Argentina legalises Hasj and Marijuana

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Commercial growing of course... but what they are saying is that they wont investigate and send sniffing govt dogs your way UNLESS you really abuse the option, or that the pot you grow is visible or accessible to children and that constitutes danger.

It's incredible news.
Well... our constitution does say that every individual has the liberty to make important decisions about his life and all that kind of things that should imply that one has the right to take any drug he wants, but then we have laws against drugs that make it illegal....
The state will not establish morality... but morality will be seen by peace agents, who hopefully will learn to do their job ethically.

Think about it... who needs crystal meth when you can grow ephedra, coca, mate, tea in your backyard. Only people with troubled minds who have a chance of becoming dangerous to others...

Thats why they do not say they legalise every drug, some drugs have no practical use exept for abusive people, and abusive people giving them to young influencable minds is a danger to society.

So where to draw the line ? Better just acknowledge the constitution and then say it does not mean we're not going to intervene anymore.

This is why I say its the best good news in 10 years... because NOONE ever said we had a constitution... I mean yeah, it's there... but honestly noone ever said it was there, in court. But again it's not surprising to see this come from a country in south america with a sun worshipping sign on their flag 8)