California Vote on Salvia Divinorum

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The government says: Everyone is free and equal

Then the government says: You are not free to smoke that, inhale that, say that, walk there.

WTF, the constitution says we are free. Freedom means that you can do and say whatever you want as long as you are not breaking someone else's freedom.

Who's fucking freedom am I breaking by smoking pot?!??!?!

Actually all drug laws are against the constitution

(I'm talking about the canadian constitution...)
Psychoid a dit:
Who's fucking freedom am I breaking by smoking pot?!??!?!

You are funding terrorism!!!
You evil evil man!! :evil:

Psychoid a dit:
Who's fucking freedom am I breaking by smoking pot?!??!?!

You're an enemy in the war on drugs and as long as there are still enemies, the war isn't over. People will be less free, because they get the impression from the warpropagandists that drugs are bad, without being able to make their own decision. Let's just stay off drugs for a year, see who we really fuck up (probably those fighting the war on drugs, the cia, etc.). Once they think they have won, we can start using again. And since there will be a shitload of drugs everywhere due to less demand from the previous year, it will be near-free.
Forkbender a dit:
Psychoid a dit:
Who's fucking freedom am I breaking by smoking pot?!??!?!

You're an enemy in the war on drugs and as long as there are still enemies, the war isn't over. People will be less free, because they get the impression from the warpropagandists that drugs are bad, without being able to make their own decision. Let's just stay off drugs for a year, see who we really fuck up (probably those fighting the war on drugs, the cia, etc.). Once they think they have won, we can start using again. And since there will be a shitload of drugs everywhere due to less demand from the previous year, it will be near-free.
typical philosophers mistake spotted! :smirk:
It's a marvelous plan except that in reality this is not now, nor any time in the future going to happen since for instance mobilising all drug users in the America's will be impossible let alone in the whole world.
That and I doubt that the positive effect you describe will really happen. First they'll be like: "LOOK WE WON!" then after we start using again there will be an absurd witch-hunt like none before in history because "LOOK THE NUMBERS HAVE GROWN SOO HIGH, QUICK DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!"

taken from azarius :lol:
it's stupidness and/or ignorance which forms the basis of these laws or better the brutal, ignorant, not-really-caring-about-lives/life-behaviour of governments is the shit... anyway regarding that most people are dumb and democracy supposing to be the governing of the majority it's logical that the government is dumb.

i'd find it cool, if freedom would really be aspired to and ppl would be better really well informed about substances and the decision to consume 'em would lie in their own hands.

I don't think having a mass abstinence from enjoying ENTHEOGENICS (an experience of taking god inside or having god inspired enthusiasm from induced experiences) is the best idea.

How much will the next gen of liberated youths miss out on, not having the guidance and experience and touch from informed and connected growers, brewers and psy travellers.

Having a good healthy educated resistance to becoming a programmed clone, operating the machine of life, is much more constructive than having something more radical grow, blow up and disappear, like a myth. Gives more fuel to the flames yeah.

I don't think entheogenics will ever be understood or liberated by it being secreted away. Governments change laws, and pass bills and legislation in secrecy, and publicise there strong points that get them votes. Entheo's should be in the media, in the public view, investigated, studied and used wisely. People can't resist governmental change if they aren't educated or aware of it.
Although Salvia is not a classic psychedelic, like those chemically and pharmacologically similar tryptamines and phenethylamines, it is psyche-delic in that it reveals the psyche. I find it pretty interesting. Quite a few of us do.

I guess I have more hours in with the other psychedelics, but I've taken more Salvia trips than any other kind because they are easier to squeeze into my hectic schedule.

I don't know if California will stop at simply prohibiting sale to minors, or whether they'll take another stab at total prohibition. Doubtless, there are people in the legislature who'd like to prohibit it. However, the state has a horrible budget situation and a big problem with a huge prison population overcrowding its prisons, so it just doesn't make sense for them to be making more problems by prohibiting Salvia when there is so little in the way of documented trouble from it. Besides, maybe they're waiting for the feds to do something.
misery a dit:
The war on drugs:
Bill Hicks got it :)

That always cracks me up. we're winning the war! :lol:
they are finally realizing that they,the man, cant win