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been testing the waters......

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Trinity
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hello all

been recently testing spice and find it it almost exactly like high dose shroom trips, on hi dose shroom trips i go to an outta body place where i hear that kinda reptile noise or whatever u wanna call it and feel like i'm being analyzed.Also in this part of the shroom trip i feel contact with entities telepathically.I also usually find myself crying here....i really dont know why i am cry'n ......its not a sad cry, its not a joy cry...its like jody foster in contact when she's say'n 'i never knew' more like utter awe
In the DMT trips i've had had its been exactly like that except without the cry'n and with the addition of more detailed CEV's and last night i PHYSICALLY felt a feminine entity place a hand on my forehead while communicating it'd be ok....the feeling of the hand remained the entire trip....that i thought was kinda weird ( a good weird)

what is this place the shrooms and dmt are bringing me to??

i have tried smoking in a water bong, lightbulb the last night 'the machine'

the machine works great, my fav thus far....

looking foward to hearing from you
Thats all a sign you're going to die within 48 hours.
Signs your gonna die in 48 hours!?? As If!?
(Sorry, Seems I was wrong)

Welcome to the community mate :)

I think it was Rick Strassman that theorized that DMT is the vessel as such, It carries you to places. In his book the spirit molecule he gave loads of people doses of DMT and documented thier experiences, The experiences were vast but the general out come was another realm/dimension with entities of all different shape and size.

What always gets me is that psilocin's chemical name is (4-HO-DMT), So technically it is a type of DMT. I would say these entities you experience are a projection of wrathfull and peacefull dieties as you travel further into the other side or are entities communicating with you in different realms/dimensions.

How would you describe the reptillian sound?? What does it sound like?
I have cried on trips but usually at points of releasing hurt and bottled up emotion, Its then that I find the beauty in things.

Maybe the hand on your forehead was something to do with your pineal gland becomming more active? Do you feel different in any way today?
hey mate

he was right, I died last night!


I had my 'breakthrough' last night and still a bit stunned, I was scared I am not gonna lie but the strange thing was I remember feeling 'I want this to stop,then I was say'n I want what to stop?'. I remember being like out in front of my body then coming back to it.

I dont remember much of the visuals because I was to shocked and wasnt't pay'n much attention.It had like a 'circus' atmosphere.

But the really fucking weird thing was it was oddly familiar, I had experienced this before I'm guessing still from the shrooms but I don't know, It felt like that place at the brink of madness, yet now with that behind me, I'm already wanting to go back to explore .

I'm not a wordsmith so find it very hard to describe this stuff, even If I was a wordsmith I think I'd have a hardtime :lol:

The sound was the same, its sorta like buzzing thats changing octaves, for me , it sounds like something living and just brings 'reptile/alien' to mind.

All in all that was the most bizarre 'tripping ballz' episode of my life but I had been there before, some other time.

How do I feel about it today? Slighly upset that I let it throw me off so that I couldn't pay more attention but like I said, hopefully with the anxiousness of whether I was 'breaking through' or not now behind me the I can now start exploration.

Bottom line - the experience was horrifying and amazing at the same time with a positive bias.

oh BTW that 'machine' is the best!
How do you mean you died?

Have I missed something?
Trinity a dit:
but the strange thing was I remember feeling 'I want this to stop,then I was say'n I want what to stop?'
Possibly the painful contractions of the cervix before you were born? We all wanted that to stop.

I dont remember much of the visuals because I was to shocked and wasnt't pay'n much attention.
You were probably paying full attention when it happened, but what you perceive is not processed by your brain the way it processes external stimuli, and thus memories of such internal experiences are also not stored the same way, if they are stored at all. One should 'enjoy' and make good use of the trips while they last, because it's very common to forget the experiences afterwards.

It had like a 'circus' atmosphere.
You've been listening to Terence McKenna, haven't you? In any case he often compared the DMT space to a circus or carnival.

it sounds like something living and just brings 'reptile/alien' to mind.
Were you, prior to these experiences, interested in reptilian or alien themes, for example through the writings of David Icke?
if you want something that works fantastic for smoking dmt, get some tin foil and a straw. make a spoon out of the tin foil, and put your dmt in the bowl. take a lighter to the bottom of the tin foil, and suck up the vapor. works Very well. (so im told anyway;) )
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Trinity a dit:
but the strange thing was I remember feeling 'I want this to stop,then I was say'n I want what to stop?'
Possibly the painful contractions of the cervix before you were born? We all wanted that to stop.

I dont remember much of the visuals because I was to shocked and wasnt't pay'n much attention.
You were probably paying full attention when it happened, but what you perceive is not processed by your brain the way it processes external stimuli, and thus memories of such internal experiences are also not stored the same way, if they are stored at all. One should 'enjoy' and make good use of the trips while they last, because it's very common to forget the experiences afterwards.

[quote:1liiaxe0]It had like a 'circus' atmosphere.
You've been listening to Terence McKenna, haven't you? In any case he often compared the DMT space to a circus or carnival.

it sounds like something living and just brings 'reptile/alien' to mind.
Were you, prior to these experiences, interested in reptilian or alien themes, for example through the writings of David Icke?[/quote:1liiaxe0]

thank u for the in depth analysis.....

yes i have listened to mckenna and icke.....the 'circus' atmosphere i mostly relate to from my nights out in the nightclubs on mdma and shrooms it also got this 'carnival' type atmosphere late in the nightafter many hits and the way the lights are going in the club with the music

i dont know if i buy what icke says nor do i know what a reptile sounds like but its the first thing that just comes to mind...what do u think it means? mu sub conscious tries to explain it by what i read and heard maybe?

does the ride get a bit easier to handle?
Trinity a dit:
i dont know if i buy what icke says nor do i know what a reptile sounds
I think most reptiles make hissing sounds. Is that what you heard?

what do u think it means? mu sub conscious tries to explain it by what i read and heard maybe?
That's possible, but I don't want to interpret your experience. It's just that your mentioning of the circus and reptiles gave me the impression you're reading the things I was reading three or four years ago (first David Icke, immediately followed by McKenna).

does the ride get a bit easier to handle?
Not really, especially the first few seconds will always be overwhelming and thus a bit terrifying. I'm not that experienced myself, however.
kinda like a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound that changes octaves

there was something in the trip that i remembered and recognized at the time, its annoying the crap outta me now that i have no idea now what it was.....things were moving so fast then it stoped and i was like i know this then it changed.......

complete madness
:shock: :D

not dmt but.. i do hear a sort of 'sound' when i'm tripping on acid.. almost as if time is being cut up into chunks continuously slowing down and speeding up. wonder if this is a similar phenomenon..