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Best DMT natural source

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion amoak
  • Date de début Date de début
Damn Brew, you're so lucky to have found em that cheap!
Yeah, but I still haven't gotten around to buying a second one for him to chill with, what with holiday shopping and what-not. I did milk him once though, it was like popping a zit. I had a friend hold a dinner plate up in the air to catch the venom, I thought I was going to hurt him at first but he didn't seem to mind. I've got 6 little blobs of venom now, all about the size of a match head, sitting in a glass beaker waiting to be smoked.

Any volunteers? From everything I've read, smoking 5-MeO-DMT is much less pleasant than DMT.

Oh, and you can only milk them every 6 weeks (or so I've read). I'm sure I'll still have some left by that time anyway.
I didn't have any problems with 5-meo or 5-meo in combination with nn....
merretstone a dit:
Do you keep th original powder of the Desmanthus everytime you filter, or do you keep the filtered liquid?
amoak a dit:

I've been interested in this subject for a bit. Is this something you find in your locale?

yes , you can find it in a lot online herbal shops , and in U.S i think is more easy because is native to north america and i think there are a lot american shops with Desmanthus

[quote:1dvyn9yd]you might lose a part of the dmt or not?
and how much vinegar in comparison to water?
appelvinegar or householdvinegar?

about losing DMT i think i not lose so much probably i can lose a little , but I think the concentration is 3,4 mg per gram make more sense , so maybe the other information is wrong , but i don t know

i made with 80 grams powder Desmanthus , 2 litres water and half cup (10dl) of normal vinegar( wine vinegar) but you can put lemon juice but some sources say is more efficient with vinegar.( is better a digital PH meter , but i have donne without, Ph should go down as about 3 to better results) then you put the powder rootbark and boiling 3 hours , filter with a cofee filter(is important to filter several times) and then boiling until the all water evaporate . then scrape the powder(is hard) . something like 2 , 3 grams brown and very shiny powder when put direct to light.

this is easy and works perfect , so make attention ,this night i smoke 1 gram , and it s was very very hard trip , the first 2 minutes is totaly destruction for your body and mind ,with extreme open-eye visuals , but without the normal nauseas of yopo caused me 5-meo-dmt and bufotenine , i think is very more efficient and more confortable to yours body then yopo .

HI guys, can I do in the same way, but using mimosa hostilis roots?
Thank you