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cacti shroom mix

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion moimeme
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ive been searching but cant find any experience reporting the simultaneous use of peruvianus and mex shrooms.
anyone ever heard about this?
and how about eating 2 g of syrian rue before the above mix?
can't speak of experience, but personally , that don't sound like a good idea to me.

either you'll get some funky ass effects, where both items conflict , fighting for dominance , so to speak

or one will over power the other instantly , and the second substance will be a waste of money...

i mean , if you have access to both
might as well get enough of both , and make 2 seperate trips with decent dosages....

again , not speaking out of experience with schroom/cacti mix , i'm just guessing here
i still havent heard of anyone trying this, but i made some research about the tyramine content of peruvianus and it turns out that it contains more than 50% dry weight of tyramine, not like the pachanoi which seems to contain only traces of tyramine. check out www.entheogen.com for the chemical analysis of different trichocereus
therefor it is very dangerous to combine an maoi with the trichocereus peruvianus
it seems ok to combine trichocereus pachanoi wiyh an maoi, as more than one folk claim to have done on www.erowid.org
but you better not chose the wrong cacti when using an maoi
i am still interested in combining cacti and shroom, i hope someone who has tried this will show up on the forum
50% dry weight is impossible.

They probably mean 50% of the total alkaloid content.
Wow, this combination really sounds a little sick. Why would anyone try it?? Isn't only shrooms enough?
in fact, i still want to try this one day because i cant manage to eat as much cacti as i would like without getting heavy nausea
and i always feel like some very interesting things are about to happen, if only i could eat more
but i definitly can't
---thoughts of mushrooms fruiting in my mind---

and since take off is so long with cacti, some shrooms could probably be a good stepping stone to the high mountains?
I think it sounds great!
like an adventure, discover and concer!
go for it, or else search your head off for some extracted mescaline!
8) I hear that TORCH have more spirit inside then PEDRO.But I eat near 400-450grams of fresh torch and I cannot compare it with shroom or acid in intencitiy-about 30% of normal voyage-but what is normal is weary Ainstajnij teory.But it can be ultimate conection with spirits and maybe you jump throught portal in Astral plane.But how will from scientific approach work together phenlys and indols this is the question! I will ask my psyhatrist.But try-more shroom then cacti. - mushroom 3/4 and cacti 1/2.I think that is optimal.Yes Im sure that is optimal.this is how much I will take. GO higher greenman 8) :)
Mesc and psilocybin were one of Shulgin's favourite combos. There's also plenty of info on successful trips using rue as well (check shroomery, there's a thread with links on the same matter, or just go to erowid - it has it in reports).

Still, others' experience differs from your own one 'cause it's you who's gonna suffer if something goes wrong. You may try it but better do it carefully.
I'm still interested in mesc vs psylo but I first wanna try mescaline first.
Only the stuff is so damn expensive and growing cacti takes a long time and good conditions...
moimeme a dit:
...i cant manage to eat as much cacti as i would like without getting heavy nausea

Eat a few grams of fresh ginger before u take either cacti or shrooms. That prevents you from feeling nausea. If it's a problem with eating so much then I suggest you cut the cacti in small pieces and boil it for 4 hrs. Filter the liquid through a kitchen towel and then drink the liquid (it wont be 2 litres after boiling for 4 hrs don't worry ;-)) You can find a detailed description about how to extract "the good stuff" from cacti @ http://www.erowid.org/plants/cacti/
A friend has tried this mix last night, 20g peruvian torch powder in a jelly and about 1g shroom powder in lemon juice taken 2 hours into the trip.
He says he understands Mr. Shulgin now, this treat is overwhelming.
Mescalito was amazing, steady and mighty as a electric power plant and the shrooms were like happy merry children playing their divine game without any hint of mindfuck attempts.
Mary Jane dropped by a couple of times too and he says she's got a hearty welcome from the company.
All in all, this was one of the most beautiful experiences my friend has ever had despite at beginning of the trip he spent a couple of hours in the loo discharging both from upper and lower holes. He says the cactus cleared his bowls of the shit that stayed there for years maybe and he believes just this medical effect would be enough for everyone to go for it.
The trip has lasted about 12-13 hours and ended in a glowing comedown and a healthy profound sleep.
Highly recommended, a real champion.
well I know someone who has done a mix like that also some time ago
I don't know much about the trip..
I know there were 5 kinds of shrooms and mescaline in the tea
she took it at a party (which was not a good Idea)
but anyways there she didn't feel very well and she went home and had a great trip there