Caffeine increases tendency to hallucinate.

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
High caffeine consumption could be linked to a greater tendency to hallucinate, a new research study suggests.

People with a higher caffeine intake, from sources such as coffee, tea and caffeinated energy drinks, are more likely to report hallucinatory experiences such as hearing voices and seeing things that are not there, according to the Durham University study.

‘High caffeine users’ – those who consumed more than the equivalent of seven cups of instant coffee a day - were three times more likely to have heard a person’s voice when there was no one there compared with ‘low caffeine users’ who consumed less than the equivalent of one cup of instant coffee a day. With ninety per cent of North Americans consuming some of form caffeine every day, it is the world's most widely used drug.

The researchers say the findings will contribute to the beginnings of a better understanding of the effect of nutrition on hallucinations. Changes in food and drink consumption, including caffeine intake, could place people in a better position to cope with hallucinations or possibly impact on how frequently they occur, say the scientists.

In the study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Medical Research Council, 200 students were asked about their typical intake of caffeine containing products, such as coffee, tea and energy drinks as well as chocolate bars and caffeine tablets. Their proneness to hallucinatory experiences, and their stress levels, were also assessed. Seeing things that were not there, hearing voices, and sensing the presence of dead people were amongst the experiences reported by some of the participants.

The researchers, whose paper is published in the academic journal Personality and Individual Differences, say their finding could be down to the fact that caffeine has been found to exacerbate the physiological effects of stress. When under stress, the body releases a stress hormone called cortisol. More of this stress hormone is released in response to stress when people have recently had caffeine. It is this extra boost of cortisol which may link caffeine intake with an increased tendency to hallucinate, say the scientists.

Lead author, Simon Jones, a PhD student at Durham University’s Psychology Department, said: “This is a first step towards looking at the wider factors associated with hallucinations. Previous research has highlighted a number of important factors, such as childhood trauma, which may lead to clinically relevant hallucinations. Many such factors are thought to be linked to hallucinations in part because of their impact on the body’s reaction to stress. Given the link between food and mood, and particularly between caffeine and the body’s response to stress, it seems sensible to examine what a nutritional perspective may add.
I read that as well, quite strange.
Nutters drink more coffee ?
damn, time to drink me more coffee.

seriously though, this is really interesting. such a large chunk of the population are addicted to caffeine, that they don't even notice what the effects of it are and would think you were crazy for suggesting it.

i only really started noticing caffeine after trying other drugs. then i realized it actually can have a profound effect on my day

generally i like it. sometimes it makes me as anxious and jittery as hell tho.
Cafeine plays a very profound role in my life. It has innumerable minor effects and although it is not psychedelic, I do get energetic thoughts.

It has the potency to burn you out very gradually, over periods of months. Which according the pharmaceutical literature, can result in a delirium and convulsions.

When I was an employee at Sandoz, I looked in a pharmaceutical merck book and there was endless information about cafeine. One that astonished me was that suddenly quitting high dosages cafeine, can lead to vein damage.

We humans are so extremly used to cafeine and it is so common to see people consuming it, that many of us forget that it has very noticeable effects above 300 mg's at once. Especially when listening to music you wanna dance.

A cafeine virgin can already poision himself with ingesting 1000 mg's at once. Especially when ignoring lacking water. Stress, nicotine, cafeine, satured fat consumption can be extremly dangerous in the long-term.

Cafeine speeds up your thinking. Unlike cocaine or amphetamine, there is no significant down so users tend to increase more and more as the time goes. When burnt out, or overheated, psychotic episodes may occur.

You better avoid cafeine during stressful hours. In your spare time it may contribute positively to your bloodstream. Adrenaline release is positive as long as you're using it right.
Caffeine... I love this drug. Smooth energy, clear head, eyes open, wild music, warmness... As good for giving a boost of energy as for relaxing and even meditating.

Caffeine is so underestimated by most people... For me caffeine comes pretty close to cocaine, and is stronger and better than speed (speed sux anyway)

I am not surprised to see that someone who drinks 10 cups of coffee a day can have hallucinations, 10 cups is abuse!!!
Like it ? Or like it because one is adicted . I`m sure if you gave a controll group of adults who had never drunk coffee a cup of it most of them wouldnt like the effects .
this aint news to me

im a drink 10 red bulls a day minimum

and it will cause some visual distortions and sounds distortions

me and my bro have been talking about this exact thing for month

he also drinks a lot of red bull at work

and one day he had like 20 of them a day or two after an acid trip and for an hour or two he was convinced that he has hppd until i told him that i and other people i know experience the same effects from large doses of caffeine

not to mention that caffeine intoxication, wich is something that happens if you drink a lot of caffeine steadily through out a day then by night time you will have caffeine intoxication and according to wiki it caffeine intoxication effects the serotonin
Psychoid a dit:
Caffeine... I love this drug. Smooth energy, clear head, eyes open, wild music, warmness... As good for giving a boost of energy as for relaxing and even meditating.

i actually went through a rather weird phase for about a month where my desire to smoke nicotine and drink alcohol abruptly stopped.. but everytime i smoked a joint i wanted caffeine.. and ended up making a pot of black coffee and getting completely buzzed out of my mind. i'm not sure what this means. :D

last year i had to quit caffeine for a couple months because it was making me too anxious, and got into it again over the summer when i was moving a lot and really needed energy. when you stop drinking it you realize just how reliant society is on the drug caffeine to function. society would collapse overnight without the coffee bean
10 red bull will kill you soon. This is extremely unhealthy...

I don't like caffeine, I actively ignore coffee from my life and only drink coke rarely. Don't underestimate that shit.
I don't argue, it is your decision. But red bull has a lot of sugar in it and other substances I don't even want to know about :wink: And drinking 10 cups of coffee each day, I agree, is as unhealthy as that.
Doesnt red balls also contain chemicals extracted from dead animals ?
Coffee is really healthy drink! :!:
Why? It contains lot's of anti-oxidants which are essential for healthy human body. Shield from radicals, genetic shits, toxins, "speed up body response to illness/stress/sanity/helps in brain cells work and so on."
Believe it or not but only in 75% of European resident cases, anti-oxidant intake comes only from coffee brew!!! No shit! And it also helps me to exhilarate guts from whole mile long sausages of brown blood pudding baloney!
Bad effects we know, ulcers and gastritis, high blood pressure, insomnia, bad teeth, larger sugar side effect use.

So I advice to everyone, use 4-5 cops of coffee per day! 4-5 1,3dcl cups.
berries also contain anti-oxidants :idea:
restin a dit:
berries also contain anti-oxidants :idea:

Can't remember name of berries which grows on high attitude in Tibet?
They are the most strongest anti-oxidant&radical food on whole Earth!!
They are stronger more then 3-6 times then common anti-oxidant&radical food(plant) like Green tea!! Wonderful! Unbelieving! :!: 8) :shock: :D
wow. Pity you don't remember the name :D But that sounds awesome.