Biblical entheogens

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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If you look at the study that the threads about it is writen in a sober non dogmatic way , it presents references and facts . The Pharamacratic inquisition doesnt do any of those things .

Where is the evidence that father christmas has a red coat because someone claims that shamnen do ? Wheres the evidence that he has a sleigh because shamanens do , many people who live in that area have sleighs ? Where is the evidence that santa had a sackfull of presents and that is a reference to the sack full of Flyagaric that the film claims they had ? Where is the evidence that the jurts/huts got snowed in and the shamanen had to get in through the chimney ? What about the weight of the snow and the shamanen on the roof ? How did the snowed in people get out , how did they and the the old, sick and children get in and out to look after the heards , to go to the toilet , to collect wood ? Where is the evidence for a wide spread Flyagaric cult ? Where are the expert opinions about the contents of the film ? What do people say in the net about it ? If you remember the first film got trashed by the most comenters in the net . Thats why they changed the second one so it now bears no resemlance to the first one . Who is Jan Irving and who are the 90% of scientists that he says say that his opinion about what Allegro said is true ?

Before anyone starts having a brain heamorage , bursting a blood vessel or laying an egg and starts calling me a fucktard or says i cant raise my kids properly , dont twist my words ANSWER THE QUESTIONS .
This is where cornflakes come from its all a part of an ancient mystery cult just look at cornflakes they look like pieces of dryed mushrooms and because most breakfast cerial packets are yellow and red it proves it and this throws a new light on trafic lights the yellow and red lights are realy symbolic of mushrooms so is the shape of the pole the lights are on and its realy the shamans staff and a symbol for the tree of life joining heaven with earth its also a symbol for a penis pissing yellow piss as symbolised by the yellow light and umbrellas are realy symbols for a secret mushroom mystery cult and the rain is a symbol for pissing and the spokes of the umbrella are realy the gills of a flyagaric and thats how the wheel was invented and bycycle wheels are symbols for the twelve star signs wich proves that jesus didnt exist because he was a mushroom crucifyed on a mushroom wich is why most socks are red and thats why womans tits look like the caps of mushrooms and why women blead when they give birth and once a month its all symbolic for the stars rising on the 29th of february and thats why it only comes once every four years and its symbolic for dry flyagaric and thats why the sun is somewhere between yellow and red and also why the most popular colour for football shirts and cars are red and the football is realy a secret sign for the circle of life and the egg from wich an amanita bursts out of just like carbuncles means that snakes are signs for the strength of flyagaric flyagaric flyagaric snakes and tellefone poles and the pyramids are realy secret signs for mushrooms and apples are red so this means flyagaric flyagaric because its white inside and it proves it because it doesnt give away any secrets and woolworths is realy a symbolic secret name and description for the white patches on the top of the flyagaric and thats why skinheads shave their heads and why oil floats on water and sperm always comes to the top of the bath water and why the coondeleeny energy rises from the oryx and all hats realy depict the caps of mushrooms and why humans look like mushrooms especialy when orions belt rises when its dark and the word dustbin realy comes from do and psilocybin and it contains a sort of DMT wich realy is a message from god meaning Do More Trips and this is why robin said to batman "holy shit batman" because bats fly and that is what happens when you take DMT and toilets realy are resepticals for the holy shit and why cannabis is called shit and why toilets are formed like the marlboro chakra and why ayahuasca is called ayahuasca because it opens your third aye wich was proved by fox tv because it has a breakfast show exactly when people are eating their cornflakes.
I'm sure it took you quite some time writing the above text. That's time you could have used writing something constructive for a magazine, website, brochure, journal, database or book, or translating something (video, book, article) you do find useful. If you spent all the time you currently invest in criticizing the efforts and views of others in spreading what you consider accurate information your efforts could actually accomplish something. Now you're just wasting your time.
Sometime critisism is a positive thing . And anyone who is not prepared to acept other peoples critisism arent doing themselves or their projects any favours . What about answering my questions ?

It took me about 10 minutes to write the post you are talking about . What about replying to what it said . When is a symbol a symbol and when is it not one ? And if you read other posts from me you will have to change your mind and admit that i have written a lot of well based , well thought out positive posts here . Please be objective and dont take what i say as being against you . Its not .