"P. Harmala can be active on its own, nothing compared to DMT but for sure it can induce a trip. This is experientally proven but also chemically, whenever you take a MAO, levels of indigenous bufotenine are entering your blood stream. Bufotenine in itself ,can be psychoactive as well. Also, MAOI's increase serotonin levels in your blood which also can make you feel different"
1:- Please show me proof that P.Harmala on its own can induce a trip other than a placebo / psychelogical one , and tell me / prove in what dose ?
2:- Please show me proof that P.Harmala contains MAO ?
3:- Please explain to me how taking MAO , that a human body produces and contains very much of can cause a trip ?
4:- Please prove that Bufotenine is an hallucinogen ?
5:- Please show me evidence that the human body contains Bufotenine ?
6:- Please prove that if it is an hallucinogen , and that the body contains it , that the body contains enough to cause a trip with MAO ?
7:- Please explain to me why a human being does not get a trip with the MAO that his body allready contains and the Bufotenine that you say it contains ?
8:- Please explain the documented case of a man who ate over a hundred gramms of P.Harmala and didnt have a trip ?
9:- Please explain to me why the people who use and have used P.Harmala as a digestive aid all across the midle east and north africa for the last few thousands years didnt / dont have trips ?
10:- Please explain the reports from J.Ott , C.Rätsch and A.Shulgin that say P.Harmala is not hallucinogenic ? Or are they all wrong ???
11:- Please show your experimental and chemical proof for all of your answers to those questions ? Not just subjective storys from unvalidated sources ? Real believable objective provable proof ?
And "feel different" is not a trip .
Love and Peace