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Brains 'are hardwired to believe in God and imaginary friend

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion braha_kahn
  • Date de début Date de début
GOD, i do agree, but i think they should have said that humans have developed a tendancey to rely on something other then themsevles, weather it be parents or a god, either way it is very unhealthy to completley rely, or even part of the time on someting other then yourself, i also feal that these "scientists" have not fully examine this to its full potential, why i dont know.

but as earler stated it could be throgh degeneratoin, genetics, for scientists do know the human brain has evolved througout thousands of years, and with monothesim ruling the western world, i do have to say it has done some closing up in the mind/psyche in quite a few generations only in the general.
also could mabye brainwashing also be a cause of some part of it? since "I AM" making a conclusion that they HAVE NOT examined this to its full extent. b/c during ealier childhood is when one is most impressionsable, when you shape their mind in a way, could it possibly tinker with the shaping of the brain at such a young age? just a question i tought i would throw out there, b/c obviously they have not answered all that go along witht he subject like, could religious beleifs done this and genetically past it on? or some kind of trait, have they compared it with other minds/brains accross thhe world?, im just throwing out questions they probly "forgot" to think about :wink:
when you shape their mind in a way, could it possibly tinker with the shaping of the brain at such a young age?

Most definately!

There was this beautifull example on tv not too long ago.
I was a documentary, about some "wonder" child.
( which isnt a wonder child, but got properly conditioned / raised,
only with a feeling for music, like other have with computers, or whatever
and maybe a slightly elevated iq. But nothing special at all! )

The kid's mom had always listened to mozart and vivaldi, bach and such
intellect muscians who composed VERY complex pieces of music, when
the kid was not born yet, but growing..

Now, when the kid was born, his mother obviously started to learn him things.
(It is never too early for the brain to learn! This was also the title
of the documentary...)

The kid started to listen to bach, beethoven, etc. as a little toddler
Just like he did when he was in his mother's belly.

He didnt play with toys. He played with the piano.
He didnt play with friends, he played with the piano!

At age 5, this kid played along with some famous musician for
a public of thousands. (about 1 meter tall he was)
He played VERY complex pieces of music,
his only limit was the size of his hands, due to his age.

For the brain it is never too early to learn.
Start young enough, and you can make a kid into your robot.

This is not a freak of nature,
one must learn things as swiftly as possible and make the brain
function EFFICIENTLY! It doesn't do this by itself.

It must become that.

So some get fed real books at the age of 3
others folklore like the bible at the age of 3.

And in the end the difference will be noticable.


The brain starts to get wired very early:
A new born baby WILL recognize his or her mother's voice!

restin a dit:
In the ancient religions, nature stood above man, while this changed with monotheistic cultures. Monotheism is, I said wrong, not christian, but officially began with Abraham...

I am too tired to formulate what I want to say.
Good morning! Indeed, I still don't understand what you're trying to say. It's common knowledge that the Vedic religion preceded the rise of monotheism in Egypt and the Middle-East, and it also placed man ('civilized man') above nature, because "knowledge gives one power over the universe". But it wasn't a monotheistic religion.
"when the kid was born"

The conditioning starts in the womb . Its full of liquid and liquid carys sound very well . One of the first senses / experiences that a foetus has is the music of its mothers heart , breathing , talking and the music she listens to / plays . The emotions that she has when listening to music also have a very big effect on the charakter and interests of the baby .
wow, i never thought that one could be so influenced from that early on in the womb, my wife took baths while pregnant with her son when the doctor told her not too, and he loves beaches and water, and his sign is of cancer.

CM, idk if youve heard about this, but it will give you a good pic of some of the earliest gods
http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/i ... 708a.shtml
its a temple discovered in turkey to be 12000 yrs old built during the time of when man was still hunting(before agriculture)

but you will have to google the pics of the temple though, and also found the ealeriest humanoid statue with beedy black eyes. but the symbols on the temple was i think a lion, scorpion, fox and a boar, might have been more.
misfit a dit:
Restin has a point.

Don't compare how we treat nature (agriculture and our way of dealing with "cattles") with the amerindians. They lived in equilibrium with nature, and respected it. They saw the animals they eaten (and hunted), aswell as their cultivations as gifts from nature. Gifts of the holy spirit.
The way we deal with animals (those that go to our plates) is not with respect. We practice holocausts, all over the world.
The way we deal with agriculture, what we gather, is not with the idea that they are gifts from nature. But we sneak our ground/earth without any respect at all. Either for nature itself and for all living beings that live in it, including ourselfs.

And how we, western culture, dealt with that? With, around, 40 million deaths (including enslavement, murdering, rape of women, among other brutal behaviours) of Amerindians, after Colombo invasion of america.
This i accept, thank you
SOME IMPORTANT ADVICE!!! Do not believe psychiatrists and psychologists! Checkout their history, and hopefully you will understand what I mean.

SEE here, http://www.iaapa.de/szasz_archive.htm and scroll down to link titled:

#10 The Pretense of Psychology as Science: The Myth of Mental Illness in Statu Nascendi "In the Age of Faith, religion pretended to be a science, offering allegedly empirical observations about God and his works. In the Age of Science, psychology and psychiatry pretend to be sciences, offering allegedly empirical observations about the functions and malfunctions of the human mind. Much modern intellectual and political mischief rests upon this false and pretentious claim. The epistemologically misleading character of the two principal "mental sciences" is inherent in their respective definitions. Wikipedia Encyclopedia identifies psychology as "an academic and applied field involving the study of the human mind, brain, and behavior. Psychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including problems of individuals' daily lives and the treatment of mental illness." Interestingly, Wikipedia then describes how "Psychology differs from anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology. . . ." and from "biology and neuroscience," but is silent about how psychology differs from psychiatry."

What these 'new psychologist scientists' are trying to do, or carrying on a mechanistic legacy more so. They are trying to claim that life has no meaning, and that this is 'proved' by how brains are 'hardwired'. This is modern carrying on of the mechanistic theory of humans (as was chosen as a very convenient theory for the more and more mechanization of industrious culture):


Leipzig University, 1879—Professor Wilhelm Wundt, (1) claims that man’s sensations thoughts and personality are nothing more than chemical reactions in the brain
He created a new idea of man being like an animal ‘without a soul’. To be trained like an animal Not to be a thinker, but to be trained.
Thousands of students from around the world gathered in Leipzig to study this doddery old codger.
The spirit of the age was encapsulated in Frederic Nietzsche's (1882) ‘God is dead. And we have killed him’"

His robotis views go on to influence Pavlov and so on down the line to these 'psychologist scientists'.

A more intelligent view can be had with this book: Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld, by Patrick Harpur

Zest , read the new rules and stop posting in the print you have here .

My opinion :-

Because this mentaly ill troll has joined this thread i am leaving it . I advise all others to do the same .
troll? where! i want to pet it! :lol:
GOD a dit:
Zest , read the new rules and stop posting in the print you have here .

My opinion :-

Because this mentaly ill troll has joined this thread i am leaving it . I advise all others to do the same .

haha I edited this post because i allowed myself to rise to his bait. Surely anyone with any sense can see what a silly pest this person who calles himself errrrrrr 'GOD'...? OMG--is

Shall i just ignore the pest? Yes, thought so
I think it is difficult to judge western culture in comparison to other cultures, because, quite simply, our ancestors were the first to obtain that technology. As western technology spread to other cultures, they have used it in equally destructive (and sometimes beneficial) ways.

History is full of barbaric practices.. of races obliterating other races, enslaving other races, and even turning on themselves

Also north american natives were not all the same.. they were not all peaceful and living in harmony with nature. There were plenty of warlike tribes that engaged in extremely brutal practices, there were tribes that ran entire herds of buffalo off the sides of cliffs..

This is essentially a problem of human greed and short-sightedness, neither of which human attributes are limited to any particular race