Bill O'Reilly on the closing of Dutch coffeeshops

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Fox News

While watching this, please be aware that Bill's statement that the shops are closing because Dutch drug policies have failed is a blatant lie. The shops are closing because a select group of Christian politicians in The Hague are saying so. There is a thinning out of coffeeshops and brothels in the center of Amsterdam, but there are infrastructural reasons for doing so (a separate issue, not directly related to our liberal policies). The reality is that with every closing down of a coffeeshop, the remaining coffeeshops get more customers so must get more cannabis in stock, which is indeed provided by the black market, because supplying coffeeshops is still illegal... It's current politics which keeps cannabis linked to criminal networks.

I found it amusing to see that when Margaret disagrees with Bill in the third and fourth minute, he just ignores her and turns his focus on Monica (at 4:30).

Bill: "They feel that their side, the far left, is gaining power, and they've got the media behind them."

I love the final statement: "It's a gradual chipping away of traditional values, that's what's going on."

Hell yeah!!
the whole show makes me wanna puke. It is a BIG LIE in the face. And patronizing too, because this show presumes that viewers are not savvy to what is going on. Maybe a lot aint, but a lot--hopefully are. Which is? That 'organized crime' as the big smug shite O'Reeealy calls it, pretending it is just this bunch of criminals (of course black), is in fact VERY much the very secret services of the government this dick brain supports!! AND is not only 'Right' but 'Left' too!

And thatr that is the reason that even though Holland/Amserdam sells drugs yet it still is coming from 'organized crime'. Thats the whole freakin point. To keep prices high to fuel their corporate wars and black ops etc. Errrrm Gary Webb anyone??? Gary Webb on C.I.A. Trafficking of Cocaine

This is a guy who broke 'news' about a conspiracy of the left wing media to fiddle with the viewing ratings. He actually believed that there was an evil plot behind the fact that during the election season, his ratings where below Keith Olbermann' s countdown show.

It's a guy who wants to enforce people saying 'merry christmas' in the shops as opposed to happy holidays because of Jesus (his words).

Anyway, 'Fox News' is a contradictory in termini..
So Cadyodaceus you watch fox !!!!! Do you take your clothes off first ?
Boo fuckin' hoo.

O'Reilly is turning into a right wing conspiracy nut.
o'reilly is preaching to the choir. (his choir)
aaargh....vieze gore tyfusmongolen!!!! gewoon glashard in je smoel liegen...ik hoop dat ze per ongeluk onder een trein lopen
Sure O'Reilly is a nut, but what scares me even more is the following he has. People who buy in to his story of whats going on in the world.

Makes me laugh as well that the most liberal person involved in their little debate is the republican analyist. That way people figure that even if there is debate over the issue, it's still obvious that cannabis is a terrible thing.

These people need what Ol' Terrence would call a disk cleaning.

edit: I would love to smoke a joint with O'Reilly
Sure O'Reilly is a nut, but what scares me even more is the following he has. People who buy in to his story of whats going on in the world.
I have nothing against God but the fanclub he has.
Oxymoron--------* Deafening silence

Oxymoron--------* Forward retreat

Oxymoron--------* Accidentally on Purpose

Oxymoron--------* Little Big Man

Mega Oxymoron--------* Fox News

I apologize for the kind of right wing nuts we put out there in the world. The average citizen here has no say in the matter.

But you know what would be cool ?

If their mythological jesus would return and take them all up in the Rapture !

Now, THAT would be Peace On Earth :)

god this is sickening.

i am from holland, and like said many times,
it is the right side fundamentalsit christians in the hague and their followers that are causing this! They are becoming a danger for this world!

Here in holland we are now led by christians, who follow "god's" word, litterlaly. They are NOT fit to lead us, they are BIASSED!
They have no respect for other living people that think different. Amongst them are no colored people, no gay people, nothing.

They ALL think alike, ACT alike, on sunday, they DRESS alike, go to the same place to get mindwarped even more, almost like army people, dressed in black! This picture makes me sickening every week! Like i said before, they are becoming a danger. There are every day more and more and more of them, as they are told not to use condoms and such!
And more and more are there, they all vote christian right hand party!

Watch it happen.

And i can go on, but it is useless. This is what the netherlands is people these days. And it won't change anytime soon.

And before anyone is offended by me, i know there are pretty smart christians aswell, who are NOT like this. I am NOT a rascist either.
I merely tried to paint a picture about what goes on in holland.

dennis1978 a dit:
god this is sickening.

i am from holland, and like said many times,
it is the right side fundamentalsit christians in the hague and their followers that are causing this! They are becoming a danger for this world!

Here in holland we are now led by christians, who follow "god's" word, litterlaly. They are NOT fit to lead us, they are BIASSED!
They have no respect for other living people that think different. Amongst them are no colored people, no gay people, nothing.

They ALL think alike, ACT alike, on sunday, they DRESS alike, go to the same place to get mindwarped even more, almost like army people, dressed in black! This picture makes me sickening every week! Like i said before, they are becoming a danger. There are every day more and more and more of them, as they are told not to use condoms and such!
And more and more are there, they all vote christian right hand party!

Watch it happen.

And i can go on, but it is useless. This is what the netherlands is people these days. And it won't change anytime soon.

And before anyone is offended by me, i know there are pretty smart christians aswell, who are NOT like this. I am NOT a rascist either.
I merely tried to paint a picture about what goes on in holland.


This is why it is good there will always be an Underground. Because you see the fukers that are the orderlies for the main controlling group, the Illuminati, are as capricious as their masters. But with the Underground you can always trust this. This means we are always togther giving each other support yes? This is VERY important to know. That we can trust each other, and are a community. Because they who claim to know how we should live our lives and what drugs we should take fear this Underground community and so seek to divide and rule it, like they do the overground/mainstream. So it is very important that we trust each other, as I say. In that way THEY--these arseholes have no power. No whims that they one minuet can say a reluctant 'yes' and then a 'no' etc