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ayahuasca help

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Alpiniste Kundalini
i have been planning to try ayahuasca for some time now bout a year.
and ive been growing p.viridis but it died and is slowly growing back, but i also have some reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea which is over growing everywhere i am really getting unpatiant and want to try it.but have heard only bad comments about phalaris ayahuasca brews.any help and expereinces with this mixture would be great.thnx

p.viridis is exotic here and cannot find a viable source
Psychotria Viridis is realy easy to grow , it grows like a weed when you know how . It hates direct sunlight but likes a lot of light and lots of water , it can even stand in water without any problems . It needs humidity , dry air kills it . Normal flower earth is good , and ocasionaly you should put what remains in a coffee filter after you have made a can of coffee in / on it wich makes the soil a little acidic . Normal fertilizer does it good , but not to much or to often .

Phalaris grass is suposed to contain a very toxic chemical , Gramin , so its better not to use it for Ayahuasca analogs .
Making ayahuasca from a plant you've grown by yourself sounds absolutely awesome! Wish you luck, man. I personally have nor grown, not used P. viridis.
The aya brews I ingested were made of M.hostilis or D.cabrenana, with syrian rue acting as a MAOI.
Diplopterys cabrenana never worked for me. Even 25 grams gave a very, very weak psychedelic experience, which I personally attribute to MAOI and not DMT.
Mimosa hostilis was much better. 10 g combined with 5grms of rue provided for an impressive and a very unique trip, not comparable to shrooms, acid and etc.
Mimosa is cheap and handy, you shouldn't mess too much with it to make a decent brew. 1 hour of boiling on the medium fire in the slighlty acidified water is all it needs, according to my experience.

and yes, Cabrenana brew is MUCH more disgusting than mimosa, whatever all the internet sources say. The stomach discomfort with cabrenana is many times worse than with mimosa. :roll:
Maybe your Dipolopterys Cabrerana wasnt Diplopterys Cabrerana ????? It alwasy worked for me , i never had any stomache problems and it didnt taste much diferent than Psychotria Viridis brews either . But it was a little stronger than brews with the the same amount of P.Viridis leaves in them . Personaly i find the taste a little like a bitter sort of chocolate mixed with whisky and a little tannin . The content of MAOIs in Peganum Harmala is very stable so i dont think that that could have been the problem .
you gor me wrong here dude..I was trying to emphasize that my trip was caused by MAOI, not DMT, when drinking a brew made with Diplopterys. MAOI itself surely causes the changes in perception.... :)
I don't know, maybe it depends on the vendor. Both Diplopterys and Mimosa were purchased from azarius...
I`m sure Azarius doesnt sell crap . Diplopterys Cabrerana has more drug content than P.Viridis , and P.Harmala on its own doesnt have a psychedelic effect . With 25 gramms you should feel like you are very noticably on a trip but not realy hallucinate . On doses like that i liked going to the toilet in total darkness , just having to feel where i was going wich was very colourfull and F-U-N and i laughed myself stupid .
P.Harmala on its own doesnt have a psychedelic effec
IMHO it definitely has. I've done pure Harmala several times without the addition of any DMT-bearing plant and it worked. Once I shared some harmala seeds with a friend and it felt like we smoked a lot of pot...uncontrollable laughter, some sort of "stillness" and overall "trippy" feeling. It was totally embarrasing- we both knew that we had to make a fire, but we just couldn't help laughing and acting like a bunch of idiots instead of actually doing something. I've never felt sooo stupid on any other drug.. :?
dude don't go there...for your safety and ours...just accept the fact that P. Harmala doesn't have an effect or we will get another 2000 pages long post like some months ago :lol: just kidding (any reference to GOD is purely casual)

however i don't know much about brew tastes, but Phalaris A. did the trick for me. both from DMT extraction and Huasca mixes...tho i have to agree on a definite stomach discomfort.
" IMHO it definitely has "

I respect your honest opinion . But its not right , you are probably talking about psychelogical / placebo effects . What dose are you talking about ? If you read all of this thread you should understand what i am talking about .

http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... ca&lang=en

What i want to see is scientific proof , evidence and not subjective experiences . Please show me something about it in a reliable book or on a reliable web site . Please dont tell me erowid , its less reliable than wikipedia = its often unscientific , unreliable , subjective personal experiences .

" any reference to GOD is purely casual "

Wow !!! How romantic.........

Love GOD
I've seen the link. Please consider that all etheogenic experiences are purely subjective. That is, there can be no ultimate truth. Like, "-hey, there is a giant alien brainsucker on the top of your head!" "-no there is not, it's just a transparent squareegged clown". And who's right here huh? From a scientific point of view, of course, we can debate whether selective MAOI can or cannot act on particular neurotransmitter and blah bah blah...but unfortunately I haven't got approptiate competence in this matter. This, however, doesn't keep me from trusting my own [highly subjective] feelings. Which in turn means that the reference your opinion had been based upon is actually a piece of shit.
" but unfortunately I haven't got approptiate competence in this matter. This, however, doesn't keep me from trusting my own [highly subjective] feelings. "

Well thats honest of you , thanks for backing up what i am saying . But i dont understand why your admision about your subjective opinions makes facts to shit ? Just google Peganum Harmala and then tell us if you deny the experiences of millions of people over thousands of years who have used it to treat indigestion problems .

At what dose of P.Harmala did you have your " Trip " ?

Please dont take this personaly , its not an atack on you . There is nothing wrong or embaressing with having placebo effects . I have used homeopathic medicine and my problem was solved , but i`m not embaresed about it , because i understand what a placebo is and how and why they can work .
Note that I do not disclaim
the experiences of millions of people over thousands of years
. The reason why I consider the mentioned material shitty is because it fails to explain why people could trip on harmala(the placebo effect is not an extraordinary explanation); controversely, it denies the possibility of tripping. It's easier to say that there's no sun, for example, than to explain why and how it shines. I asked few people who took MAOI as medication and all of them claimed to have used it recreationally in high doses, acheiving an effect. [not harmala actually, but prescription MAOIs]. And I have read A LOT about placebo effect in clinical practice, so I know what you mean.
now more on the subject..the dosage taken was 7-8 grams of harmala, eaten raw after 24 hours of fasting . Please take this fact into consideration. It's widely accepted that fasting makes na organism more susceptible to the majority of substances,inluding psychedelics... :!: