Biblical entheogens

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Biblical entheogens

Time and mind:The journal of archeology consciousness and culture
Volume 1 - issue 1 march 2008 ... fault.aspx ... _moses.pdf

Benny Shanon is professor of psychology at the hebrew university of jerusalem . His main foci of research are the phenomenology of human consciousness and the philosophy of psychology .

He has presented a speculative hypothesis according to which the ancient isrelites religeon was associated with the use of entheogens . The hypothesis is based on a new look at texts of the old testament pertaining to the life of moses . The ideas are primarily based on the fact that in the arid areas of the south sinai peninsula and southern israel there grow two plants containing the same psychoactive molecules found in the plants from which the powerful amazonian hallucinogenic brew ayahuasca is prepaired . The two plants are species of acacia tree and the bush Peganum Harmala . THe hypothesis is coroberated by comparative experimental-phenomenological observations , linguistic considerations , exegesis of old jewish texts and other ancient mideastern traditions , anthrolopogical lore , and ethnobotanical data .

This trashes Wasson , Allegro , the pharmacratic inquisition and all the people who talk about flyagaric and psilocybe mushrooms being responsible for the things in the bible that could be interpreted as being references to biblical drug use .

Guess whos been telling you this for the last 2 years ???
It wouldn't be surprising at all, O.T. prophetic books contain imagery quite reminiscent of psychedelia. I wonder how much ergot was floating around in that neck of the woods as well...

There is also of course some arguing that the word kaneh-bosm in the old testament is cannabis and that it was used by the Israelites.. ... hbosm.html

and only loosely related:

i read somewhere, maybe the bible, that moses covered himself in a balm made of Acorus calamus among other things.
the body aminises that into TMA & TMA2.

that was the day he got the 10 commandments, in the book
Acorus calamus doesnt grow in the middle of sinai where the ten comandments wer recieved its a water plant . Peganum Harmala exactly fits to the biblical description of Manna and moses got the ten comandments from the burning bush = a DMT containig Acacia .
"its not all desert"

No , its mostly desert . The place where moses recieved the ten commandments is desert . Asarone the "active" ingredient of Acorus Calamus is an oil and has to be steam distilled out to get significant quantitys out of it . Its also suposed to be aminated into TMA and TMA-2 in the liver by ammonia = aminisation . Asarone is very toxic to the liver .
i used to use it all the time. the local health shop sold it cheap
it came from israel. i take it israels a vast wetland
GOD a dit:
"its not all desert"

No , its mostly desert . The place where moses recieved the ten commandments is desert . Asarone the "active" ingredient of Acorus Calamus is an oil and has to be steam distilled out to get significant quantitys out of it . Its also suposed to be aminated into TMA and TMA-2 in the liver by ammonia = aminisation . Asarone is very toxic to the liver .

remember it well do you?
"i used to use it all the time. the local health shop sold it cheap"

It looks and chews like cork and is VERY bitter . I tried it in the 70s .

"i take it israels a vast wetland"

Then you take it wrong , its mostly arid dessert , as is sinai . Some botanists say that Acorus Calamus didnt even grow in israel at the time of moses . ( i will look that up and quote them ) .

"remember it well do you?"

I have never been there and never will go there , but i`ve studied the subject for years .

Have you read the .pdf from the link above ??? Have you read the bible and thought about the possible references to drugs in the books of moses ??? If you do it might help you .
Have you read the .pdf from the link above ??? Have you read the bible and thought about the possible references to drugs in the books of moses ??? If you do it might help you .

read it before, it started out ok. revelations is good reading

as for the rest its a bit too harry potter
^But without the magic(k).
This trashes Wasson , Allegro , the pharmacratic inquisition and all the people who talk about flyagaric and psilocybe mushrooms being responsible for the things in the bible that could be interpreted as being references to biblical drug use.
Benny Shannon is a great scholar. He has written a great book on ayahuasca: "The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience". But how can a "speculative hypothesis" trash Wasson, Allegro etc.? I think it's a great hypothesis, but why would it exclude the usage by these people of Psilocybe cubensis or Amanita? Current psychonauts try out all kinds of psychedelics, shamans in the Amazon use both ayahuasca and mushrooms, why wouldn't the people in the Middle-East have done so?
Syrian Rue (Haoma), Cannabis (Kanehbosm), mushrooms of all kinds, I think these have all played a role in the development of culture and religion. With psilocybe mushrooms not requiring ANY preparation, I think McKenna does have a point in saying that most likely this was the first entheogen to ever affect the human mind. For the rest, I agree with you, and many scholars do, that the Pharmacratic Inquisition puts too much emphasis on the Amanita muscaria. I have not investigated the work of Allegro or Wasson that much myself. For I don't really care which plant was Soma or which plant was Manna. What is essential, and in a sense hilarious, is that indeed entheogens were involved! Drugs!
I was waiting patiently for you to reply . I was sure that you would have something to say .

I agree that the references to drugs were probably to most kinds of drugs , Allegro and Wasson didnt thats why it trashes them . I also agree that it doesnt exclude any drugs . BUT , as you know Psilocybe mushrooms need water and humidity to grow , sinai is very dry and has dry air . Thats why there are next to no Hallucinogenic mushrooms growing there even now . Even Jack Herrer in his new book says that and offers the weak solution that the mushrooms were all imported from the Lebanon . I also agree about McKennas mushrooms as the first hallucinogens used by humans/apes theory . The point being that an ayahuasca analog is the best bet for the drug related storys in the bible surrounding moses . If you remember what i said about moses in another thread and add that to this post the indications are over powering .
O and btw, Allegro was discredited during his life and has been restored a few years back where scieintists who do actually know what they are talking about, submitted that Allegro was for 90% sure.
Jan Irvin told me about that as well. He mentioned that his upcoming work, The Holy Mushroom, and on

What I like about the 2007 edition of the Pharmacratic Inquisition video is that it ends with a discussion of LSD, DMT and ayahuasca. Though the video puts a lot of emphasis on the Amanita in relation to art, folklore and religion, it suggests that DMT is way more interesting for current scientific research because it's an endogenous neurotransmitter. They are not suggesting we should all start eating Amanita muscaria, or that the Amanita was the only entheogen used in Europe, the Middle-East and Asia.
This is where cornflakes come from its all a part of an ancient mystery cult just look at cornflakes they look like pieces of dryed mushrooms and because most breakfast cerial packets are yellow and red it proves it and this throws a new light on trafic lights the yellow and red lights are realy symbolic of mushrooms so is the shape of the pole the lights are on and its realy the shamans staff and a symbol for the tree of life joining heaven with earth its also a symbol for a penis pissing yellow piss as symbolised by the yellow light and umbrellas are realy symbols for a secret mushroom mystery cult and the rain is a symbol for pissing and the spokes of the umbrella are realy the gills of a flyagaric and thats how the wheel was invented and bycycle wheels are symbols for the twelve star signs wich proves that jesus didnt exist because he was a mushroom crucifyed on a mushroom wich is why most socks are red and thats why womans tits look like the caps of mushrooms and why women blead when they give birth and once a month its all symbolic for the stars rising on the 29th of february and thats why it only comes once every four years and its symbolic for dry flyagaric and thats why the sun is somewhere between yellow and red and also why the most popular colour for football shirts and cars are red and the football is realy a secret sign for the circle of life and the egg from wich an amanita bursts out of just like carbuncles means that snakes are signs for the strength of flyagaric flyagaric flyagaric snakes and tellefone poles and the pyramids are realy secret signs for mushrooms and apples are red so this means flyagaric flyagaric because its white inside and it proves it because it doesnt give away any secrets and woolworths is realy a symbolic secret name and description for the white patches on the top of the flyagaric and thats why skinheads shave their heads and why oil floats on water and sperm always comes to the top of the bath water and why the coondeleeny energy rises from the oryx and all hats realy depict the caps of mushrooms and why humans look like mushrooms especialy when orions belt rises when its dark and the word dustbin realy comes from do and psilocybin and it contains a sort of DMT wich realy is a message from god meaning Do More Trips and this is why robin said to batman "holy shit batman" because bats fly and that is what happens when you take DMT and toilets realy are resepticals for the holy shit and why cannabis is called shit and why toilets are formed like the marlboro chakra and why ayahuasca is called ayahuasca because it opens your third aye wich was proved by fox tv because it has a breakfast show exactly when people are eating their cornflakes .

"How useless the wisdom of man"

The music was good .
cornflakes were invented by accident in a sanitorium (mental hospital)
ah, yes, it all makes sense. so if Shiva was a monkey, and this brick represents the Zoorostrians.....
Has anyone tried the combination of Fly Agaric and Peganum Harmala?
Has anyone survived?