they're fire-bombing the truth.

They're banning honesty.

you tell me
Yeah I guess your right, most asian pacific country's governments are fucked up anyways. Long chains of families ruling, sticking to the past, rather than using logic. Although I respect ancient asian traditions, customs, and art, their governments can go fuck themselves.

My point was made in my first post - they aren't wiping out the trees, thats all I really wanted to say. If they now go and don't protect the trees whatsoever, which is going to be the case, then yeup. Such is life, until we actually get the balls to do something about this shit. :evil:
Ironically, I have it on very good authority that there are Australian plants that produce exactly the same type of oil and which could be harvested in the outback, with nobody any the wiser...

Maybe the Aussie cops are trying to corner the market? :D
you should get some and ship it to me :)
"It is dangerous," Meas Vyrith told Reuters. "It would make people become victims of the drug."

fucking hypocrisy...