^You pick out this statement and pull it out of its context, claiming things I never said (like war being 'okay' and violence being 'not wrong'). My point was that eventhough there is endless suffering, one can still be happy, compassionate, aware, thoughtful, etc. I was responding to robhR's statement that there was something wrong with the world, and that his view on it was okay and completely right, therefore enforcing the structure of the ego (i.e. I am right, you are all wrong). My statement was a general statement, saying that the way the world works isn't wrong, but that we judge it to be that way (we interpret the world to our own advantage, claiming to be better than the rest). This leaves room for people being stupid and violent. And it could very well be that these actions are wrong, but you cannot lump everything together (the world) and say something about it in general (that it is wrong).