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Ayahuasca - Back From the Dead...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion nic_gabriel
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Matrice Périnatale

Brian Rose & Nic Gabriel talk about the fear, anxiety, anticipation, and excitement of their first Ayahuasca retreat in the UK and how they felt physically, emotionally, and spiritually before, during, and directly after ingesting the "Plant Teacher." They detail the logistics of the actual ceremony and describe the sensations felt hour-by-hour as the medicine traversed their bodies and conclude with individual life lessons drawn from the experience.

"That was a wild and strange ride." - Brian (00:45)

"I was the one pushing you to do it, and when we got in I was the one who freaked out." - Nic (00:57)

"Even if you had told me 2 days ago what was actually going to happen in that room for six hours, I mean seriously there was some crazy stuff." - Brian (03:18)

"Nic & I went on Monday evening to an Ayahuasca retreat in the UK." - Brian (03:27)

"I was disappointed but I was too freaked out to say." - Nic (05:20)

"Then she sang for 5 hours straight." - Brian (06:56)

"You sit in the dark for 45 minutes and you're not allowed to purge." - Nic (10:12)

"The nausea is part of the process, part of the healing, I can't help it." - Brian (14:05)

"A lot of what happened to me is beyond words." - Nic (19:11)

"I just kept thinking yeah, everyone is my family, everyone." - Brian (25:11)

"I'm doing everything I can to not cry now." - Nic (32:30)

"Part of me wanted to grab her in the neck. It was like fire in my eyes." - Brian (39:47)

"She started sucking this negative energy out." - Nic (44:45)

"The whole ceremony and the whole process and the whole idea of Ayahuasca is such a positive thing." - Brian (48:45)

"I'm going to do Ayahuasca again, are you coming with me?" - Nic (58:31)

"I hate to say it but I got it. Ayahuasca really flipped a switch in me." - Brian (1:05:11)
I"m looking for some answers didn't find any suiting tread for my question thou.
Is there anyone on here who had a stroke and drank ayahuasca or was in mushroom ceremonies after having a stroke ?
I have been drinking ayahuasca for a long time and travelling for more than 30 years but this is new to me, had a stroke a few months back and want to inform myself if it's possible or not to drink again.
thanx !
nic_gabriel a dit:
Ayahuasca - Back from the Dead | London Real - YouTube

Brian Rose & Nic Gabriel talk about the fear, anxiety, anticipation, and excitement of their first Ayahuasca retreat in the UK and how they felt physically, emotionally, and spiritually before, during, and directly after ingesting the "Plant Teacher." They detail the logistics of the actual ceremony and describe the sensations felt hour-by-hour as the medicine traversed their bodies and conclude with individual life lessons drawn from the experience.

"That was a wild and strange ride." - Brian (00:45)

"I was the one pushing you to do it, and when we got in I was the one who freaked out." - Nic (00:57)

"Even if you had told me 2 days ago what was actually going to happen in that room for six hours, I mean seriously there was some crazy stuff." - Brian (03:18)

"Nic & I went on Monday evening to an Ayahuasca retreat in the UK." - Brian (03:27)

"I was disappointed but I was too freaked out to say." - Nic (05:20)

"Then she sang for 5 hours straight." - Brian (06:56)

"You sit in the dark for 45 minutes and you're not allowed to purge." - Nic (10:12)

"The nausea is part of the process, part of the healing, I can't help it." - Brian (14:05)

"A lot of what happened to me is beyond words." - Nic (19:11)

"I just kept thinking yeah, everyone is my family, everyone." - Brian (25:11)

"I'm doing everything I can to not cry now." - Nic (32:30)

"Part of me wanted to grab her in the neck. It was like fire in my eyes." - Brian (39:47)

"She started sucking this negative energy out." - Nic (44:45)

"The whole ceremony and the whole process and the whole idea of Ayahuasca is such a positive thing." - Brian (48:45)

"I'm going to do Ayahuasca again, are you coming with me?" - Nic (58:31)

"I hate to say it but I got it. Ayahuasca really flipped a switch in me." - Brian (1:05:11)

I have seen and talked to a lot of UK people who has been in Ayahuasca retreats, I am glad to read all the experiences here.:pidu:
I'm of the opinion that ayahuasca experiences vary greatly based on your own state of mind, not just at the time but from birth and whatever your relationship with yourself is like.
Here is what my experience of Ayahuasca felt like:

An Ayahuasca Death of the Ego

I recently embarked on a very important journey and came across a very important personal discovery. All within myself and all that I know deep down must be shared. Seven days (from this post) I joined in on an Ayahuasca ceremony. For anyone reading who doesn't know what Ayahuasca is, its a very powerful plant medicine from the amazon of Peru. Its translation means "The Vine of the Soul." My translation is "Gods Medicine." The dynamic of Ayahuasca is simple. Ayahuasca is nurturing but yet confronting of all darkness within. She's intuitive and comes to you in your life once you are courageously ready to take giant leaps of faith. This plant medicine has given me access to my higher self, my own God-power, and the ability to heal thyself.
Going thru an ego death was the most terrifying thing for me to go through. The effects differentiate between those ready to drink. For me, the effects took precedence instantaneously. My reluctant willingness to go deep within myself was so unavoidable and to even attempt avoidance while with Ayahuasca is merely a reflection of how well you consciously avoid yourself in your waking moments. I scurried straight to the restroom to privately purge (by purge, I mean vomiting.) The brew acts as a cleansing detox that eliminates excess amounts of built up toxins physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is likely you will purge but sometimes you may not or never. For me, the purge wasn't this violent procedure. The anxiety built up in me was what caused the experience to feel volatile but all the while you begin to hear a soft voice gracefully make its way through as if you're watching a choir of angels break the clouds to sing to you healing hymns. As poetic as that sounds, that is the most literal way I can describe the comfort of Ayahuasca. The mothering and doctoring I felt during my purge was what allowed me to regain and ground myself. Once I finished my epic cleansing, I slowly stood up and buried my face into the sink. As this is happening I witness the visions of endless geometrical patterns that felt as if it is the sacred coding of the Universe. As if the Universe speaks in symbols. I was able to visually see these Geometrical symbols and even understand it. The entire bathroom began to breathe in and out with pulsing vibrancy. I felt the entire house fill its lungs with the flux of breath as I realized the preciousness of breathing. In the meantime of my appreciation for breathing I was soaring within and all around endless golden galaxies. After being buried in the sink for what felt like eternity, I raised my head to take a good deep look into my eyes. As I did this, I firstly noticed myself to be fearful. I watched myself breathing hard with a racing heart. Ayahuasca again flows into me and slowly tells me, "Shhhh my bird, you're no longer trapped. Calm your breathing." I watched the fear leave my eyes and the fear leave my body as my breathing became at peace with who I was seeing myself to always be. The best way for me to describe that experience is to compare it to a wild bird that we selfishly trap in cages. It starts to forget its own instincts and even can become frightened and startled by everything it experiences. But once you open the cage and allow it to fly freely it may stumble as it has forgotten how to use its wings. But once it slowly remembers its instincts it soon enough leads itself back into the wild where it belongs. I related that entire moment to myself. The mental imprisionment Ive been under, the sense of being captured and tamed unwillingly, explained so much of who I am. The rebel. Ive always rebelled and expelled conformity and authority. We are not to be tamed, we are to be nurtured. We are allowed to fly wherever our instincts tell us to and return if that is what we wish. There is no such thing as boundary or limit. Only within the structure of this reality do we experience such devolution of self and resistance. Fear is the most stoppable and stagnant force to exist. Fear is like a black sticky mud that clogs your pores of connection to you. It is the barrier between you and you. And it is a choice to have it and keep it. Once fear enters our existence we grow the infestation and spread it to others through our attitudes, behaviors, and actions. Have you ever been near someone who complains a lot and quickly feel tired soon after listening to that individual? It aspires to draw in energy from anything it can host off of. That is exactly where death exists.... in the pit of fear.
Once I delved deep into the origins of fear and death I regained my strength and breath to where I was able to rejoin the ceremony. As I walked through the hallway the patterns became extraordinarily overwhelming. The snake, which appears with Ayahuasca, was worming all around the room but not in an evil way. Most depict snakes to be treacherous and evil but I did not sense this to be close to that nature. It felt more like a spirit form showing itself to me. As I'm standing in the hallway peering into the dark lighted room, I immediately forgot where I was. I forgot everything. I kneed in awe and put my head into my hands. It was as if I was stuck in a dream and could not wake up. Like I was a person who died and entered into the afterlife without the slightest clue. Anytime I thought of time Ayahuasca hysterically told me it did not matter the time because where you are there is none. This of course enraged my panic. I immediately went into the thought I had died indefinitely. I clumsily made my way over to the shaman who asked me what was wrong. All I could say was "I don't know where I am." He kindly touched my head and told me "This is just an ayahuasca experience. You're ok." Once I regained my grounding and figured out where I was I felt confident enough to go back to my space and continue my inner work.
After loosing all senses, I started to feel the balance between the earthly realm and the spirit realm. I was living in both paradoxes at once. I could feel every little thing. I could feel the experience happen to my friend next to me and we later disclosed some of the exact same thoughts and experiences. I began feeling as I was the most majestic free flowing bird. My hair felt like long soft feathers and my eyes were wide open with awareness and trust. I nicely heard the calming voice of Ayahuasca say to me "My student has returned. Are you ready to really learn?" I knew this information was going to be far greater than any book or lecture I've ever read or been to. It was all of own inner wisdom, all of what I already known my entire life. Everything began to feel as if my state of amnesia was slowly slipping away and I was in my being of knowing. The restlessness became still and I just felt with my heart. Aya then taught me the lesson about feeling and thinking.. Her quote was this "Do not try to outthink how you feel. Once you find the words the feeling will already be gone." I then understood the weight of words and how heavy they can be. Words became useless in my communication with Aya. I felt as if I was sitting in a calm nature-esque home just taking in everything and feeling this absolute oneness and connectedness to it all. It came to me in a vision. Heres a poem to describe it that I wrote:

A meadow long and endless. A crystal gold of sunlight kisses each blade of grass, watching the reflection glitter effortlessly and majestically. The unseen wind rolls through the meadow, bending and rolling over the meadow with ease and purity.

The oneness of the wind, the blades of grass, the heavenly light, all working in oneness to create this complete moment of sublime bliss. I could feel myself in each blade of grass, in the wind, and in the light. I then connected this vision to everything I come across in life. To people, friends, family, co-workers, clients and all.. The truth that we are all one and projections of the whole became so clear to me. It was right at the moment of oneness that I watched what happens when the oneness becomes disconnected. The muddy pool of fear pulls on the connection devouring a piece of the whole which ripples the entirety itself. Hatred, anger, fear and war is what separates us from our own higher connection. The man-made structure of structure, the enslavement, the survival, and loss of self is what occurs when disconnected. I watched it transform into a pulsing black slow beating heart organ. I watched what disconnection does to the body. How disease creeps in and brings death. I began to feel the utmost gratitude towards those that suffer as I too have suffered. I began bowing with this strong and deep respect for those who suffer. I realized that only gratitude, love and understanding can eliminate such fearful ways out of your existence. Each time I felt a persons suffering come near my space, instead of welcoming it to take hold of my being, I welcomed it with gratitude and it retracts desperately away from light. It cannot recognize itself when submerged in love. It cannot stand the oneness. It repels its own-self.

After recognizing agony and its lifeless character, I then became endlessly in gratitude for life itself. The appreciation for my loved ones enveloped me with this will and purpose to love stronger, appreciate daily, and practice compassion. I held everyone that came to me, my mother, my father, my brother, my daughter, anyone who I ever once came into contact with. I bowed to each for their suffering and gave immense gratitude to each for their importance.

Hi guys

where can I find these retreats? Really need to cleanse myself
Awesome Interview! Thanks guys. I have a blog where I speak about Aya. I would love an opportunity to join you in an interview. I've lived in the amazon for some time working with the Shipibo shaman. I'm now starting to open up about my experience & looking to collaborate with others.
Thank you very much, this interview was very informative. I was wondering if you would be willing to talk with me further and share your experiences, possibly answer some of my own questions? any information is super appreciated.
Fantastic job on the podcast, guys. Sorry you got axed from LR, Nic. Good luck with your latest project.
Until recently I thought PTSD was incurable, at least my condition, then I heard that Hamilton Souther has healed thousands with the knowledge he has learned from the plants and is now curing PTSD….
Are icaros invoking spirits? I am interested in your feedback
you can listen to the icaros if you support the campaign.
Ayahuasca is a plant that can show us the way, we can show where we are going, what is the mission that every human being on earth must meet. At bottom, it is clear what I have as a human on this earth, in this space, what I'm looking for. Also search our spiritual side connected to our conscience because we are usually working mind, reasoning, and forget the heart. The Ayahuasca allows that connection, connects the mind with the body and the energy begins to circulate. Then we feel our heart, our soul, how are internally; Emotions start flowing freely. Visions appear as singing intensifies and mareación up, product ingestion of the brew, "producing contact" with certain brain neurons. Well run ritual brings respect, preparation, confidence and commitment. Articles - NATURE MYSTICISM :heart:
You can't just register to Psychonaut to post an advertisement to a "healing" centre. We don't have a clue about these centres, we can't take the risk that someone go to one and have a traumatizing experience. This is no place to put links to Ayahuasca retreat centres, especially if you own them or work there. We have to find a way to be sure that if users (and not owners) talk about these kind of places, it is for the best. I don't know what is best, that we talk about it or not. There is no easy answer.

But I don't want advertisements for sure.