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Best way to store and prepare mushrooms w/o potency loss

Hum... Yes weight does change the scales. Found this image on a website - some researcher did a study of the variable chemistry in a specific mushroom or flush I expect - so it shouldn't be thought of as for all species or even all flushes/individual Psilocybies just a general FYI.
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Yea I read a few reports that showed that the levels of different chemicals fluctuated by how long they grew and even what flush it was on. I think for the first flush they had more psilocybin and later flushes contained more psilocin. I'll look it up later and correct this if it was the other way around, but it just goes to show how much they can very even if they're isolated clones.
Get a product called Damp Rid from wal-mart. Put the damp rid in a box and then use a screen to put on top. Put your shrooms on the screen and the damp rid will draw the moisture out 5x faster without even using a fan. When dried place in a paper bag and then into a mason jar with a hand warmer. When the hand warmer cools it will create a vacuum, then you can keep in a cool dark place or place in the freezer for long term storage. They will remain potent for a few years i know personally. I've heard they remain potent for up to 5 plus years and from my experiences i have no reason to doubt it. :ninja:
From years of experience with Psilocybe semilanceata me and friends have found the best storage technique is to air dry on top of paper once they have turned black and crispy to store in glass jars they will keep far longer than you need them to. The drying process deffinatelly makes the trip more visual and more intense. Preparation is very simple put dried or fresh mushrooms in the end of a pair of old tights and tie it off so you are left with a large sausage the bigger the better. Put in saucepan and add just enough water to cover the sausage. Bring to boil then simmer while mashing the sausage keep this going until the liquid is black and slimy and reduced to maybe 2 or 3 half pint glasses. You will know its ready because the look and smell will terrify you and the texture of the brew is something like frogspawn. Pretty rough but by far the strongest method of consumption.
JeffHeadrick a dit:
thats cool! but not the ideal method to so as it may worsten out the taste of it without any effort to make it secure

The taste is not changed. they taste foul fresh too, have you ever tried to eat large levels of fresh magi's not pleasant and the brew is easier to hold down unlike eating loads of them.
Just dry them. Dry them so dry that you can make powder out of them. You can put the powder in a capsule if you want. Do not sniff it:grin:. You can make tea of them.
Mix some honey in with the tea to mask the taste.
I have eaten fresh as well as dried mushrooms. There is not a big difference in potency between fresh and dried.
Tea can lower the potency, cause psilocybin and psilocin are quite unstable alkaloids.
Monad a dit:
Tea can lower the potency, cause psilocybin and psilocin are quite unstable alkaloids.

I never had any problems with it being less potent. It will be fine as long as you do not boil them. The way i make tea is I first make tea using tea (green tea or whatever) i let it cool down a little bit and mix in the mushrooms.

I have been using mushrooms for more than a decade. I have eaten them fresh and dried. I made tea out of them. I have mixed them in with soup.
From my experience i can say that there is no big difference in potency.
Eating them fresh of the cake the potency is highest.
When you dry them they may lose a bit of there potency, but not that much really.
Boiling hot water may decrease the potency, so i would not advise to do them in boiling hot water.
As long as you do not boil them they will be fine. You do not have to make tea of them. You can also just eat them. Make sure to eat them on a empty stomach.
To prevent nausea I would advise against mixing them in with soup or mixing them with chocolate or other food.
The lemon tek is the best IMHO and it hits you so f. hard!
Are you talking about a simple handwarmer like you would take skiing?
Tried using argon to preserve mushrooms? Would be cheap and easy if it works well. They use it to preserve wine in bottles that have been opened. The gas is heavier than air, so it will displace the oxygen in the container, including oxygen that seeps out of the mushrooms after the container has been sealed. The small amount of oxygen left in the container will just be floating on top, above the argon and the mushrooms, where it will do no damage. If you also freeze the sealed container, I don't see why the mushrooms shouldn't stay potent for a very long time.
Doc! Question: I thought this method sounded like pure genius so I tried it, the button went down after a bit & everything seemed great. After having them in the mason jar for a few weeks I took them out to munch and three separate zip lock bags of mushrooms had all gotten damp and quite stinky? There was nothing in the jar except the warmer and three bags. Any idea why this might have happened? These were good mushrooms and now I'm a bit worried of their quality deteriorating and I have no good way to re-dry them so they may be a loss. I realize this post was about 3 years ago but if you're around I'd love any advice you might have.
are you sure they were perfectly dry when you've put them under vacuum?
ophiuchus a dit:
if someone were to reconstitute the dried mushrooms in lemon juice and do as you said, or even just simply take the mushrooms with lemon juice, you would notice the same effects. the amped up effects, if any, are going to be from the acid in the juice working together with the acid in your stomache, basically, speeding up digestion. there is no evidence that shows that lemon juice works in any other way to increase effects or preserve potency, unless you have some research to share with us. i think that the freezing of mushrooms in a liquid before ingestion might be beneficial in speeding up digestion as well, since part of the job is already done, but i believe that any liquid could be of use for this.

psilocin is not a substance that makes one trip. let me explain. when one consumes mushrooms, psilocybin (along with psilocin) enters the bloodstream. when psilocybin attaches to the receptor sites and then finally "breaks down" (rather it is converted) into psilocin, the body excretes it as waste. psilocin is the metabolite of psilocybin, it is its own substance, but psilocin is what is leftover after the body metabolizes, or breaks down, psilocybin. but this is not limited to "the body". the mushrooms have other living organisms on them metabolizing psylocybin into psilocin as well, and while this may not be the only factor, as im sure the mushroom has some use for these substances as well, it certainly explains at least partially why psilocybin and psilocin are both present in a mushroom at the time of picking. hope that helps a bit
The reason lemon juice potentiates the effects of shrooms is because when psilocin is exposed to an acid such as citric acid, it acetylizes and turns into psilocetin or what is also known as 4-aco-dmt. Which doesnt break down as easily as psilocybin and psilocin. Which does in fact help the mushrooms not lose potency. 4-aco-dmt is much stronger in chemical structure therefore it doesnt break down as easily, which is why it can be vaporized as well. Which is pretty cool science if ya ask me lol. ;p