Argentina legalises Hasj and Marijuana

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Elfe Mécanique
Argentina legalises Hasj and Marijuana

BUENOS AIRES - People in Argentina are from now on allowed to possess small amounts of marijuana for private use.

The Supreme Court in Argentina decided this tuesday (local time).

According to the judges it is fixed in the constitution that "every adult can take independent decisions about his or her lifestyle without the government interfering.

Private behaviour is only illegal when it causes danger or damages the goods or rights of others.


Some days ago mexico already decided to legalise possession of small amounts of heroin, marijuana and cocaine.

According to the Mexican authorities the fight of the private use of these substances costs too many police-commitment.

This means there is less police available for fighting organised crime. Latin America is the cradle of drugs as cocaine. particularly in mexico thousands of people die from drug-related violence.
Excellent! :D
wow that's great, I especially like their argumentation:

every adult can take independent decisions about his or her lifestyle without the government interfering.

Private behaviour is only illegal when it causes danger or damages the goods or rights of others.

Normally the only argumentation for legalization of private use is money or lack of police...
Inded ! That seems like a flag worth waving for our hopes of peace...

It only takes one with crime statistics falling, and the rest of the world might just follow. When something becomes part of the big good sense, entire population cannot be stopped anymore by industrialist lobying.
That sounds fantastic !! I look forward to see how that works out in practice when laws are enacted/changed to follow suit.
Just wondering, was it decriminalized for personal use or actually legalized (like, legal to buy and sell small amounts)
^ yeah, the text kind of suggests the idea of decriminalization.
According to the judges it is fixed in the constitution that "every adult can take independent decisions about his or her lifestyle without the government interfering."

Thats legalisation my friends, you just cannot fill a whole field with cannabis and make a market out of it... but if your friend sells you an ounce for your good enjoyment, nobody has anything to say about it.

That means you can also grow it in your backyard or house, provided it's protected from children acessing it.
always thought about going to argentina to learn some bandoneon and tango.

I guess the trip is going to be even more enjoyable now then :D
Lucky you ! I always wanted to go to spain because they're allowed to grow on their porsh, as many as you want, smelly as you like em.

Heeeeh. Here I don't even bring anything illegal in my house, so strict and unreasonable the "peace" agents sometimes are.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Lucky you ! I always wanted to go to spain because they're allowed to grow on their porsh, as many as you want, smelly as you like em.

this is not true.. growing is illegal in spain, but in some places (such as barcelona) it is tolerated, the number is supposedly 1 plant per person in the house, but I've never seen this written down from an official source. One can see there plants in balconies sometimes, so it cant be too much of a problem. If one goes south of spain or other areas, on the other hand, the policia civil will quick quick come to take you away if they see or someone denounces a grow.
Good stuff.

I just hope that somehow they will see the benefits.
Bravo, that just put South America back on the list to visit. Hope i dont get kidnapped...
Forkbender a dit:
I just hope that somehow they will see the benefits.

How could that not happen? Of course it might take a few years before they see them but they will happen for sure. Prohibition is retarded and the governments know it now (or since the beginning?), but they are all too scared to legalize because of the pressure from other countries, especially the USA's, to initiate the move. (or do they want to? they are profitting from the war on drugs, it creates thousands of jobs, and who know for sure that they aren't arranged with organised crime to get some of the money generated by the commerce of drugs? Here in Quebec, if you sell drugs, you have the obligation to declare it and your revenue to RevenuQuébec each year so you pay your taxes, just like any other profession. This information is confidential, and therefore will not be revealed to the police. It is the same thing if you're a bounty hunter. What I'm telling you comes from the mouth of a RevenuQuébec employee.)
Psychoid a dit:
Forkbender a dit:
I just hope that somehow they will see the benefits.

How could that not happen?

Since growing/selling is still illegal, you get a situation where you can have it, but you can't grow it. So the transaction is illegal and in the hand of people who do not give a damn most of the time. Even here in the Netherlands, where there are licensed sellers, there is a problem because big scale growing is illegal and supplying these shops is illegal ( :roll: ). The result is often bad quality weed at a high price, while organized crime runs the show because the police is after the guy who has 20 instead of 200000 plants.
Oh I thought it was complete legalisation... Nowhere in the texts it says decriminalization, it's all about legalisation. In Mexico it was decriminalization thought.

Of course it is only possession of small amounts for personal use, so it is still going to be organized crime that will be selling it. You're right, there could be little observable benefits, except for the consumers (and more space in prisons probably)
NO no... you guys are missing it... this is the best news ever in 10 years :P

Right to private life if it does not harm anyone includes tons of marijuanna inside a locked greenhouse.

Think about it.

Thats what it says !
I share your enthusiasm, but I must say that I have read other articles about it that said that growing/selling will still be illegal.