California Vote on Salvia Divinorum

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
"LOS ANGELES, Jan. 17 -- Howard C. Samuels PsyD, Executive Director and co-founder of Wonderland Treatment Center in Los Angeles, has won a major victory in his crusade against the hallucinogenic plant "Salvia Divinorum." On a 7-0 vote cast just yesterday, the California Assembly Committee on Public Safety passed Assembly Bill 259, introduced by Assemblyman Anthony Adams (R-Hesperia), which would make the sale or distribution of Salvia to any person under the age of 18 a misdemeanor in the State of California. Samuels had recently petitioned the Assemblyman on the cause, which found widespread support on behalf of state, county, and local law enforcement agencies among many others."

Full story here: ... 8467.shtml

(Don't click the link unless you want to read things like "Young people are dying from this drug.")

I'm surprised that there hasn't been much discussion on the various entheogen-related lists about this. On a positive note, the intent was to make it a felony, and that failed. Restricting the sale to minors may not be an unreasonable thing, when compared to Schedule 1 madness."
GOD a dit:
(Don't click the link unless you want to read things like "Young people are dying from this drug.")

Damn i clicked it... :retard:
"Making a substance illegal may not always succeed in making it impossible to get, but it makes it much, much harder to get, especially for kids and teenagers. This is a vitally important first step for our kids and our community."
I wonder with what research he can back this up. In the mean time I know there's been a research in Rotterdam in the Netherlands that showed traces of cocain in 50% of the highschools there (personally i think the test sucked as I'm a pessimist and I think in every highschool there's cocain use). Cocain is prohibited, yet it doesn't really seem hard for kids to get it now does it?

Salvia is a naturally grown, mint-like leaf which has been equated to providing users with experiences similar to that of the mind-altering drug LSD. Side effects include uncontrollable hysteria, an out of body experience, and a feeling of total confusion or near-madness.

having not used LSD or Salvia yet I can't comment on this comparison but I have a slight feeling there's "some" difference between them...
Also, these side effects aren't they mixed wished effects with bad trips coming from abuse?

As Dennis Miller used to say, 'not to get off on a rant here...'

Salvia is as different from LSD as the moon is from GW Bush's ass.

They are NOTHING alike.

BTW, salvia is considered a secondary hallucinogen of last resort to the mexican indians who originally cultivated it, they prefer psilocybe stropharia....try it and you'll see why. I admit, maybe if I hadn't the experiences with all the really good stuff, who knows, maybe I could've gotten into it, but I find it unpleasant and nausea-inducing.

CAlifornia is by far, the state with the most liberal drug laws in the contiguous 48 states.....I'm not surprised of the decision....
"salvia is considered a secondary hallucinogen of last resort to the mexican indians who originally cultivated it, they prefer psilocybe stropharia....try it and you'll see why. "

Thats exactly what i think . Thats why i dont take part in the Saliva thread . I think you might as well sniff glue .
"Young people are dying from this drug," said Samuels. "Making a substance illegal may not always succeed in making it impossible to get, but it makes it much, much harder to get, especially for kids and teenagers. This is a vitally important first step for our kids and our community."
THIS is the biggest bunch of BULLSHIT (excuse my Italian here, hey new guy this one's for you!!) i've ever heard about salvia
i wanna see a medical report of each person who died from it in the last 50 years first
and it is not true that it's going to be harder to get
ON THE CONTRARY!! it's going to be accessible to 4 years old if they make it illegal!!

and have you all seen what the wonderland center offers?

WHY THE FL***G F**K would you friggen wanna cure LOVE!!!!!!! (i could understand sex addiction) BUT LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because love for your fellow man is taking away emphasis on love for the dollar bill.

'nough said.

But anyways, every psychonaut should have at least a small batch of salvia extract, or preferably, a live salvia plant. When the gray, clammy blanket of prohibition finally reaches your state/country as well, I do not think much salvia will be available through the normal dealers. It is not addictive (coke) or fun (LSD) enough to make a commercial product.

So stock up, even if you don't like it: A friend may want to try it in two years time.
Because love for your fellow man is taking away emphasis on love for the dollar bill.
Well said! I'd even go further and assume that the thing is exactly the same when it's about "drugs".If psychedelic use was legal, acceptable and widespread, it's very likely that the whole society would be very different. The problem is, no one wants us to be "different" in any way. Tame and narrow-minded subordinates are usually preferred by most of the governments
Dantediv86 a dit:
"Young people are dying from this drug," said Samuels. "Making a substance illegal may not always succeed in making it impossible to get, but it makes it much, much harder to get, especially for kids and teenagers. This is a vitally important first step for our kids and our community."
THIS is the biggest bunch of BULLSHIT (excuse my Italian here, hey new guy this one's for you!!) i've ever heard about salvia
i wanna see a medical report of each person who died from it in the last 50 years first
and it is not true that it's going to be harder to get
ON THE CONTRARY!! it's going to be accessible to 4 years old if they make it illegal!!

and have you all seen what the wonderland center offers?

WHY THE FL***G F**K would you friggen wanna cure LOVE!!!!!!! (i could understand sex addiction) BUT LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey WTF please is wonderland center!! ... WTF!!!... :vom: SICK!!!
Anyways i don't share some of your opinions out there... I think salvia's quite an amazing plant. The effects are different from other hallucinogenic plants, but they are unique and very intense... i felt it myself... but well maybe the effects are different for each and everyone...

My last Salvia trip was kind of freaky, but really impressive too!! After having inhaled and having kept the smoke in my lungs for 30 seconds or so i fell backwards on my bed and it was like behind my head it went on into infinity...
well that alone isn't too strange, but i felt like i was aware of the vastness behind my head or like i was somehow connected to it or "in" it... and then there was this real-deep-sounding-everything-penetrating voice.... :P

My respect if you can make any sense out of that, but still i think accessability
to this drug shouldn't be restricted and the choice to use it should be defined
by one's own decision after having informed oneself well about the subject.

I can't imagine what could have happened if Alice had gotten in THIS wonderland....
This is stupid. why would they want to spread BULLSHIT (excuse my italian too :P) about salvia? what's in it for them?
not that i ever tried it
but i believe it's the attitude of every government to ban anything that could distract people from staying in the machinelike system they prepared for us.
Yeah, the news article is irritating, full of misinformation and hyped, but if there is a glimmer of common sense in it, perhaps maybe this means the substance won't be banned completely in California... (unless it gets banned federally). Actually too bad all psychedelics wouldn't be regulated in a similar fashion rather than outright banned.. much like alcohol or tobacco.. kids find ways of drinking anyway, but if you really want to Protect the Children (TM) then why not focus your attention on who is selling this stuff to kids, rather than adults who are just keeping it to themselves.

At the end of they day though I got to say, what the hell. Is this some interest group lobbying to get a law passed? Like what is the deal? So can anyone get something banned if they hype it up, save up some money and walk up to the goverment? So why can't enough people lobby the government to get certain substances un-banned? hah. Ignorant of state politics, sorry. (I guess similar things are happening with tobacco as well now..)

And I agree with BrainEater, one thing I can say about salvia is that unlike any other drug I've tried, insightful or not, I consistently feel refreshed and renewed after using it. Just, Salvia isn't the same from person to person, reactions vary wildly. Probably the reason it is still (mostly) legal. All the more for me! 8) That being said if I had the OPTION of choosing alice instead of sally sometimes these days..
In australia the poor old lady sage has been rejected for asylum status along with the rest of the world.

Salvia divinorum in 2003 I think i was scheduled as a class 1 illegal drug, and is now considered for the highest conviction charges along with heroine and coke. Bloody ridiculous.

Don't know if anyone has been charged with possession or trafficing tho.

Such a shame. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I guess being adults and all it should at least be our decision to choose, not our previous "Bush" licking government. George that is.

I tried some hydroponic salvia before it was scheduled and it was a good time. definitely broadens your view of the universe, even just for a short time.
But hey hold up.

I checked out the website and they definitely have some good services they offer.

They clearly come from the other extreme of where I and likely most of you are experimental people who like to live life, and see whats out there, they deal with the addicts who have crossed over the line and has destroyed there families, friends and if I'm to believe there scripts, has ended occasionally in homocide and suicide.

But that is relating to all drug abuse not just salvia.

But hey I think drugs should be left until people are old enough to be responsible and allow all the hormones in there brains and bodies to develop naturally first. And then give them the choice. But that goes for religion too. Leave it for adult hood.

(he nods his hat, as he steps down from the podium).

i agree very much with you

the problem is that rehabilitation centers would fail if drugs where regulated,
instead they are illegal thus people can get addicted to it more freely

i believe these centers are the first to keep the drugs banned so that people remain ignorant and disinformed. and they are the first to have businnes with those who sell this stuff to keep a growing amount of population coming to them
Celestariel I agree very much with you too, wiseness comes with time!

quote from Brainstormed"

they are the first to have businnes with those who sell this stuff (MAKE THE LAWS) to keep a growing amount of population coming to them (PRISONS!)

But hey I think drugs should be left until people are old enough to be responsible and allow all the hormones in there brains and bodies to develop naturally first. And then give them the choice. But that goes for religion too. Leave it for adult hood.

There are cultures where people have their first mushroom trip at age 3. And they don't suffer negative side effects and it been done that way since centuries.

In my opinion children should be kept away from: alcohol, gambling, meat, dairy, meth, ssri's, ritalin until they reach an age where they can say they want to fuck up themselves and actually have a clue what that exactly means.

Btw there is still no evidence that cannabis has a negative impact on developing brains. Au contrary.

Btw if you stay around a bit here you will probably realize that 'drugs' is just a stupid word which is not always (almost never) the correct word to mention entheogens such as Salvia, Ayahuasca, Psilocybine, Mescalin etc..

Love & peace
PS Welcome to the forum :)
HeartCore a dit:
There are cultures where people have their first mushroom trip at age 3. And they don't suffer negative side effects and it been done that way since centuries.

It is because at such a young age, pretty much every experience intergrates well, good or bad. It attaches the ability of being in able to catch incoming influences with less effort and give them a place. Since every human needs to deal with losing beloved ones and such life paths.

But there's a possibility that people of these native isolated cultures don't build up enough mean to protect their own being from evil others.

HeartCore a dit:
In my opinion children should be kept away from: alcohol, gambling, meat, dairy, meth, ssri's, ritalin until they reach an age where they can say they want to fuck up themselves and actually have a clue what that exactly means.

Agreed! Except for the diary and meat, any reason in particular for listing them?