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Blending Herbs to Smoke with Cannabis

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pg 94, second paragraph, please tell me who the pioneers and major contributors were then.

EDIT: Also tell me who the quote in the book references to.
The pioneers of halucinogens were probably animals and humans learned from them .

Schultes and Hofmann didnt say that or claim it , they quoted a taoistic priest who claimed it . No one has ever controled time or revealed future events .
GOD a dit:
The pioneers of halucinogens were probably animals and humans learned from them .
Who says that? Humans are part of the animal kingdom by the way. We aren't that special. I suggest reading The Origin of Species (Charles Darwin).

GOD a dit:
Schultes and Hofmann didnt say it or claim it
Your right everyone else did, i.e. many significant members of MAPS ( Andrew Weil) for example.

GOD a dit:
No one has ever controled time or revealed future events
Again, are you omniscient? because I'd love to find out what the next winning lottery numbers are going to be.

Besides, it was just an innocent thought. Take it easy.
Me , T.Mckenna and others . Humans must have found out about hallucinogenic mushrooms when they were trying things to see if they were edible . Maybe animals new before that .
Back on topic (please? it's not a psychedelic trivia contest)...

A small amount of kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) with cannabis potentiates it, but changes the high in a way I have yet to find words to describe. It fucks up the thought process a bit more, maybe...
Cannabis + Salvia divinorum
Salvia's dissociative effect seems interresting with cannabis. It feels like to me I'm stoned without being stoned, it permits me to be the normal person I have always been even if I'm completely fucked up by cannabis.
This drug is highly dissociative !
Salvia kills cannabis effects and cannabis kills salvia effects, but the combination allows some interresting possibilities that cannabis can't on its own.
Gives little headache though...
UMmmm ! ERrrrr ! ..................... Normal ?
Actually, I'm quite stoned, under cannabis and salvia influence. Having a horrible headache.
Why ?
" the normal person I have always been" ................................????
When you are stoned by cannabis you are not "normal", but salvia allows you to be "normal" while having smoked. It's due to dissociation, it's exactly like DXM or K, your personality is unalterable by anything else.

Cannabis cuts down my life, it makes me dead. Salvia makes me immortal.
These two drugs have effects that counter-act, which means they have a real synergy.
Haha... DXM does not allow me to be normal, quite far from it. I can't even remember how a conversation is supposed to go when on DXM, and my limbs respond to the music more than to my brain. But maybe you didn't mean "act" normal.
lol @ Horrigan, not normal eh?
And, uh, here come some normals...
they look like normal... Hawaiians.
Well, uh, you didn't mention what month.
You think you're normal?
Yes, quite normal.
OK, here comes one.
Go inside! (tee hee hee)
Well it's, ah, it's not for me to deter really, is it? I mean
it's for a psychiatrist to deter these things, isn't it?
I like dehre food, and dey arr veddy nice people.
Ooh, itsalright, innit?
That a face?
Smart. It's your backside.
Oh, they're just typically normal.
No! This is not manly!
Well, it is unusual. Well, it's like a rabbit! He's got a head on him like a rabbit!
I don't know, it's just not like normal people do.
You're not runnin' around in your underpants are you?
bonzo dog doodah band, we are normal
significationof?!? a dit:
Haha... DXM does not allow me to be normal, quite far from it. I can't even remember how a conversation is supposed to go when on DXM, and my limbs respond to the music more than to my brain. But maybe you didn't mean "act" normal.
High doses for sure won't make you behave "normally", but DXM's dissociative effect is the kind of effet which when combined to something else bring far more close to normality than it would be without it. At least for me...
I often feel like I'm stuck in "normality" (every day life, habits, behaviour) when I'm high on DXM.
Salvia acts the same.
Ghostlyone - like the look of the Kush. big bracts typical of the indian/afghani strains i love so much. most people only see that with skunk#1

im not a great fan of the diesel strains but ive only grown NYCD and a 3-way diesel x G13 x acorn and diesel x G13 x coca cola. yields were a bit low, and the diesel x G13 x acorn tasted really bad, like burning rubber, though it smelled like lemon.

the Hindu Kush (hindu killer) region is one of the last places you will find pure strains of Indica. or anything for that matter.

im tempted to beg you for some seeds. they are stll available in england but illegal to sell north of the border. the mother stocks here are all getting a bit tired now, and sellers are trying to pass off old seed and any old crap, knowing nobody can complain (not through the courts anyway)

keep the pics coming