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Blending Herbs to Smoke with Cannabis

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Leonurus sibiricus + cannabis gives me an incredible high :)
Smoking anything is not good for the lungs . Why should i cut my gras and ruin the quality , the high and the taste ?
Actually I liked the taste of leonurus s.
And I don't cut my weed with it :P
roll 2 joints :idea:
That is cutting it , you need more sucks to get the same effect .
? I don't understand.

When I do 2 herbs I roll a joint of herb 1 and a joint of herb 2.

But I do cut everything with tobacco :lol:
If you just smoked pure cannabis you would understand what i mean .
I have smoked pure cannabis once after a whole day of nicotine abstinence. It was great but I prefer joints with tobacco. If I don't smoke joints I smoke 5 packs of ciggies a week.
Just smoke some cannabis pure every time you want to smoke a fag and it works wonders curing fag adiction.......

I smoke a fag every time I want to smoke weed and have none, or when I'm in an pot-unfriendly environment :lol:
blue lotus + greens = tasty
Smoking is bad for your lungs so i would not smoke more than i have to . If i smoked . It seems to me you dont want to be high , that you want to smoke . Three lung fulls of good pure cannabis will put you somewhere that no amount of cannabis mixed with other plants will do .
I wish i could but at the moment i havent got any money and no supply and cant grow my own outdoors or i would .
Agreed, cannabis and calea is an amazing combination, although you have to experiment with how much calea you need to have an effect first, seems everyone has a different threshold.

The first time I tried the above combo I basically fell into a trance with the effects of the cannabis multiplied, getting open eyed visuals quite different than what I usually get with a high dose of cannabis.
since cannabis has a very different effect just by the way it is grown, the strain, the way it is ingested, it is not easy to determind a constant verification.

sativa and indica (the two main strains used) have a very different effect on their own (sativa=mind high, often open end; indica=body high). the crossbreeding, the way it is grown and many more factors change the outcome to much in my opinion.

But mixing different cannabis strains may have nice effects too :)